

roll:[英 [rəʊl] 美 [roʊl] ]


过去式:rolled;   过去分词:rolled;   现在分词:rolling;   复数形式:rolls;

roll 基本解释


及物动词滚动; 辗; 使(眼球等)左右转动; (使)原地转圈

不及物动词翻滚; 左右摇晃; 开始移动,启动

名词名册; 滚翻

roll 相关词组


1. roll out : 铺开, 洪亮地讲出;

2. roll in : 蜂拥而来;

3. roll up : 卷起;

4. roll back : 击退, 把...压低到标准水平;

5. roll into : 滚进, 卷成, 使合为一体;


roll 相关例句



1. He rolled up the map.


2. roll的翻译

2. He rolled his eyes at her.



1. The thunder rolled in the distance.


2. The drunken man rolled to me.


roll 情景对话


A:Now, what seems to be the trouble?


B:It’s nothing serious. But I always have a headache, and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks. I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.


A:Mm, you do look rather pale. Let me take your temperature. Would you put the thermometer under your arm. Please? Now, let me listen to your pulse. Mm, do you feel weak?


B:Yes, I never seem to have any energy.



A:I’ll give you a blood test. Would you roll up your sleeve? Just as I thought. You’re anemic. You’d better pay more attention to your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein. And don’t’ stay up late working. Try to get more rest.


B:Thank you.


roll 网络解释

1. 面包卷:面包房(bakery)里能烤出面包卷(roll)来,面包都烤完以后(when all the bread has been baked)进行清点,给rolls(面包卷)进行一次roll call(点名)倒是名副其实的.

2. roll的翻译

2. 轧辊:将钢胚(billet,bloom,slab)通过两个转动轧辊(roll),受连续轧压力而压伸为长形,其产品谓之轧制钢材. 用鎚或压机(forging machine)等加工成形者,谓之锻钢品. 成品形状复杂者,不易用轧制和锻造法成形,须用铸造法. 钢之铸造,

roll 双语例句


1. Ce: can you do me one of your Bolshevik roll-ups?



2. The business card printing and membership card making machine is configured with seven business card printing and membership card making color groups, 2 on the toilet roll system, 12 only ultraviolet lamp, a hotmelts sizing device and die-cutting device, etc.


3. Its force was so strong that the water displacement it had produced on the ocean floor caused massive tsunamis to roll to countries of South Asia, South East Asia and East Africa.


4. She bore Sisyphus sons Glaucus, Ornytion, and Sinon; she is sometimes also said to be mother of D椡lus, though others in the running are Alcippe and IphinoSisyphus founded the city of Ephyre and later revealed Zeus's rape of ina to her father Asopus, for which Zeus condemned Sisyphus to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades, only to have it roll back down each time the task was nearly done.


5. Quality control of roll formed and curved panels.


6. Hafsteinn Thorvaldsson on the Turf doing a nice safe on the second track where he backs out of a backwards roll.


7. Like the Z51 performance-suspension package it displaces, the Grand Sport will upgrade the base Corvette chassis with more-aggressive shocks, springs, and anti-roll bars.



8. You can put it into your pocket, roll it and make it smaller, or put on your wrist when you want to make a video call on the go.


9. But I'm back. And I'm ready to roll. You ready to roll?


10. roll什么意思

10. This is not a test, this is rock and roll.


11. Keywords twin roll strip casting; solid side dam technique; top tightener; process stability; strip surface quality


12. Garth had recently re-ran a modified Hayabusa (around 180 whp) with a pro rider from a first gear roll.


13. Aluminum foil business card printing and membership card production is done by a business card printing and membership card making roll of concave surface business card printing and membership card making text pattern, start by printing plate roller by making printing graphics and text, picture and text part roller copper coating on the surface, marked as monlchamus hole or holes, while others were non-graphics and text, and the outer surface of the bronze Bowl itself.


14. I mean you can't walk into a restaurant, roll a joint, and start puffin'away.


15. roll的意思

15. Sometimes careless pilot-in-Cap.59 unplasticized monochamus of the cooling roll injured when sticky dirty.


16. Avoid roll contact by using a type of separator between the roll bodies wood wedge, rubber stripping


17. Roll out the barrel, I heard my father sing.


18. roll的翻译

18. Abrasive machining of cold rolled work roll is focused on the roll barrel.


19. It is illegal to roll a barrel on any street, fines go up according to the contents of the barrel.


20. Launching it on a windy day directly into the breeze causes it to climb into a half barrel roll.


roll 词典解释

1. (使)滚;(使)滚动

When something rolls or when you roll it, it moves along a surface, turning over many times.

e.g. The ball rolled into the net...


e.g. Their car went off the road and rolled over...


2. (身体)滚动,打滚

If you roll somewhere, you move on a surface while lying down, turning your body over and over, so that you are sometimes on your back, sometimes on your side, and sometimes on your front.

e.g. When I was a little kid I rolled down a hill and broke my leg...


e.g. They just rolled about on the floor punching each other like schoolboys...


3. (车辆)慢慢开动,缓缓行进

When vehicles roll along, they move along slowly.

e.g. The lorry quietly rolled forward.


4. (机器)转动,运转,工作

If a machine rolls, it is operating.

e.g. He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled...


e.g. The newspaper presses are rolling in Pittsburgh again today.


5. (液体)滚落,滑落

If drops of liquid roll down a surface, they move quickly down it.

e.g. She looked at Ginny and tears rolled down her cheeks.


6. 卷;绕;使成筒状(或球状)

If you roll something flexible into a cylinder or a ball, you form it into a cylinder or a ball by wrapping it several times around itself or by shaping it between your hands.

e.g. He took off his sweater, rolled it into a pillow and lay down on the grass...


e.g. He rolled and lit another cigarette.


