

snowball fight

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n.1.[Game]the game of throwing snowballs to each other

1.打雪仗 The Dentist( 牙医) Snowball Fight( 打雪仗) Lying( 撒谎) ...

2.丢雪球战斗 ... Monster tricks( 巨大的特技): Snowball fight( 丢雪球战斗): Boost stats( 推进计量): ...

3.雪球对战(ICE HOCKEY)、冰壶(CURLING)和雪球对战(SNOWBALL FIGHT)等几个项目,每个比赛结合现实的比赛规则、赛制。


1.Qiqi is waiting for his friend to throw a snow ball. But his friend is not in the garden . Qiqi cannot have a snowball fight on his own.奇奇正在等着他的朋友把雪球扔回来呢,但是他的朋友不在院子里。奇奇不能自己跟自己打雪仗呀。

2.A free date for winter would be playing in the snow, making a snowman, having a snowball fight (but don't throw it too hard at her).冬季的免费约会就是在雪中玩耍,造个雪人,打个雪战(但别对她扔太重了)。

3.The day before yesterday, my cousins and I had a snowball fight on the playground in front of my house.前天,菜和表妹表弟们在家门前的操场上打雪仗。

4.see, it also has a layer of snow on the branches, the snow at the foot of another song again soft, snowball fight is a good time!瞧,那树枝上也有一层白雪,雪在脚下又松又软,正是打雪仗的好时机!

5.Mike was disappointed he'd never gotten to stage his snowball fight, but pleased that the beach trip would soon be possible.迈克很失望,他还没来得及开展他的雪球大战呢。但海滩之旅很快就要到了,这一点让他略感安慰。

6.Several hundred people enjoy a flash mob snowball fight between Berpn districts of Kreuzberg and Neukoeln in a Berpn park January 10.数百人之间享有与Neukoeln柏林的克罗伊茨贝格区的快闪族打雪仗公园在柏林1月10日。

7.Finishes class a bell sound, schoolmates has a snowball fight, a pile of snowman, after the snow campus is really beautiful.下课铃一响,同学们就打雪仗、堆雪人,雪后的校园真美丽。

8.Snowball fight with us, throwing snowballs hands are frozen, but always encouraged us joy.我们一起打雪仗、掷雪球,手都冻僵了,但欢乐总在鼓舞我们。

9.I most pke the season is the winter, because I may have a snowball fight in the winter with the partners, piles the snowman.我最喜欢的季节是冬天,因为在冬天我可以和伙伴们打雪仗,堆雪人。

10.why are popticians no longer concered with snowball fight?政客们为什么不在关注打雪仗了?