

patriotic:[英 [ˌpeɪtriˈɒtɪk] 美 [ˌpeɪtriˈɑ:tɪk] ]


patriotic 基本解释


形容词爱国主义的; 爱国的,有爱国心的

patriotic 同义词




patriotic 反义词


patriotic 相关例句


1. patriotic什么意思

1. He is very patriotic.


patriotic 网络解释

1. 爱国:提高无线电通联的基础,共同学习、共同进步,增长无线电知识、水平,使大家更加规范的使用无线电设备,真正体会到体谅( Considerate)、忠诚 (Loyal)、进取 (Progressive)、友爱 (Friendly)、适度 (Balanced)、爱国 (Patriotic)培养一支合格的HAM群体,

2. 爱国主义:从这个意义上说,这次中国民间社会的自动全面参与,显示了一种令国际社会衷心赞许的伟大爱国主义(patriotic),即对自己各族同胞的爱心与帮助,而不是那种令外部世界高度警惕的极端民族主义(nationalistic)宣泄.

3. 爱国的, 有爱国心的:department instrnction 分科教学 | patriotic 爱国的, 有爱国心的 | Dutch clinkers 荷兰缸砖

patriotic 双语例句

1. patriotic

1. I believe that most patriotic Chinese people are extremely obnoxiousof the United States in their hegemony.


2. patriotic什么意思

2. Finally, Chiang's utter dependence on America, his suppression of anti-American demonstrations, the presence of American military men in China, the maintenance of a naval base on China's soil, special treaties signed with the United States - all of which exacerbated the nationalistic feelings of the literate Chinese public - also produced a great discontent in army circles, wounding the officers'patriotic vanity and making him a target for Communist propaganda.


3. Past Richmond bridge at the doorstep of the office of Reuben J Dodd, solicitor, agent for the Patriotic Insurance Company, an elderly female about to enter changed her plan and retracing her steps by King's windows smiled credulously on the representative of His Majesty.


4. The courageous and patriotic spirits of the Railway Guerilla forces are deep-rooted in every Chinese mind.


5. In that case, what should we do it to be patriotic?


6. patriotic的反义词

6. How will this article discuss in the teaching practice to carry on the patriotic education to the elementary student.


7. patriotic是什么意思

7. We are Chinese and like you, Americans, our patriotic feelings is something very natural to us.



8. I`m not very patriotic.


9. patriotic的解释

9. Does it inspired you to show your passion of patriotic feeling?


10. It is quite a good chances for me as a FIBA referee to gain experience, however, I had been'favor'as patriotic referee, not even me, most of the Malaysian referee were involved.


11. They had a parade, marching up and down and singing patriotic songs.


12. patriotic

12. Wang Yuan-liang is a patriotic poet and writer of ci poems at the turn of Song and Yuan dynasties.


13. This is when the Ming and Qing Dynasties the patriotic scholar Gu Yanwu's famous saying.


14. His grandfather was the late Qing and early Republican periods of high wind thousand well-known literary societies Southern Society of the patriotic poet.


15. This is the authentic origin Zigui orange, has the world-famous Three Gorges Dam project is great patriotic poet Qu Yuan's hometown.


16. patriotic的意思

16. Qu Yuan was one of China's literary history of the great patriotic poet.



17. This is to commemorate our great patriotic poet Qu Yuan of the festival.


18. I extend warm congratulations to people from all ethnic groups in the country and patriotic compatriots from home and abroad.


19. Lu Zuofu was a famous patriotic businessman, educator, and social activist in China.


20. While paying a tribute to the feelings of loyal minister and filial son, the authors focused on two loyal and patriotic positive characters Guoziyi and Leihaiqing, and Anlushan, Yangguozhong, Geshuhan three negative characters.


patriotic 词典解释

1. 爱国的

Someone who is patriotic loves their country and feels very loyal towards it.

e.g. Woosnam is fiercely patriotic...


e.g. The crowd sang 'Land of Hope and Glory' and other patriotic songs.


patriotic 单语例句

1. She and her son came up with an idea to add patriotic decorations to a camouflage hat.

2. " The China Patriotic Catholic Association could also help collect Bibles, " he said.

3. Ma said the CE should be patriotic to both the nation and Hong Kong, and gain the trust of both Hong Kong people and the central government.

4. Chopin was a patriotic musician and all his works have profound national characteristics centering around Polish culture.

5. BEIJING - A senior Beijing church official on Monday urged Christians in the Chinese capital to be patriotic and abide by the law.

6. The household expression " yue mu ci zi " still reminds people of this patriotic story.

7. He has lived in Hong Kong for more 30 years and feels so patriotic towards his adopted home that he took Chinese citizenship.

8. He said the military attempted to give the killing " a patriotic glow ", concocting a story that was complete fiction.

9. Li said China would reconsider its relations with Zambia if the opposition leader of Patriotic Front took power and consequently established " diplomatic relations " with Taiwan.

10. Decked out entirely in blue and white, this cosy eatery even has its own flamboyantly patriotic Greek owner.

patrioticpatriotic 英英释义



1. inspired by love for your country

Synonym: loyal