

blear:[英 [blɪə] 美 [blɪr] ]


过去式:bleared;   过去分词:bleared;   现在分词:blearing;

blear 基本解释



blear 网络解释

1. 模糊:bloom 开花 | blear 模糊 | gloom 郁闷;阴沉,昏暗


2. 模糊的:lear 空的 | blear 模糊的 | clear 清楚的

3. 眼花的,轮廓模糊的:bleaching signal 变透明信号 | blear 眼花的,轮廓模糊的 | blisters 浮泡

4. 不清楚、模糊的:bloom 开花 | blear 不清楚、模糊的 | merge 合并

blear 双语例句

1. Nor blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil.


2. He was concerned about the recent blear in his vision.


3. In the rain, the temples, which werebuilt to memory Libing, were as blear as two thousands years ago.



4. In a cool summer night, I would sit on a small stool, leaning by my grandma at the patio, watching silently at the moon, and then fell into sleep slowly in the blear moonlight. Sometimes, I would be awakened by the bugs` chirping in the summer night.


5. Suddenly I found myself impatient I don't wanna wait any more God neither want to live in the past Everything is so blear always, waste time on sth useless but what can I do?


6. His rag form of his stylealways take the artery place, when the audience is moved, he always is moved by a line, the music or just a sculpt, but only a blear feeling to the whole film.


7. blear

7. The sound character of Hulusi are grace, amiable, a little bit rhonchus, be good at expressing soft and exquisite emotion, be covered with blear and beautiful feeling.

它由葫芦、主管、簧片、附管组成,主管开有七个音孔,音域为3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6,附管持续发一个音。

8. I am not so blind as I am blear-eyed.


9. The endless hour, where beauty was born out of despair and blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil.


10. Love is like soft water when it`s grown When all the love and hate has become part of the past, and all the fame and fortune has gone with wind, When all the children have turned into a unreachable longing, left behind a blear-eyed you and a candle-in-the-wind me.


11. Tipsy, sweating, blear-eyed, with wide-gaping mouths, bloated with drink, they were singing some sort of a song.


12. Blear image has lower entropy value.



13. Blear language is one kind of language expressing styles in literature works and application essays.


14. The author illustrates the connotation of the order education according to the practice, analyzes the background, then puts forward that both schools and companies should be blear of their duty and task, in order to carry out the order education.


15. Just hope her with blear eyes due to drunkenness to understand emptiness of the world now before being amorous again.


16. We think ourselves too lusty and too nimble for that blear - eyed decrepit old gentleman to catch us.


17. blear的意思

17. Some ten factory hands were sitting on benches at tables in a little, dirty room. tipsy, sweating, blear - eyed, with wide - gaping mouths, bloated with drink, they were singing some sort of a song


blear 英英释义


1. make dim or indistinct

e.g. The fog blurs my vision

Synonym: blur


1. tired to the point of exhaustion

Synonym: blearybleary-eyedblear-eyed