

pay:[英 [peɪ] 美 [pe] ]


过去式:paid;   过去分词:paid;   现在分词:paying;

pay 基本解释


及物/不及物动词付款; 偿还; 补偿; (对…)有利

及物动词支付; 给予

名词工资; 薪水; 报答

形容词收费的; 需付费的

pay 同义词



pay 反义词


pay 相关词组


1. pay off : 报复;

2. in the pay of : 受...雇用;

3. pay up : 全部付清;


pay 相关例句


1. Pay me the money you owe me.


2. It pays me to keep that stock.


3. We'll pay a visit to Japan this winter.



1. How can I pay you back for all your kindness?



1. I'll pay by check.


pay 情景对话



B:I’d like (to buy/ pay for/ purchase) this dress.






A:(How would you like/ How do you want/ What would you like to use) to pay for these?





A:I‘ll get the check.


B:No, let me pay this time.


A:No, I insist.


B:Well, thank you very much.


pay 网络解释

1. 支付:单击支付(Pay)钮,可以通知商家将订购单在线传送给客户(消费者),客户填写姓名、信用卡号和商品或服务需求等信息,Cybercash将客户信用卡号译成密码传送给商家,商家再将订购单和标识号传送给Cybercash服务器,

pay 双语例句

1. pay什么意思

1. The amount of money needed to pay for something.


2. Here means the amount of money needed to pay for something.


3. But damage here means the amount of money needed to pay for something.


4. The word damage does mean that, but damage here means the amount of money needed to pay for something.

Damage 这个字很普通,大家都知道是指什么东西坏了。可你指的是为什么东西付的钱。

5. The buyer must pay the costs of any pre shipment inspection except when such inspection is mandate d by the authorities of the country of export.


6. And some PR are tall, as it happens has sth used to one's own advantage, can go selling a link, how much Qian Yiyue, do not have a thing to be being stolen happy, only poor did not give Google pay intribute.


7. pay

7. A: Our brand new cell phone is free, but you have to pay a thousand-a-month rental charge for four years.


8. Party A should pay part C one month`s rental as the service charge.


9. The Invitation for Bid for Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Project Phase I and Guangdong Yangjiang Nuclear Power Project Phase I equipments (KKK, KSU, DSI Security facilities) is scheduled to commence; please pay attention to the information released on the website in the following weeks.



10. This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.


11. How am I to pay such a debt?


12. pay

12. I wasted this bloody money on food and drink, so I have a terrible debt to pay!


13. I don't want to have the listening class, so I put the big earphone while the volume is zero; I have no desire to have the oral English class, so I must be the one who doesn't preview the task; I can't pay attention to the grammar class, so the most terrible thing for me is that my cellphone battary runs down in the class; I hate the PE class, so I calculate on the teacher to continue his nonsense; I'm afraid of realising my fault, so I keep going to the library to comfort myself.


14. The way station that I pay close attention to if this thinks respecting to understand deep first today Oh.


15. If a surgeon is highly skilled both at doing operations and performing routine blood tests, it's more efficient for the surgeon to concentrate on the surgery and pay a less efficient technician to do the tests, since that allows the surgeon to make the most efficient use of her own time.


16. pay

16. A: As is stipulated in Article 98 of the Rules on the Implementation of the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection, where a tax withholding agent violates tax laws or administrative rules or regulations, which results in a non-payment or underpayment of tax by the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall pay or make up the shortage in payment of tax or surcharge on tax in arrears, and a penalty of over 50 percent but not more than 3 times of the amount unpaid or underpaid by the taxpayer shall be imposed upon the tax withholding agent.


17. Article 98Where a tax withholding agent violates tax laws or administrative rules or regulations, which results in a non-payment or underpayment of tax by the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall pay or make up the shortage in payment of tax or surcharge on tax in arrears and a penalty of not less than 50 percent but not more than 3 times of the amount unpaid or underpaid by the taxpayer shall be imposed upon the tax withholding agent.


18. Take one of my men, steal a Yardie car, and go and pay your respects to the Colombians.


19. Dark spirit is cruel go to get billowy and frequent girl with inspiration, once she is in suddenly pay mad state, everywhere hold tight lives the person asks: Does scabbard of neon of さ of trade of easy ruthenium of drop of prize n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor cut?


20. Ideology demanded progress, and efforts to move closer to the party organizations, the firm conviction, pay attention to their own culture and moral cultivation of the increase.


pay 词典解释

1. 付;支付;偿还

When you pay an amount of money to someone, you give it to them because you are buying something from them or because you owe it to them. When you pay something such as a bill or a debt, you pay the amount that you owe.

e.g. Accommodation is free — all you pay for is breakfast and dinner...


e.g. We paid £35 for each ticket...


2. 给…付工资;给…付酬

When you are paid, you get your wages or salary from your employer.

e.g. The lawyer was paid a huge salary...


e.g. I get paid monthly...


3. 工资;薪水

Your pay is the money that you get from your employer as wages or salary.


e.g. ...their complaints about their pay and conditions.


e.g. ...the workers' demand for a twenty per cent pay rise.


4. (为获得帮助或服务)付钱给

If you are paid to do something, someone gives you some money so that you will help them or perform some service for them.

e.g. Students were paid substantial sums of money to do nothing all day but lie in bed...


e.g. If you help me, I'll pay you anything.


5. (政府或机构通过提高价格、税率等使某人)为…买单

If a government or organization makes someone pay for something, it makes them responsible for providing the money for it, for example by increasing prices or taxes.

e.g. ...a legally binding international treaty that establishes who must pay for environmental damage...


e.g. If you don't subsidize ballet and opera, seat prices will have to go up to pay for it.


