

transformation:[英 [ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃn] 美 [ˌtrænsfərˈmeɪʃn] ]



transformation 基本解释

名词变化; 转换; 转换; 变换

transformation 相关例句


1. There was a noticeable transformation in his appearance.


transformation 网络解释

1. transformation什么意思

1. 变态:由于和其它原因所致的调节机制的紊乱,生癌遗传基因则表现出来. 这是包括刺激、突然变异、病毒等全部在内的学说. 近年来利用培养细胞,以其变态(transformation)为指标,进行细胞的水平研究已在盛行,与动物实验并行对癌进行探讨.

transformation 双语例句

1. At the present, china's export influenced by the financial crisis, the low power, high-value-added products ofwhich the proportion of international trade will comtinue to expand, which will be the direction of china's ecomomic transformation.


2. transformation在线翻译

2. Over the past four years the company has set up the following projects: Rizhao City Construction Committee Building elevator between Mentao stone materials for decoration, the national flag for Taiwan and the stone facade and construction; Rizhao City Mentao the Inland Revenue Department building elevator doors decorated stone for construction materials and, within Dry-hanging stone wall for materials and construction, the East China Sea Hotel for materials; Gloria Plaza Hotel before the floor, stone ornaments for materials; sunshine-million for materials and construction of the hotel; part of the Shandong Water Conservancy Institute for materials and installation; sunshine Commissioner of South East along the external walls of floor dry hanging Stone materials and for installation in Chinese medicine hospitals, the East and the transformation of the old city hospital and other projects for materials and installation; sunshine Belvedere Garden staircase still for materials and installation works.


3. This paper aims at drawing a rough outline of the development of Hubei poetry in the new era, which has undergone a process of resurgence, flourishing, transformation and waning.



4. In order to analyze the reason that model of rural mass participation works in the period of Chinese transformation, the second chapter analyzes the impression of compressive system.


5. transformation的翻译

5. Our company adhere to the outer edge of the connotation of transformation and the principle of expansion.


6. In addition, the heat treatment process is proved to cause transformation from Eu〓 to Eu〓.


7. Ltd. Wuxi Xinkaihe rotational molding technology in the continuous exploration reactor used in the production of low pressure at room temperature to find a successful path the enamel on the end-of-life renovation reactor transformation successful use of rotational molding technology enables regeneration of waste reactor.


8. transformation

8. Because of the high calcinations temperature, deteriorated the problem of agglomeration of the ultra-fine powder in the process of making Alumina calcined from Aluminum Hydroxide. To deal with this problem, the addition of seed to the process to decrease the phrase-transformation temperature, thus α-Al2O3 is prepared at lower temperature.


9. transformation

9. Transformation of productive uses becomes more important than residential succession to explain the new dynamics of urban space Mitchell, 1999; Horan, 2001


10. In 2002, Tsaban and Vishne introduced the notation of linear transformation shift registers to exploit word-oriented operations for LFSRs.


11. Different sulfurizing pressures can result in microstrain variations of phase transformation, spot-defect quantity and surface-defect quantity, and then can result in the change of optical absorption properties in the FeS2 films.


12. transformation的意思

12. In order to simulate the real radar clutter environment, the use of zero-memory nonlinear transformation method of Rayleigh, log-normal distribution, K-distribution and the Weibull distribution where the clutter of different simulation and put forward A one-dimensional approach will be extended to a clutter sequence of two-dimensional sequence, a two-dimensional simulation of the peak to clutter Doppler frequency and space with the correct move frequency.



13. The proposed basis transformation approach from Galois Field (28) to Galois Field (24) can significantly reduce the hardware complexity of the Substitution Byte function.



14. The power flows in AC/DC power grid are calculated on the basis of considering control actions of various control methods and transformation conditions.


15. Lorentz transformation is merly the derivation result of the logical relation among the mathematical symbolscreated by human, and don`t relate to the relation between its concept and an experience object.


16. The characteristics of the traction battery will play a critical role in this transformation.


17. transformation的翻译

17. With increase of laser energy density, the coating formed Al_3Ti phase firstly, and AlTi phase secondly. The final products were coexistent AlTi and AlTi3. At the end of this paper, the transformation of product was forecasted by Miedema model.(4) The mixture powder with the atom percentage Al-40at.


18. During this transformation period, the position of China in the world worsen and the process of Chinese modernization fallen into the sphere of Japanese hegemony for the nationalism revolution, thought it was a enormous power.


19. Factory from the start of production in 1984 on military supplies metal warehouse doors and windows sealed moisture-proof, in this twenty years, my factory continuous product development transformation, developed a mechanical locks, metal fire doors closed windows, metal doors and windows sealed insulation, especially in confined metal fire doors and windows do at Henan Shan oil storage destructive tests carried out have been the General Logistics Department to promote fuel system.


20. Under the above background, by applying the theoretical framework and methodology of the industry's control economics and institutional economics, adopting the approaches of analysis, comparison, and example verification, and taking the review of China's tobacco monopoly system as the cut-in point, this thesis is designed to analyze the status quo and existing problems from the basic view of the functional transformation of the government control and evolvement and reconstruction of the monopoly system, probe into the development path whereof under the brand-new situation, and, by the international comparison of different countries on the issue of the tobacco industry control, endeavours to bring forward the policy proposal on the institutional evolvement from both layers of the industry itself and the external environment.


transformation 单语例句

1. One of the key factors in the early stages of China's economic transformation was recognition of the importance of business management education.

2. Start your transformation by stepping into a hair salon that suits you.

3. A Taiwan calligraphy researcher recently appraised it as a rare masterpiece of Huang that exemplifies a transformation in style into his later years.

4. Roman Abramovich's transformation of Chelsea's soccer team was sixth followed by the death of Cameroon soccer star Marc Vivien Foe at the FIFA Confederations Cup.

5. The market has proved its capacity in promoting efficiency during the country's ongoing transformation from central planning to market competition.

6. It is also a necessary step to stimulate healthy development of a private capital market and to boost economic structure transformation.

7. City officials said Nantong focused on increasing the amount and improving the structure of foreign capital last year to accelerate economic transformation.

8. The transformation from a primitive market economy or capitalist economy into a modern welfare capitalist economy is an outcome of social reform.

9. Too urgent a demand was imposed on the transformation and careful persuasion work was forgone, and the transition was made too rapidly and too uniformly.

10. It said on its micro blog there was instead a study on the transformation of carotene in vegetables to vitamin A in children's bodies.

transformation 英英释义



1. the act of changing in form or shape or appearance

e.g. a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface

Synonym: translation

2. (genetics) modification of a cell or bacterium by the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNA

3. a rule describing the conversion of one syntactic structure into another related syntactic structure

4. a qualitative change

Synonym: transmutationshift

5. (mathematics) a function that changes the position or direction of the axes of a coordinate system