

gangrene:[英 [ˈgæŋgri:n] 美 [ˈɡæŋˌɡrin, ɡæŋˈɡrin] ]


过去式:gangrened;   过去分词:gangrened;   现在分词:gangrening;   复数形式:gangrenes;

gangrene 基本解释


不及物动词生坏疽; 腐败


gangrene 相关例句


1. Vice gangrened large cities.


gangrene 网络解释


1. 坏疽:坏死(necrosis) 坏疽(gangrene) 见于坏死性口炎 萎缩(atrophy) 萎缩性舌炎、干燥综合征 皲裂(rhagades) 口角炎、慢性唇炎 结节(nodule) 纤维瘤、痣 肿瘤(tumour) 良性肿瘤:乳头状瘤 恶性肿瘤:鳞癌 口腔粘膜病的急症范围 溃疡糜烂


2. 壞疸:天然有效的漱口水 在1858年,细菌学家路易斯巴斯德(LouisPasteur)就已经发现大蒜的杀菌效果,到了第一次、第二次世界大战的时候,大蒜在战争医院用来杀菌、避免伤口演变成坏疸(Gangrene),以预防截肢.

3. 坏趄:gang welding 组合焊接 | gangrene 坏趄 | gangway door 舷门

4. gangrene的反义词

4. 腐败堕落的根源:gangrene 使生坏疽 | gangrene 腐败堕落的根源 | gangrenecellulitis 疽

gangrene 双语例句

1. Results In these cases, 7 were early pregnancy, 16 were second trimester, 9 were late pregnancy. These gravidas accepted operation once diagnosed and all of them continued to pregnant.(in the operation, 4 trimester cases and 3 late pregnancy cases were diagnosed as appendicitis with perforation 2 trimester cases were appendicitis with gangrene ), only one with tresis vulnus.

结果 32例中7例早期妊娠,16例中期妊娠,9例晚期妊娠,一经确诊立即进行急诊手术治疗(其中4例中期妊娠和3例晚期妊娠术中诊断为阑尾穿孔;2例中期妊娠术中诊断为坏疽性阑尾炎),术后继续妊娠率100%,仅一例并发切口感染。

2. The invention possess odd curative effect to treat diabetic angitis, osteomyelitiis and foot toes gangrene, during the period of ten-year clinical practice, there are almost 300 patients saved the limb which could not cure for a long time and restored health, Taking this mediciine do not strictly control bite and sup, this medicine can bidirectional regulate body weight owing to turbulent endocrine system, reduce oral hypoglycemic and insulin for injection, and effectively remove all kinds of clinical symptoms and prevent various ayndromes.


3. Methods: SD male rats were injected STZ, lower the temperature, the animal models of diabetic foot were established. At the same time monitoring the weight of the rats, water quantity, fasting blood sugar and blood rheology indicators, observing the rats sublingual, auricle vessel changes, scoring the rats acromelic gangrene symptom.


4. gangrene的近义词

4. Examples appendices gangrene partner perforates the CT inspection to have exceptionally.


5. Even though the infection rates associated with primary and secondary closure are the same, gas gangrene may occur after primary closure of wounds contaminated with clostridial organisms.



6. Een though the infection rates associated with primary and secondary closure are the same, gas gangrene may occur after primary closure of wounds contaminated with clostridial organisms.



7. Pneumoniae gas gangrene was delayed from 3 to 32 days in five of the six patients. Mortality was 100%.


8. Objective Study the management of disinfection and isolation of patients with gas gangrene which treated by Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

目的 探讨和总结高压氧治疗批量气性坏疽患者的消毒隔离管理。

9. This minimizes the risk of gas gangrene without requiring a repeat surgical procedure for wound closure.


10. Open fractures should never be closed primarily because of the risk of gas gangrene.


11. gangrene是什么意思

11. Results Among the 1980 wounded soldiers, 52 developed into gas gangrene, taking up 2.63%.


12. gangrene

12. Open fractures should neer be closed primarily because of the risk of gas gangrene.



13. Results: After Antiphlogistic Liquid was used, the ambit of gangrene and the infection was decreased.


14. gangrene的翻译

14. Other entries examine short-take anomalies—such as unusual drug side effects, including the antidepressant Clomipramine (spontaneous orgasm upon yawning), the hormone Oxytocin (increases one`s generosity), the medicine for Parkinson`s disease, Ropinirole, and Viagra (priapus syndrome, with a remote chance of gangrene curable only through penectomy—say no more).


15. gangrene是什么意思

15. Deep venous thrombosis will result in post-thrombotic syndrome, including legs pain resulting from venous hypertension, swelling, hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, ulcers, venous gangrene, and and lipodermatosclerosis.


16. gangrene是什么意思

16. Results In these cases, the exteriorized sigmoid colon had good blood supply and no gangrene was found.

结果 本组46例,术后拖出肛门的肠管血液供应均良好,无1例出现肠管缺血坏死。

17. Foot specific weight frustrates the lacerated wound 5 examples, after rips escapes the wond technique to infect, the gangrene 2 examples, skin soft tissue ulcer sends the tendon, the bone appears externally 1 example.


18. gangrene什么意思

18. Effective with the infection, caused by crude Protea, Bluepus wand wand dysentery bacilli and Klebsiella, salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococcal, anaerobami pathogens (including the cause gas gangrene).



19. Objective The aim of this study was to classify the unusual gram-positive rod isolated from a patient with multiple bacterial synergistic gangrene.

目的 确定从一例多细菌协同性坏疽患者临床标本中分离的、使用常规方法不能够鉴定的YP菌株的分类学位置。

20. Being diabetic longer is easier suffered from chronic syndrome and then engendering diabetes gangrene and acrodynia gangrcne that is mostly reflecting on erura.


gangrene 词典解释

1. 坏疽

Gangrene is the decay that can occur in a part of a person's body if the blood stops flowing to it, for example as a result of illness or injury.


e.g. Once gangrene has developed the tissue is dead.


gangrene 单语例句

1. It can lead to complications such as infections and gangrene of the limbs or blindness.

2. Her leg was partially amputated in January because of a gangrene infection.

3. The foot had to be amputated because part of it had already been infected with gangrene.

gangrene 英英释义


1. the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)

Synonym: necrosismortificationsphacelus

2. necrotic tissue

a mortified or gangrenous part or mass

Synonym: sphacelusslough


1. undergo necrosis

e.g. the tissue around the wound necrosed

Synonym: necrosemortifysphacelate