6. (工作、交易或投资)有…报酬,产生…利润

If a job, deal, or investment pays a particular amount, it brings you that amount of money.


e.g. We're stuck in jobs that don't pay very well...


e.g. The account does not pay interest on a credit balance.


7. (工作、交易或投资)有收益,盈利

If a job, deal, or investment pays, it brings you a profit or earns you some money.

e.g. There are some agencies now specialising in helping older people to find jobs which pay...


e.g. They owned land; they made it pay.


8. 存(钱);储蓄

When you pay money into a bank account, you put the money in the account.

e.g. He paid £20 into his savings account...


e.g. There is nothing more annoying than queueing when you only want to pay in a few cheques.


9. 有利;有好处;值得

If a course of action pays, it results in some advantage or benefit for you.

e.g. It pays to invest in protective clothing...


e.g. He talked of defending small nations, of ensuring that aggression does not pay.


10. 付出代价;受到惩罚

If you pay for something that you do or have, you suffer as a result of it.

e.g. Britain was to pay dearly for its lack of resolve...


e.g. Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?...


11. (与某些名词连用,表示施予某物或做某事)进行(访问)/给予(注意)

You use pay with some nouns, for example in the expressions pay a visit and pay attention, to indicate that something is given or done.


e.g. Do pay us a visit next time you're in Birmingham...


e.g. He felt a heavy bump, but paid no attention to it...


12. (电视节目)付费的,收费的

Pay television consists of programmes and channels which are not part of a public broadcasting system, and for which people have to pay.

e.g. The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium, Spain, and Germany.


13. see also: paid;sick pay

14. 赚回成本

If something that you buy or invest in pays for itself after a period of time, the money you gain from it, or save because you have it, is greater than the amount you originally spent or invested.


e.g. ...investments in energy efficiency that would pay for themselves within five years.


15. 受雇于;被…收买

If you say that someone is in the pay of a certain person or group, you disapprove of the fact that they are being paid by and are working for that person or group, often secretly or illegally.

e.g. He was murdered at a presidential rally by gunmen in the pay of drug traffickers.


16. 自食其力;养活自己

If you pay your way, you have or earn enough money to pay for what you need, without needing other people to give or lend you money.

e.g. I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my own way...


e.g. The British film industry could not pay its way without a substantial export market.


17. -> see to pay dividends

-> see dividend

to pay through the nose -> see nose

he who pays the piper calls the tune -> see piper

Do not confuse pay and buy. If you pay someone, pay them money, or pay for something, you give someone money for something they are selling to you. I paid the taxi driver… I need some money to pay the window cleaner… Some people are forced to pay for their own medicines. If you pay a bill or debt, you pay the amount of money that is owed. He paid his bill and left…We were paying £50 for a single room. If you buy something, you obtain it by paying money for it. Gary's bought a bicycle.

不要混淆 pay 和 buy。pay指为购买某物付钱给某人,例如:I paid the taxi driver(我付钱给出租车司机),I need some money to pay the window cleaner(我需要一些钱付给窗户清洁工),Some people are forced to pay for their own medicines(一些人被迫自付药费)。付账或还债用pay,例如:He paid his bill and left(他付完账走了),We were paying £50 for a single room(一个单人间我们要付50英镑)。buy表示通过付钱获得某物,例如:Gary's bought a bicycle(加里买了辆自行车)。

相关词组:pay backpay offpay outpay up

pay 单语例句

1. He said it is also a reminder for the government to pay attention to business ethics and social morality.

2. Francis is accused of failing to pay taxes on more than $ 20 million in business expenses.

3. Consumers should form stronger organizations to press business to pay more attention to product and service quality.

4. Domestic competitors who need to pay close attention to the way their foreign counterparts build mutually beneficial relations with business partners.

5. He said business owners should not have to pay for the monitoring software.

6. Instead of paying business tax on all transactions in the industrial chain, modern service providers will pay 6 percent VAT.

7. Such enterprises set in inland cities permitted open by the state can pay business income tax at a reduced rate of 24 percent.

8. Despite the general upward trend, pay adjustments now owed more both to business and individual performances.

9. The MOF said that it would still act as an agent to pay off the principal and interest for the bonds.

10. The traditional Chinese Qingming Festival period is a busy period when people from home and abroad come to pay their respects.

pay 英英释义



1. something that remunerates

e.g. wages were paid by check

he wasted his pay on drink

they saved a quarter of all their earnings

Synonym: wageearningsremunerationsalary


1. dedicate

e.g. give thought to

give priority to

pay attention to

Synonym: givedevote

2. bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action

e.g. You'll pay for this!

She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly

You'll pay for this opinion later

3. convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.


e.g. Don't pay him any mind

give the orders

Give him my best regards

pay attention

Synonym: give

4. give money, usually in exchange for goods or services

e.g. I paid four dollars for this sandwich

Pay the waitress, please

5. cancel or discharge a debt

e.g. pay up, please!

Synonym: pay upante up

6. discharge or settle

e.g. pay a debt

pay an obligation

7. do or give something to somebody in return

e.g. Does she pay you for the work you are doing?

Synonym: pay offmake upcompensate

8. bring in

e.g. interest-bearing accounts

How much does this savings certificate pay annually?

Synonym: yieldbear

9. make a compensation for

e.g. a favor that cannot be paid back

10. render

e.g. pay a visit

pay a call

11. be worth it

e.g. It pays to go through the trouble