7. 卷;卷轴

A roll of paper, plastic, cloth, or wire is a long piece of it that has been wrapped many times around itself or around a tube.

e.g. The photographers had already shot a dozen rolls of film.


e.g. ...a roll of blue insulated wire.


8. 摇(车窗);卷(窗帘等)

If you roll up something such as a car window or a blind, you cause it to move upwards by turning a handle. If you roll it down, you cause it to move downwards by turning a handle.


e.g. In mid-afternoon, shopkeepers began to roll down their shutters...


e.g. She rolled up the window and drove on...


9. 转动(眼睛);(眼珠)骨碌碌地转

If you roll your eyes or if your eyes roll, they move round and upwards. People sometimes roll their eyes when they are frightened, bored, or annoyed.

e.g. People may roll their eyes and talk about overprotective, interfering grandmothers...


e.g. His eyes rolled and he sobbed.


10. (一人份的)小圆面包,面包卷

A roll is a small piece of bread that is round or long and is made to be eaten by one person. Rolls can be eaten plain, with butter, or with a filling.

e.g. He spread butter on a roll.


11. (鼓的)咚咚声,隆隆声,持续的轰鸣声

A roll of drums is a long, low, fairly loud sound made by drums.


e.g. As the town clock struck two, they heard the roll of drums.


12. 名单;名册

A roll is an official list of people's names.

e.g. ...the electoral roll.


13. see also: rolling;rock and roll;sausage roll

14. 连连成功;连交好运

If someone is on a roll, they are having great success which seems likely to continue.

e.g. I made a name for myself and I was on a roll, I couldn't see anything going wrong.


15. 盼望;期待

If you say roll on something, you mean that you would like it to come soon, because you are looking forward to it.

e.g. Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria.


16. 集于一身;融为一体

If something is several things rolled into one, it combines the main features or qualities of those things.


e.g. Experts claimed that teachers had to be Einstein, Marie Curie and Linford Christie rolled into one to help children grasp the new national curriculum...


e.g. This is our kitchen, sitting and dining room all rolled into one.


17. to start the ball rolling -> see ball

heads will roll -> see head

相关词组:roll backroll inroll up

roll 单语例句roll是什么意思

1. Roll out a piece of dough as thinly as possible and brush with softened butter or oil.

2. Rock'n'roll band Second Hand Rose stages rock music influenced by the folk style of dongbei or Northeast China.

3. The facility was targeted to roll out four jets a month by the end of 2011.

4. It will be able to roll out four jets a month by the end of 2011.

5. The dish is similar to spring rolls, except you have to roll in the meatless stuffing by yourself.

6. It is widely regarded the CACC's first large aircraft will roll off the production line by 2020.

7. Police take a roll call in Changsha before shifting the prisoners to jails in Hunan Province.

8. The Senate was following suit in a roll call that was without suspense but extended into the night.

9. The unusual weekend session sent presidential contenders in both parties scrambling to make the roll call.

10. A woman customer inside the shop said she noticed the roll call but did not consider it a " fuss ".

roll 英英释义


1. the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)

Synonym: bowl

2. a flight maneuver

aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude

3. walking with a swaying gait

4. the act of throwing dice

Synonym: cast

5. anything rolled up in cylindrical form

6. photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light

7. a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)

Synonym: scroll

8. a list of names

e.g. his name was struck off the rolls

Synonym: roster

9. a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore

Synonym: rollerrolling wave

10. the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously

Synonym: paradiddledrum roll

11. a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)

Synonym: pealpealingrolling

12. rotary motion of an object around its own axis

e.g. wheels in axial rotation

Synonym: axial rotationaxial motion

13. small rounded bread either plain or sweet

Synonym: bun

14. a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.)

e.g. he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag

Synonym: bankroll

15. a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)

Synonym: coilwhorlcurlcurlicueringletgyrescroll


1. execute a roll, in tumbling

e.g. The gymnasts rolled and jumped

2. show certain properties when being rolled

e.g. The carpet rolls unevenly

dried-out tobacco rolls badly

Synonym: roll up

3. take the shape of a roll or cylinder

e.g. the carpet rolled out

Yarn rolls well

4. shape by rolling

e.g. roll a cigarette

5. boil vigorously

e.g. The liquid was seething

The water rolled

Synonym: seethe

6. pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/

e.g. She rolls her r's

7. flatten or spread with a roller

e.g. roll out the paper

Synonym: roll out

8. arrange or or coil around

e.g. roll your hair around your finger

Twine the thread around the spool

She wrapped her arms around the child

Synonym: windwraptwine

9. begin operating or running

e.g. The cameras were rolling

The presses are already rolling

10. move by turning over or rotating

e.g. The child rolled down the hill

turn over on your left side

Synonym: turn over

11. cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis

e.g. She rolled the ball

They rolled their eyes at his words

Synonym: revolve

12. move, rock, or sway from side to side

e.g. The ship rolled on the heavy seas

13. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment

e.g. The gypsies roamed the woods

roving vagabonds

the wandering Jew

The cattle roam across the prairie

the laborers drift from one town to the next

They rolled from town to town

Synonym: wanderswanstraytramproamcastrambleroverangedriftvagabond

14. move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle

e.g. The President's convoy rolled past the crowds

Synonym: wheel

15. move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion

e.g. The curtains undulated

the waves rolled towards the beach

Synonym: undulateflapwave

16. emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound

e.g. The thunder rolled

rolling drums

17. sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity

Synonym: hustlepluck

18. occur in soft rounded shapes

e.g. The hills rolled past

Synonym: undulate