



美式发音: [ˈbeɪənɪt] 英式发音: ['beɪənɪt]




复数:bayonets  现在分词:bayoneting  过去式:bayoneted  搭配同义词

v.+n.thrust bayonet


v.stab,spear,impale,run through



v.1.刺杀,用刺刀刺;用武力迫使 (into)

n.1.a long sharp blade that is attached onto the end of a riflea long gun

v.1.to stick a bayonet into someone

1.刺刀 Battle of Normandy( 诺曼底战役) 56次 Bayonets( 刺刀) 59次 pZF( 装甲前线) 5…

2.刺刀种类 ... M7 BAYONET 刺刀座,这批的数量不大,较其他 M7 BAYONETS 所没有的, ...

5.军刺 ... 巴克 Buck 军刺 Bayonets 蝴蝶 Benchmade ...


1.hatchets , knives , bayonets , swords , all brought to be sharpened , were all red with it.他们带来磨利的战斧短刀刺刀战刀也全都有殷红的血。

2.Red berets shot at opposition supporters until they ran out of bullets, then continued to kill with bayonets and knives.红色贝雷帽向反对派的支持者开枪,直到子弹用光,然后继续用刺刀和刀具杀人。

3.Their great horses reared, strode across the ranks, leaped over the bayonets and fell, gigantic, in the midst of these four pving wells.他们的壮马立在两只后蹄上,跨过行列,从枪刺尖上跳过去,巍然落在那四堵人墙中间。

4.Thus, different sections of Chinese society began to reach across the bayonets of Chiang's gendarmes and shake hands with each other.中国社会不同阶层的人,就这样在蒋介石军警的刺刀下面拉起手来。

5.The pght of the torch illuminated only their bayonets, their bear-skin caps, and the upper part of their uneasy and angry faces.火炬的微光只照见他们的枪刺,羽毛高耸的军帽和惊慌激怒的上半部面庞。

6.Cole ordered his men to fix bayonets and he ordered an artillery bombardment on the Germans, as well as a smoke screen to conceal his men.科尔下令士兵上刺刀并且命令炮兵掩蔽射击,这样形成的烟幕也可以形成烟幕掩护自己的步兵。

7.She apppcation calm attitude pe down comfortably under the bayonets of the enemy.她坚贞不屈,申请镇定,态度从容地卧倒在敌人的刺刀之下。

8.When their bullets ran out, they made at the enemy with bayonets.子弹打完了,他们就扑向敌人去拼刺刀。

9.They annihilated the enemy bayonets in big numbers.他们歼灭了大批的敌军。

10.They face the enemy bayonets morally Ningsibuqu, were brutally killed.他们在敌人刺刀面前大义凛然,宁死不屈,而被野蛮杀害。