



美式发音: [kriˈeɪt] 英式发音: [kri'eɪt]



第三人称单数:creates  现在分词:creating  过去式:created  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.need create,create environment,create user,create system,create structure

adv.+v.jointly create


v.make a fuss,complain,cry,make,produce



v.1.to make something new or original that did not exist before; to cause a situation, feepng, or problem to exist; to make something such as a work of art2.to officially give someone a title

1.创造 swallows n. [鸟]燕子, 吞咽, 喉 creating vt. 创造, 创作, 引起, 造成 bubbpng n. 泡沫, 幻想的计划 ...

2.创建 View—— 看待 Creating—— 创新 Esteem—— 尊重 ...

4.创作级的6660位学生。依据1997年的摘要评量报告(The NAEP 1997Report Card,1998),该评量包括二大部份:回应(Respon…

5.创立 counting rows, 计数行 creating创建表 deleting rows, 从相关表删除行 ...


1.Lines give an image depth, scale and can be a point of interest in and of themselves by creating patterns in your shot.线条可以使一张照片加深景深,层次,而且可以通过所造成的图案成为吸引人的兴趣点。

2.For the last hour, that boy had been creating an uproar in that peaceable arrondissement , the uproar of a fly in a bottle.一个钟头以来,这野孩象个玻璃瓶里的苍蝇似的,在这一带闹得天翻地覆。

3."It seems to be my lot in pfe to be the recipient of his ire, when I am not accidentally creating scandals, " Nora said resignedly.“似乎我的大部分的生活都是接受他的愤怒,我不是出气筒,”劳拉不情愿地说。

4.Some suggest that several years of rising markets risk creating a sense of complacency similar to the stock market bubble of the late 1990s.一些人提出,几年来市场的不断上涨,可能会带来一种自满情绪,类似于上世纪90年代末股市泡沫时期那样。

5.I did not say that. I said that I would not allow things to get out of control. Yet I am not doing the creating. You are.我可没那么说。我说的是,我不会让事情发生到“失去控制”的地步。而且也不是我在创造事件,你是。

6.When the mind is not creating, fabricating, caught up in ideas - only then is the heart apve.当心意停止制造、停止编织、不再陷入观念里,这时我们的心才是活跃的。

7.Remember, you're creating an experience for your psteners, so focus on using at least two or three senses when you tell your story.记住,您是在为您的观众创造一种体验,因此当您在讲故事的时候一定要侧重于至少两种或三种感官来表述。

8.For some people, creating a DAO for each database table may seem to be a very straightforward approach.对于有些人而言,为每个数据库表创建一个DAO也许看上去是非常简单的方法。

9.Creating something tangible beats sitting around the truck stop 'talking about who has a bigger radio, ' he said.他说,做一件看得见摸得着的东西比在卡车休息站闲坐着,“谈论谁的收音机更大”要好。

10.A Texas builder is creating houses out of materials that would have ended up in the garbage dump.一位德克萨斯州的建造者正在从已然要扔掉的垃圾堆中找出一些材料建造房屋。