

imaginable:[英 [ɪˈmædʒɪnəbl] 美 [ɪˈmædʒənəbəl] ]


imaginable 基本解释


形容词可能的; 可想像的


imaginable 相关例句



1. This is the only solution imaginable.


2. We had the greatest difficulty imaginable.


3. He is the most suitable person imaginable.


imaginable 网络解释

1. 可想象的:sastisfactory#令人满意的 | imaginable#可想象的 | imaginative#富于想象的

2. 可以想象的:ignorant 无知的 | imaginable 可以想象的 | imaginative 富有想象力的,爱想象的

3. 可以想象得到的 (真实存在的):imaginary想象中的,虚构的 | imaginable可以想象得到的(真实存在的) | imaginative有想象力的

4. 可想像的:imaginabale /可想像的/可能的/ | imaginable /可想像的/ | imaginably /可想象地/想象得出的/

imaginable 双语例句

1. Andy Liou the reputation in China is imaginable, in China simply the childs all know, just so-called, who can not know, be have to know Andy Liou~!!


2. Kicking, punching and swinging every household object imaginable-from frying pans and tennis rackets to pillowcases stuffed with soda cans-they beat each other mercilessly in a garage in this bedroom community south of San Francisdo. Then, bloodied and bruised, they limp back to their desks in the morning.

用每一个可以想象得出来的家用物品脚踢、击打和挥舞,--从煎锅到网球拍和枕套之类的东西跟苏打罐一起(电影中两个男主角经常用这些东西来敲打罐头,就像打高尔夫球一样)--他们在旧金山南部的一个卧室群体( Bedroom community,我实在不知道怎么译才准确)的车库中残忍的互相对打,然后一瘸一拐的在第二天清晨回到他们的办公桌(这里跟电影剧情是一样的)。

3. Can`t we try to give reasons to every manipulation of the floor, so that we may turn it into a stair when the stair is needed, turn it into a ramp when a ramp is needed, a hill when a hill is needed, etceteras, in order to build up a debatable, imaginable non-linear scenography…?


4. After he had slumber'd, rather than slept, about half an Hour, he wak'd again, and comes out of the Cave to me; for I had been milking my Goats, which I had in the Enclosure just by: When he espy'd me, he came running to me, laying himself down again upon the Ground, with all the possible Signs of an humble thankful Disposition, making a many antick Gestures show it: At last he lays his Head flat upon the Ground, close to my Foot, and sets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before; and after this, made all the Signs to me of Subjection, Servitude, and Submission imaginable, to let me know, how he would serve me as long as he liv'd; I understood him in many Things, and let him know, I was very well pleas'd with him; in a little Time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and first, I made him know his Name should be Friday, which was the Day I sav'd his Life; I call'd him so for the Memory of the Time; I likewise taught him to say Master, and then let him know, that was to be my Name; I likewise taught him to say, YES, and No, and to know the Meaning of them; I gave him some Milk, in an earthen Pot, and let him see me Drink it before him, and sop my Bread in it; and I gave him a Cake of Bread, to do the like, which he quickly comply'd with, and made Signs that it was very good for him.


5. We must take all the measures imaginable to reduce the amount of loss.


6. imaginable的翻译

6. Despite critics who say that money in developing countries is better spent on books and teachers, placing such devoices into the hands of children is a worldwide diffusion of knowledge for a cost so low the savings are scarcely imaginable.


7. Palestinians only have crude and light weapons against the world`s fourth most powerful military with nearly every imaginable modern weapon including sophisticated nuclear ones and delivery systems to use them effectively.


8. We can send and receive this data in any imaginable way.


9. Bear in mind also that bo the lover the loved one is always the most beautiful thing imaginable, even though to a stranger she may bu indistingguishable from an order of smelts.


10. However, even with the best detection imaginable, it is impossible to give much advance notice.


11. Indeed, it's a shop where you can find all the candies imaginable, blood-flavoured lollipops, Bertie Botts every flavour beans or Pepper Imps.


12. An orgasm is one of the biggest reinforcers imaginable.



13. That is not to assert that if I were ill she would not nurse me through any imaginable contagion, nor that if she were drowning I would not plunge in after her, whatever my delinquencies at swimming: what I mean is that, pending such high crises, we tolerate each other amicably, and never think of doing more.


14. imaginable的翻译

14. There are many different kinds, from the extremely luxurious to the convertible pick-up truck. There are monster campers with every imaginable luxury, from deep freezes and microwave ovens, to plush carpets and color television sets.


15. imaginable是什么意思

15. Topiary Joe designs and creates memorable art to be planted as topiary or stand alone metal art work - regular or stainless steel topiary garden frames of any creature imaginable.


16. This part holds the view that the doctrine of yinyangwuxing not only provided possibility for the fu of sao type to construct the imaginable space but also a series of concrete images and scenes.



17. Imaginable, soft get rid of, the quantity of the soft dish only the ability is getting worse and worse, is now of inferior and soft dish particularly is to flood the market, the customer buys the thus soft dish, not only dataing storing timing ising short, but also usually damaging soft get rid of, speed soft get rid of of wear away and increased the equipments to maintain time, bring to the business enterprise to shut down additionally and huge great damage.


18. It is also obviously something that can be a matter of degree: some differences are more empathetically imaginable than others.


19. imaginable

19. It is imaginable that knowledge play an impotant role in our whole life.


20. imaginable

20. This kind of criminal conduct represents the most traitorous action imaginable against a country governed by the rule of law.


imaginable 词典解释

1. (常与 best,worst 等形容词最高级连用)可想象的,想得到的

You use imaginable after a superlative such as 'best' or 'worst' to emphasize that something is extreme in some way.


e.g. ...their imprisonment under some of the most horrible circumstances imaginable...


e.g. He could not disguise that he had had the worst imaginable day for any minister.


2. (用于 every,all 之后,表示强调)(一切)可能存在的,(一切)可能发生的;(用于 no 以后)根本

You use imaginable after a word like 'every' or 'all' to emphasize that you are talking about all the possible examples of something. You use imaginable after 'no' to emphasize that something does not have the quality mentioned.

e.g. ...all of the other imaginable ramifications of this technology...


e.g. Parents encourage every activity imaginable.


imaginable 单语例句

1. I have no doubt that this visit will consolidate our relations, which have registered substantial progress in every field imaginable since 2009.

2. The book claims China should assert itself - militarily, diplomatically and every other way imaginable.

3. You can walk on it, drive under it and frolic in it in all ways imaginable.

4. All sorts of pastries and fillings imaginable are available, even moon cakes made from icecream and chocolate.

5. Increasing numbers of Chinese consumers are going online to buy virtually every commodity imaginable.

6. This season shoes are adorned with metal and plastic details in every color imaginable, check out those by Ralph Lauren and Proenza and then stalk Shanxi Nan Lu.

7. Asus is one versatile company that seems to have dipped its hands into just about anything and everything digital imaginable.

8. After police began writing tickets for every minor infraction imaginable, cruisers got the message and drove away.

9. He said the Internet has transformed life in a way that was imaginable when he first set up the connection.

10. You can wander the streets, surrounded by copycats of every imaginable famous painting ever made.

imaginable 英英释义



1. capable of being imagined

e.g. that is one possible answer

Synonym: conceivable