

solemn:[英 [ˈsɒləm] 美 [ˈsɑ:ləm] ]


solemn 基本解释


形容词庄重的; 庄严的,严肃的; 隆重的,神圣的; 犹豫的,阴沉的


solemn 同义词


solemn 反义词



solemn 相关例句


1. He was very solemn and refrained from talking.


2. The inauguration was a solemn event.


3. solemn

3. The solemn statement of the central government on this issue was featured in full in the newspapers.


4. The government made a solemn statement.


5. The President took the solemn oath of office.


solemn 网络解释

1. 庄严的:sheer 纯粹的 | solemn 庄严的 | underlines 加下划线

2. 严肃的:losing ones temper 发脾气 | solemn 严肃的 | recognized 公认的


4. solemn的解释

4. 庄严的,隆重的:sole 脚底,单独的 | solemn 庄严的,隆重的 | solid 固体,结实的,可靠的

solemn 双语例句

1. solemn的近义词

1. His countenance was serious and solemn, as befitted the occasion.


2. solemn

2. XuShu three pillars and lit incense, bow, expression, empty worship the solemn worship.


3. solemn

3. This is the way to Beijing since the 2001 campaign for a most solemn public activities.


4. solemn

4. In 1949 on October first at 3:00 P. M., Peking 30 myriad peoples are solemn and impressive to hold the ceremony in Tienanmen Square, celebrating the central people government in the People's Republic of China establish.


5. They are our eternal determination, work with health and life is our solemn oath.


6. It is strange that at this initial moment, I felt very clear on what you have is unique, not only are my all and you know people can feel in your body: You are a dual personality of the person, is a passion, frivolous fun of Youth, at the same time is a very solemn at the cause of a strong sense of responsibility, a very profound, very quality people.


7. In the west, the people cultured by Christian civilization, their funeral ceremony is solemn and heavenly. The scene that family members wail beside coffin can hardly be found.


8. Mr Dashwood's strains were more solemn.


9. Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God.


10. Then the Reverend Hobson opened up, slow and solemn, and begun to talk; and straight off the most outrageous row busted out in the cellar a body ever heard; it was only one dog, but he made a most powerful racket, and he kept it up right along; the parson he had to stand there, over the coffin, and wait -- you couldn't hear yourself think.


11. Approach no matter the annular monument of the of great momentum, still stop pines and cypresses of verdant green sets off one another by the Red Army grave in, esteem, dignified and all around solemn and respectful blend together, talk loudly without the person, also be here without the person the pose as of state of mind with travel sight-seer.


12. And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity.



13. Bold use of the most luxurious royal palace-style grand and prosperous, bed screen used in the current top of Europe`s most prominent Indian gold flannel is a prudent and luxury, bed screen on both sides of his simple wood carvings coupled with seemingly random gold embellishment, so that the entire bed is even more solemn luxury, always starting with the mainstream import cherry red skin paste bedside cabinets, score from Meditation and other furniture, so that the whole bedroom showing the seventeenth century royal life of luxury in Europe.


14. Today, I want to make a solemn promise.


15. solemn的翻译

15. But from a certain nameless awe with which the mad assumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there were found none who put forth a hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, he passed within a yard of the prince's person; and while the vast assembly, as with one impulse, shrank from the centers of the rooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with the same solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from the first, through the blue chamber to the purple -- to the purple to the green -- through the green to the orange -- through this again to the white -- and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movement had been made to arrest him.



16. TRUMP`s solemn expression_r, the door of the bordroom is closed, there are two elevators there, one is upward for the survivers weho are going to enjoy their luxurious life and the other one for the eliminated one who is gonna say goodbye to this place and go back home, the later one push his luggage case into the elevater and go downstair, there a yellow taxi is waiting, then the car goes, with one of the competiters, the brown door upstairs is open, then shut down, that`s the things that happened, tommorrow it gonna be go on and who is going to get out?

然后就是 TRUMP 严肃的表情,以及会议室的门被关上,然后,有两个电梯,没有出局的人,推着自己的行李箱走进向上的电梯,客气的话会跟出局的那个打个招呼,然后门关上,出局者等着其他人上去后,拉着自己的行李箱走进向下的电梯,然后镜头切换到楼下的门,门打开,街上的纽约公司的 TAXI 开走,带走了一个竞争者,楼上的棕色的门被拉开,然后关上,这就是这一天的事情,明天还要重复,明天谁将会被淘汰?

17. In my imagination the ritual should be sacred and solemn.


18. Since about 1458 the latter body has been governed by own minister general and its members take solemn vows.


19. solemn的解释

19. It is not that he is prosaic; far from that; 8ttt8.com he replaces the solemn vision by the farcical phantasmagoria.

com 他平庸,远不是那样,而是8 ttt 8因为8 Tt t 8。com 他以离奇怪诞的幻影代替了那庄严妙相。

20. My friends, facing the sun, autumn is cool, let us stand on the ancient Great Wall, with a deep feeling, in a bold, in a solemn ceremony, reach for Gold Cup, swig celebrating wine, gently soft Fu at the foot of every inch of land, a common peace and prosperity bless our dear country, best for the future.


solemn 词典解释

1. 严肃的;庄严的

Someone or something that is solemn is very serious rather than cheerful or humorous.

e.g. His solemn little face broke into smiles...


e.g. He looked solemn.



Her listeners nodded solemnly.


The setting for this morning's signing ceremony matched the solemnity of the occasion.


2. (承诺、协定等)庄严的,郑重的

A solemn promise or agreement is one that you make in a very formal, sincere way.


e.g. ...a solemn pledge that he would never remarry.



... he had undergone an emergency operation for a stomach condition which—the doctors solemnly assured him—was potentially fatal.

他接受了一次紧急手术,因为他的胃病非常严重,有可能致命——这是医生郑重告知他的。solemn 单语例句

1. There is no point to continue forking out taxpayers'money if such lawless acts go on and on in the city's solemn legislative chamber.

2. To follow the road of peaceful development is not expedient for China, rather it is its solemn choice.

3. The Party chief vowed that China will unswervingly adhere to its solemn commitment to never seek hegemony over any other country or be expansionist.

4. But delicate Collins pillars and Gothic peaked arches inside the church make it grand, elegant and solemn.

5. This is China's sincere and solemn promise, as well as a conceptual base for the country's peaceful rise.

6. In the solemn mood, the play has also blended in an admirable brand of humor.

7. The color works transmit the same kind of mood, with less than three tones conveying a solemn and quiet feeling.

8. If I looked solemn and cynical for no reason, then the whole elevator carriage could have frozen.

9. This is China's deep understanding of the world's development trend and also is a solemn commitment China has made to the world.

10. Solemn emptiness and the desolate southern edge of the Gobi Desert dominate the landscape of the Tibetan plateau.

solemn 英英释义


1. characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions

e.g. both sides were deeply in earnest, even passionate

an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant

a film with a solemn social message

Synonym: earnestsincere

2. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises

e.g. a grave God-fearing man

a quiet sedate nature

as sober as a judge

a solemn promise

the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence

Synonym: gravesedatesober