

duration:[英 [djuˈreɪʃn] 美 [duˈreɪʃn] ]



duration 基本解释

名词持续,持续的时间,期间; (时间的)持续,持久,连续; [语音学]音长,音延

duration 相关例句


1. We hope the war will be short duration.


2. The duration of the examination is three hours.


duration 网络解释

1. 期限:该文事先预估借款人未来的现金流量,以平均回收期限(duration)的观念来计算效用(utility)的选择行为. 相对的,有些借款人不倾向选择提前清偿,是希望将资金运用於其他财货的消费或投资上. 换言之,

2. 时值:

速度变化 (Speed Change) :就是透过改变声音之速度来变化声音的频率高低与时值 (Duration) 长短. 通常速度加快一倍声音的频率就被移高一个八度而其时值就短了一半. 当频率移被移高很多时,音质也会跟随著改变,

3. 存续期间:投资组合由A、B两种债券构成:A.债券之价格为25元,存续期间(Duration)为3年;B.债券之价格为50元,存续期间(Duration)为6年;该投资组合的存续期间:20. 基本分析有所谓的由上而下(Top-down)分析法,此分析法认为影响股价最重要的因素是:51.

duration 双语例句

1. duration

1. Shield Block is lasting for the full duration of the spell regardless of number of successful blocks made.


2. Lightning voltages may be of high magnitude but are of very short duration; their time is measured in microseconds.


3. A freehold estate is an interest in land that is of uncertain duration.


4. The result may seem to be harsh on the owners who made plans in reliance on the first notice, but it would appear that the High Court was persuaded that charterers should not be deprived of the use of the ship for the full charter duration when the 30 day notice of redelivery was expressed to be approximate.



5. Condition 8534 - If you are not sponsored by the Commonwealth of Australia or the government of your home country, and you are an Assessment Level 3, 4 or 5 student whose overall study intentions in Australia are 10 months or less in duration, you are subject to a'no further stay'condition.

申请人拿到手的签证是三年还是一年,并不取决于你的Offer,而是取决于PVA预审通过、支付学费后学校向使馆发出的eCOE上的COURSE DURATION。有些大学是预科中心和国际学生办公室分别发一个eCOE给使馆,因此学生的签证时间为四年。


6. Unlike days and years, the units of geological time scale are arbitrary and of unequal duration.


7. Objectie To study the influence of duration of hospitalization on etiologic agent and antibiotic-resistance of hospital-acquired pneumonia.

目的 了解不同时间发生的医院获得性肺炎病原体构成及抗菌药物敏感性的差异。


8. MAP amplitude and Vmax almost did not change after the duration of RFCA delivery was over 30 seconds or the temperature was up to 50℃; (2) the duration of MAP did not change and no arhythmia occurred in whole RFCA procession. Conclusion (1) The change in myocardial electric activity and tissue lesion were obvious when RFCA temperature was up to 50℃; RFCA had no effect on the duration of MAP.

结果 (1)单相动作电位振幅和0相最大上升速度随RFCA时间延长及温度升高而降低或下降,持续放电30秒或温度达50℃以后MAPA及Vmax几乎不再变化;(2)整个过程的单相动作电位时程无明显变化且未见心律失常发生。

9. The duration of protection depends on the VCI paper and packing method used.


10. Special structures for coherent FBG group and fiber MZI sensors are designed. For weak signals or strongly interferenced signals, winding method, flat layout method, special coated fiber method or spring separation method, solid separation method are proposed, and the recognition ability for object signals is improved. The physical features of the object signals are extracted from various aspects by the parameters analysis such as maximum amplitude, RMS, ringing count, pulse count, event count and duration, by the waveform transform analysis such as Fourier analysis, AR spectrum analysis and joint-time-frequency analysis, and by statistic analysis of the parameters analysis results or waveform transform analysis results. And the features of different object signals are extracted when the optical fiber sensing systems are applied for railway location, axel counter, fence destruction monitoring and pipe destruction monitoring. Auto-recognition of the railway location signals with coherent FBG sensing system is realized by a linear discrimination function based on Fisher criterion. And auto-recognition of the fence destruction signals with a MZI sensing system demodulated by a 3×3 coupler is realized by a LMBP neural network.


