

existential:[英 [ˌegzɪˈstenʃəl] 美 [ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃəl, ˌɛksɪ-] ]


existential 基本解释




existential 网络解释

1. existential是什么意思

1. 有关存在的:existent 存在的 | existential 有关存在的 | existentialist 存在主义者


2. 存在句:existent 存在物 | existential 存在句 | existential process 存在过程

3. 存在的,[存在句的]:exclamation 感叹句 | existential 存在的,[存在句的] | exoglossic 族外语的

existential 双语例句

1. Any logic which uses the existential quantifier or the universal quantifier is said to be a predicate logic.


2. existential的反义词

2. Based on monoid comprehension, we presented an extendable object query translation algorithm which can deal with nested subquery, query with existential and universal quantifier, query with aggregate function, query with sort/group. This algorithm converted the query into joins to the utmost to expect different physical implementations of join to raise execution efficiency.


3. It's a form of existential aerobics, a moving meditation.


4. existential

4. Chapter 3: The philosophical thinking on existential consciousness in Sha Ting's novels.


5. The film confronts the viewer with existential questions.

这个- 片迫使观众勇敢地面对生死问题。

6. Most obviously, instrumentalists tend not to like grand existential projects-the constitution, a European army, the Europeanisation of national legal systems. But it is no less true that many existentialists do not support the policies that animate the instrumentalists-or at any rate not enough to make them work.


7. existential

7. No existential secrets are revealed to me.



8. In order to change the existential reality, i recommendate to pant some higher trees besides the lawn, which is not only break the harmoneousness, but also help all of us out of doing the not good thing. of course you can contact to the campus gardening company when settle it.


9. The theology thought that Heidegger contains in the philosophical thinking andtheir impact of philosophical thinking over modern theology has all composedHeidegger and modern theology relation, that Heidegger and Christian relation becomemodern magical educational circles has been entire thought boundary regard and the hotspot studying even, people has looked at the cartful thought having understood thiswhat great thinker thought middle implication gradually, his thought about existencehas also been the theologian who has affected that Bargeman is such as inclusivemany existentialisms, construction course being entire existential theology school even, that is to say the impact of Heidegger theology thought and whose philosophicalthinking over modern theology thought all becomes one of the important thought eventthat modern Christianity studies, both Macao and Flatboats theologian be affected verymuch by whose thought, Heinrich ott brings forward the Switzerland theologian evenrebuilding system theology motion with Heidegger philosophy, Heidegger philosophywarm and the theology relation debate stretching causing magical educational circles ofGerman.



10. Such dramatic tragedy as The Glass Menagerie is to explore the existential conditions of the characters, which is a reflection of human existential conditions.


11. existential的意思

11. We show that it is secure against existential forgeable on adaptively chosen message and ID attack under the random oracle.



12. The theoretical framework built up by the cosmology of qi has played an important role in both Chinese traditional philosophy and medical methodology. In terms of history, they do possess the existential value and function.


13. In addition to the introduction and conclusion parts, the main content of this thesis includes the following three chapters:Chapter 1: The embodiment of existential consciousness in Sha Ting's novels.


14. Sha Ting's recognition for existential consciousness give us enlightenments.


15. existential

15. Chpter 2: The reasons for the existential consciousness in Sha Ting's novels.


16. existential

16. This chapter adopts the direct-viewing and concrete demonstration method, combined with the definition of existential consciousness, to display different levels of existential consciousness in Sha Ting's novels.


17. From Song Dynasty Yan Yu because of the start of Zen, esthetic ideal of imagery criticism inclined dilutive and void evidently. Images usually are untrammeled and lonely void phantom not existential substance.


18. existential在线翻译

18. Of Computer Network and Information Security, Xidian Univ., Xi'an 710071, ChinaA threshold signature scheme is presented and is provably secure in the standard model. The proposed construction possesses public verifiability and detects the dishonest participants by using Gennaro`s distributed key generation protocol and the bilinear pairing. Its key generation does not require a trusted dealer in the key generation protocol and only runs an interactive protocol among n participants. This new scheme proves robust and secure against existential forgery under the adaptive chosen message attack, assuming that the computation Diffie-Hellman assumption holds.


19. It is proved that the stationary solution for the equations of stationary atmospheric motion is either unique or non-existential and in any case there does not exist multi-solution if anyone of nonlinearity, dissipation and external forcing is omitted.


20. I mean of course that hundertwasser will have dominated his epoch by establishing his roots right from the beginning, in his own marginal originality, founded upon the extreme precociousness of his existential outlook.


existential 词典解释

1. 关于人类存在的;基于存在(或经验)的

Existential means relating to human existence and experience.

e.g. Existential questions requiring religious answers still persist.


2. 有关(生死)存在的

You use existential to describe fear, anxiety, and other feelings that are caused by thinking about human existence and death.

e.g. 'What if there's nothing left at all?' he cries, lost in some intense existential angst.


existential 单语例句

1. And it was German procrastination that aggravated the Greek crisis and caused the contagion that turned it into an existential crisis for Europe.

2. Barak also suggested Israel was coordinating with Washington on its plans about handling Teheran's nuclear project which Israel views as an existential threat.

3. Israel has long said that a nuclear Iran would be an existential threat.

4. This is a sequel of wry wit, shameless camp appeal and wild existential ambition.

5. Like most existential crises, bagel withdrawal is rarely understood outside its circle of sufferers.

6. The growing potential for a nuclear disaster by cyber attack adds to the existential danger.

7. It is now mired in an existential crisis more profound than at any point since 1945.

8. Now we have awakened to an existential crisis for the common currency.

9. Not many gallery owners would display interesting but not very artistic work by a young man recovering from an existential crisis and depression.

10. The focus of the artist has switched from his former existential trauma to his recent imaginings about the interactive relationship between human beings and nature.
