

genteel:[英 [dʒenˈti:l] 美 [dʒɛnˈtil] ]


genteel 基本解释

形容词上流社会的; 文雅的; 有礼貌的; 有教养的

genteel 相关例句


1. He came from a genteel family.


2. He lived in genteel poverty.


genteel 网络解释

1. genteel

1. 有教养的:对企业忠诚有团队(Teams)归属感,有合作精神的Health),是进入500强的不可缺少的条件,企业要求员工是有礼貌的(Gentle)、有教养的(Genteel)、明白事理的(Sensible),希望员工光明正大的(Sporting)、实事求是的(Realistic)接人待物,

2. 上流社会的:gyroscopic force 回转力 | genteel 上流社会的 | syncyanin 脓蓝素

3. 装做贵族,上流社会,有教养的:genre 类型 | genteel 装做贵族,上流社会,有教养的 | gentle 温和,和善的,轻柔的

4. genteel的翻译

4. 上流社会,有教养的:genesis起源,创世纪 | genteel 上流社会,有教养的 | gentle文雅的

genteel 双语例句

1. All this contributes to the sense that life in Beijing is less genteel, but that is not accurate.



2. They are not above seeing the shortcomings of the genteel society in which they move.


3. It's not exactly genteel.


4. He is a genteel man, and has a fine countenance and a charming voice


5. She is a girl who is genteel and considerate; also her appearance is as good as his cousin.


6. He broke away from the genteel tradition of literature and dramatized the life in a very realistic way.


7. genteel是什么意思

7. The daughter has acquired a gay air of being very much at home in society; the bravado of genteel poverty


8. Some people criticised his characters as too genteel, at a time when Dickens in particular was writing about poverty and the grim realities of life in the backstreets of Victorian London


9. Had I still my old eye, which was broken off, I believe I should weep; but no, I would not do that, it is not genteel to cry.


10. We shall be forever busy trying to patchit up and make it appear at least genteel.



11. It had a genteel appearance, and a well-dressed gentlemanly man sat on the seat, with a colored servant driving


12. It had a genteel appearance, and a well-dressed gentle man ly man sat on the seat, with a colored servant driving


13. If her countenance and hair had rather a floury appearance, as though from living in some transcendently, genteel Mill, it was rather because she was a chalky creation altogether, than because she mended her complexion with violet powder, or had turned grey.


14. An occasional member of the fugitive genteel stuck it grimly out until death; once Clara was accosted by an old lady, battered and ragged and bent, who said as she walked along, and in accents of refined madness, that once the people that lived there had held their heads up high.


15. genteel

15. High and mighty Miss Saltire (Lord Dexter's granddaughter) allowed that her figure was genteel


16. It is worthy of remark, too, that only men are shabby- genteel; a woman is always either dirty and slovenly in the extreme, or neat and respectable, however poverty-stricken in appearance.



17. He first attracted our notice, by sitting opposite to us in the reading-room at the British Museum; and what made the man more remarkable was, that he always had before him a couple of shabby- genteel books--two old dog's-eared folios, in mouldy worm-eaten covers, which had once been smart.


18. I had a crush on a boy who I fancied to be tender, compassionate, genteel, intelligent and self-contented, or in short, to be in possession of all the qualities that I longed for myself.


19. Ralph was ingenious, genteel in his manners, and extremely eloquent; I think I never knew a prettier talker.


20. There is the genteel and carefully modulated recession with which footmen swing wide the oaken barriers of the great.


genteel 词典解释

1. 彬彬有礼的;有教养的;上流社会的;装出绅士派头的

A genteel person is respectable and well-mannered, and comes or seems to come from a high social class.

e.g. It was a place to which genteel families came in search of health and quiet.


e.g. ...two maiden ladies with genteel manners and voices.


2. (地方)幽静的,古朴单调的

A genteel place or area is quiet and traditional, but may also be old-fashioned and dull.

e.g. ...the genteel towns of Winchester and Chichester.


genteel 单语例句

1. Not only genteel but intelligent, they are leading a lifestyle typical of the upper crust of society.

2. Even when they were holding a competition, they pursued it in a genteel way.

3. They gave their daughter a genteel upbringing, with her schooling at the fashionable Miss Chapin's school and Barnard College.

4. In the genteel world of luxury, companies long believed that the Web was no place for merchandising.

5. BP spokesman Robert Wine called the action " a very calm and genteel protest, " and said no employees had been prevented from getting to work.

genteelgenteel 英英释义


1. marked by refinement in taste and manners

e.g. cultivated speech

cultured Bostonians

cultured tastes

a genteel old lady

polite society

Synonym: civilizedcivilisedcultivatedculturedpolite