11. It can evidently minify Pmax and Pdis and reduce the recrudescence times of AF and shorten the duration, which has no any noxious and adverse reactions.


12. duration的解释

12. The maximum double amplitude of the seismic wave, 185 mm, with 2-hours duration, was observed at the Urumqi Well...

另外 ,对比了新疆及邻区 7级以上地震北天山地下水的震后效应,讨论了地下水远程效应与井震距离的关系以及阶跃异常的幅度等问题

13. Short-duration varieties are beneficial for introduction of a multiple cropping system to maximize utilization of land resources.


14. duration

14. High ability of spikelet formation of short-duration varieties could be attributable to high nitrogen content in leaf sheath at panicle initiation stage.


15. duration的翻译

15. The efficiency of spikelet formation of IRRI short-duration varieties in dry season was similar to that of short-duration japonica variety. The reason is that the temperature of vegetative stage in dry season in the tropics was not so high.


16. duration什么意思

16. It shows that depth-weighted optical signal is different from the signal only on the top layer of tissue in velocity of upstroke, duration and amplitude and the discrepancy are enhanced with the increase of the probing depth especially in the spiral wave activity.


17. Possible durations include the following categories: timed duration; instantaneous; permanent; concentration; subjects, effects, and areas; touch powers and holding the charge; discharge; and dismissible.

可能的持续时间包括以下几种类型:定时,立即,永久,专注,对象、效果和区域(Subjects,Effects,and Areas),接触型异能和暂不散发(Touch Powers and Holding the Charge),能量散发,解消。

18. The comparative investigation of the characteristics of deformation and AE were conducted and the results are presented as followed: 1. The characteristics of rock AE are correlated to the strength, joints, cracks, and the size and hardness of crystalline grain. 2. The sequence of AE can be divided into four phases: beginning phase, tempestuousness phase, drop phase and dreariness phase. The loss and the duration of the phases are correlated to the rock character and flaws in the rock. 3. The AE rate characteristics are not almost concordant with the AE energy rate. 4. Besides the homogeneity, the strength of rock contributes the activity of AE. The higher the strength is, the lower the activity is. 5. There is a dreariness phase before the failure of most kinds of rock. 6. Whether the precursor is obvious is correlated to rock the character, and the precursor of AE rate is more apparent than the precursor of AE energy rate comparatively.


19. Yield was positively correlated with both flag leaf sourcecapacity and leaf area duration 0.46~(**, 0.41~*.


20. Time duration, there is much more data to decode in the video stream than in


duration 词典解释

1. (某事件或状态的)持续时间,期间

The duration of an event or state is the time during which it happens or exists.


e.g. He was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial...


e.g. Courses are of two years' duration.


2. 直到…结束;在整个…期间

If you say that something will happen for the duration, you mean that it will happen for as long as a particular situation continues.

e.g. His wounds knocked him out of combat for the duration.


duration 单语例句duration什么意思

1. Participants who began taking the high doses of vitamin C after catching a cold noticed no difference in the duration or severity of their illness.

2. The associations between sleep duration and weight gain persisted even after controlling for factors such as physical activity and calorie consumption in both groups.

3. It also assessed the extent and duration of the symptoms when daily takers did catch a cold.

4. With a duration of 260 hours, the training scope of the certificate cookery courses comprise both theory and practical kitchen work.

5. The yuan has only limited impact on the strength and duration of their current nascent recovery.

6. According to the company, the amount of data transfer and duration of the Internet access will be unlimited.

7. The duration of the nuclear discussions " will depend on the progress made during the talks, " said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu.

8. The duration of the tariff waiver was a matter of dispute with some countries, which are opposed to giving South Korea the 10 years it wants.

9. Previously they were restricted to double entry visas with a duration of up to one year.

10. Beijing's traffic monitors have decided to strictly go by the rulebook and severely punish drunk drivers for the duration of the soccer World Cup.

duration 英英释义



1. continuance in time

e.g. the ceremony was of short duration

he complained about the length of time required

Synonym: length

2. the property of enduring or continuing in time

Synonym: continuance

3. the period of time during which something continues

Synonym: continuance