

falsify:[英 [ˈfɔ:lsɪfaɪ] 美 [ˈfɔlsəˌfaɪ] ]


过去式:falsified;   过去分词:falsified;   现在分词:falsifying;   复数形式:falsifies;

falsify 基本解释



名词歪曲; 弄虚作假; 弄虚作假者; 伪造者


falsify 相关例句



1. Her speech in Parliament was falsified by the newspapers.



1. falsify

1. He has falsified in his answer.


falsify 网络解释

1. 证伪:即一个失败了的检验就足以证伪(falsify),而再多的确认性的例证也不能够完全证实(verify). 科学原理的特征 是假定性,其真实性要能经受证伪的检验. 声称拥有绝对真理的意识形态是一种谬 误的宣称,所以只能用强制手段强加于社会.

2. 篡改:face off对峙 | falsify篡改 | flagrant臭名昭著的

3. 伪造:falsifier 伪造者 | falsify 伪造 | falsism 谬论

4. 说谎:说话猥亵的ribald | 说谎falsify | 说谎的mendacious

falsify 双语例句

1. Objective: To set up an analytical method to distinguish the falsify of Chinese chilly powder.


2. She had to falsify the accounts so you wouldn't know about it.


3. She had to falsify the accounts so you wouldn`t know about it.


4. falsify的近义词

4. But meanwhile, various kinds of scandals that accounting personnel falsify accounts have appeared in succession in some big companies and big groups of the international community at present.



5. But it also has disadvantages. Under the drive of partial interest and personal interest. some department and companiesviolate the rules, falsify an accounts, accounting information distortion.


6. So, we accounting employees should strengthen accountants basic professional ethics construction, improve ones own professional ethics level, to the country, the society, enterprises are responsible for - falsify accounts.


7. Not to falsify accounts was supposed to be the accounting industry's most basic integrity of the bottom line, but China on this question, Premier Zhu was forced to self-destruct inscriptions for the commitment, false accounting the seriousness of the problem is obvious.



8. A new usage once took time to spread, but now a pop star can falsify it across the world in hours.


9. If he may possibly destroy or falsify evidence, or collude with others to devise a consistent story


10. I can falsify the question, but never get a truly positive answer.



11. I would falsify the attendance records by filling out membership cards with fictitious names.


12. falsify的近义词

12. From this incident, I genuinely realise that I cannot and should not falsify events and comments with the intent of causing damage to the school`s reputation.



13. If this scientific hypothesis is disproved it will falsify his claims.


14. This has led some of them to falsify research results and plagiarize the work of others.


15. Fake copy, sham, fraud, forgery, imitation, simulation, falsify, pretend

n。假货,欺骗 adj。假的 vt。伪造,赝造,捏造,假造,仿造 vi。伪装

16. Any claim, which is not necessarily true in all possible futures, cannot be used to falsify his origination in a future different from ours.


17. falsify的近义词

17. It's easy to falsify or embellish beyond a point that would be an ethical representation of your accomplishments.


18. It is against the law to falsify a visa.


19. Don`t allow anyone to falsify statements on your loan application about debt owed, child support, or employment.



20. Know the warning signs of a predatory lender, such as making you borrow more than you need or can afford to repay, charging excessive fees, making you falsify statements on your application, or quoting an interest rate that is much higher than what you qualify for based on your credit.


falsify 词典解释

1. 篡改;伪造

If someone falsifies something, they change it or add untrue details to it in order to deceive people.

e.g. The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.



...recent concern about the falsification of evidence in court.

最近对在法庭上作伪证的担忧falsify 单语例句

1. Officials who falsify economic data could face the sack under a new law aimed at wiping out fraudulent figures.

2. Independent estimates say the real figure could be far higher as mines often falsify death counts to escape closures and fines.

3. Some parents were found to have helped their children fabricate award experiences or falsify qualifications to get extra credits.

4. The teachers taught the children how to falsify facts for the reporters.

5. One of China's most influential scientists said Friday that scientists who falsify their work should be seriously punished by the Chinese scientific community.

6. The statistics bureau chief called on companies to provide " true and accurate " information, saying those that falsify data will be punished.

7. The suspects are alleged to have produced, sold or added melamine into fresh milk to falsify protein tests.

8. Federal law makes it a crime to knowingly and willfully falsify statements on matters within the federal government's jurisdiction.

9. Reports have said that some accounts have even added fake followers to falsify their popularity.

10. Bernie Madoff was able to falsify figures for a decade or more before finally being exposed.

falsify的反义词falsify 英英释义


1. insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

Synonym: interpolatealter

2. falsify knowingly

e.g. She falsified the records

3. prove false

e.g. Falsify a claim

4. make false by mutilation or addition

as of a message or story

Synonym: distortgarblewarp

5. tamper, with the purpose of deception

e.g. Fudge the figures

cook the books

falsify the data

Synonym: fudgemanipulatefakecookwanglemisrepresent