

vulnerable:[英 [ˈvʌlnərəbl] 美 [ˈvʌlnərəbəl] ]


vulnerable 基本解释


形容词(地方)易受攻击的; 易受伤的; 易受批评的; [桥牌]已成局的

vulnerable 网络解释

1. vulnerable的近义词

1. 易受伤害的:他表示,金管局在与银行业的会议上均要求业界必须在销售产品方面遵守准则,而局方亦会对银行作现场的内部监控,该局曾于今年3月份就银行向易受伤害的(vulnerable)投资者,如老人或缺乏投资经验的人士销售产品发出指引,


2. 脆弱的:把花了好几万存下的脐带血,捐给素不相识的4岁重度地中海型贫血小妺妺. 这个感人的故事,正是国外脐带血储存及使用的典型范例,值得深入探讨脐带血银行存在的正面意义. 首先,对脆弱的(vulnerable)准爸爸准妈妈推销所谓...

3. vulnerable的翻译

3. vulnerable:vu; 易受伤害

vulnerable 双语例句

1. Civil structures are vulnerable to the effect of some factors like bearing and working conditions etc.


2. In addition, ocean transport is also vulnerable to bad weather and less punctual if compared with road or air transport


3. vulnerable

3. Because online transactions pass from the consumer to the merchant over the Internet, which is an open and highly vulnerable network, merchants must work to protect sentive information, such as credit card numbers, Additional software, such as the Secure Socker Layerprotocol, protects transactions in transit from being viewed by unauthorized parties.


4. Of course, some middle-grade rubber blanket because the price resulting from material constraints have its innate deficiencies, such as business card printing and membership card to make a long version of the product, even if the blanket that is very clean, and then business card printing and membership card making flat screen product, is vulnerable to the last business card printing and membership card making long editions latent image.


5. Heinz China donated a total of over 700 cartons heinz baby nutrient noodles equivalents to RMB1, 200, 000 to the Qingdao Children Welfare Institute on July 28, 2009. Heinz devotes itself to requiting society; it highly embodies the concern of Heinz of vulnerable groups.


6. Upside down kick is more vulnerable, allowing Sagat's low tiger shots and other moves to hit it.


7. vulnerable

7. After its discovery, some argued that even if the eruptions did not cause the extinction, they weakened the biosphere and made it particularly vulnerable to the Chicxulub hammer-blow.



8. It is very slow, however, making it vulnerable to AA fire.


9. vulnerable

9. Due to the difficulty of the higher office rental property vacant time and space are relatively long, investors vulnerable.



10. Mozilla is vulnerable to a heap overflow, caused by improper handling of non-ascii characters in a URL.


11. When you`re taken to a black jail, no one knows where you are and you are totally vulnerable, said Wang Songlian, a researcher.


12. Synthetic CDOs are vulnerable at this stage in the financial crisis, because of the way they work.


13. vulnerable的解释

13. If the results of the final contributions to the community are providing much-needed assistance to vulnerable groups, we should be affirmed.


14. Then I can understand why the NAVI will refused to the human races's material tempatations, and fight to the death to defend theri homes. Eventhough human race take a overwhelming advantage over the Navi tribe through theri weapons and technology, but when all living in the Pandora unit together, the earth science and technology seem so vulnerable.


15. He did say, however, that Blackberries and iPhones are not vulnerable.


16. One of the few known techniques is jet-engine modulation, which involves analyzing the raw radar return for the characteristic beat produced by a combination of the radar-pulse frequency and the rotating blades of the engine. This technique is already used on operational radars (including the APG-70 in the F-15) but is vulnerable to countermeasures and dependent on target aspect.

由于Northrop Grumman APG-77主动数组火控雷达与 Sanders ALR-94整合式电战/被动电磁讯号截收系统的搭配是如此强大绝伦,美国方面认为光靠这两者组合便再配合上猛禽本身的匿踪性能,便足以让F/A-22在绝对安全的距离外率先发觉识别并追踪锁定任何已知对手,没有必要再去锦上添花地安装光电侦搜系统。

17. vulnerable的解释

17. Said the researcher, the full circulation in the background, the majority shareholder ownership low stock Dispersed, the flow of the market value of the secondary market price is lower than that of listed companies vulnerable to the secondary market has been the target of mergers and acquisitions.



18. According to Bruno Sidler, the chief operating officer of CEVA, which manages logistics and freight for companies in 170 countries, European manufacturers are vulnerable to any big supply shock because they have run down their inventories over the past two years to conserve cash.

管理着公司在170个国家的物流和运输的CEVA公司的首席运营官Bruno Sidler认为,欧洲生产厂商容易受到任何大的供应失常的打击,因为过去两年他们为了节约现金,库存已用完。


19. Because I have a permanent erection it wouldn't be difficult to rape me… Because of this erection I am the vulnerable sissy virgin with big metal balls which click every time I walk



20. And offshore markets around compared to, A-share market is still vulnerable, and become disoriented.


vulnerable 词典解释

1. 脆弱的;易受伤害的

Someone who is vulnerable is weak and without protection, with the result that they are easily hurt physically or emotionally.

e.g. Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society.



David accepts his own vulnerability.


2. 易感染(某种疾病)的;易患病的

If a person, animal, or plant is vulnerable to a disease, they are more likely to get it than other people, animals, or plants.


e.g. People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes...


e.g. Plants that are growing vigorously are less likely to be vulnerable to disease.



Taking long-term courses of certain medicines may increase vulnerability to infection.


3. 易受伤害的;易受影响的

Something that is vulnerable can be easily harmed or affected by something bad.

e.g. Their tanks would be vulnerable to attack from the air...


e.g. ...a table showing which cars are most vulnerable to theft...



...anxieties about the country's vulnerability to invasion.

对于国家易受侵犯的焦虑vulnerable 单语例句

1. Some worry that we may encourage the illegal sex business by doing so, but leaving sex workers vulnerable to the virus is against ethical principles.

2. Thailand and Cambodia have had noted successes with education and condom outreach programmes among sex workers and other vulnerable communities.

3. Beaked whales have been known to be more vulnerable to the harmful effects of Navy active sonar than other whales.

4. Blood vessels become vulnerable as the patient's active immune system causes greater inflammation.

5. We must demonstrate that the free flow of goods and capital does not develop to the detriment of the most vulnerable segments of the population.

6. Chalky and two other penguins are the only Fiordland penguins in captivity and are listed as an vulnerable species found only in New Zealand's south.

7. The US economy would be highly vulnerable in the case of a euro collapse, so today's lame ducks need to embrace each other.

8. He added that Russia's location next to Iran and former Soviet Muslim republics in Central Asia made it particularly vulnerable.

9. The centralized system by no means guarantees efficiency and fairness, and is vulnerable to irregularities.

10. Their quality of life is more vulnerable to any price change in these commodities.

vulnerable 英英释义


1. capable of being wounded or hurt

e.g. vulnerable parts of the body

2. susceptible to criticism or persuasion or temptation

e.g. vulnerable to bribery

an argument vulnerable to refutation

3. susceptible to attack

e.g. a vulnerable bridge