

counteract:[英 [ˌkaʊntərˈækt] 美 [ˌkaʊntɚˈækt] ]


过去式:counteracted;   过去分词:counteracted;   现在分词:counteracting;

counteract 基本解释

及物动词抵消; 中和; 阻碍


counteract 相关例句


1. counteract的解释

1. Alkalis counteract acids.



2. This drug will counteract the effects of poison.


3. The doctor gave him some medicine to counteract the effect of the poison.


4. This drug should counteract the poison.


counteract 网络解释

1. counteract

1. 抵消:这个偏离越大,为纠正这个偏离所需要的行动变量就越大,(2)式表明,感知信号是干扰变量与行动变量加权差(weighted difference)的函数,它报告了行动抵消(counteract)干扰以达到基准信号

2. 对抗:而且认为,一切生命都是层级地组织起来的负反馈系统,一切生命行为(2)对于环境加到q*的干扰与摄动(disturbances & perturbation),系统总是存在着不断的对抗(counteract)和补偿行动,使qi倾向于返回q*,

3. 消解,抵消:counter 反对,对抗 | counteract 消解,抵消 | counterattact 反攻,反击

4. 反作用,抵抗:corresponding 相应的 | counteract 反作用,抵抗 | couple with 伴随

counteract 双语例句

1. The results confirm that GAA is a useful compound to induce experimental hyperhomocysteinemia and indicate that eritadenine can effectively counteract the hyperhomocysteinemic effect of GAA.


2. counteract的翻译

2. The results confirm that GAA is a useful compound to induce experimental hyperhomocysteinemia and indicate that eritadenine can effectiely counteract the hyperhomocysteinemic effect of GAA.


3. counteract

3. In early August, the mayor said that the government would start selling land for the construction of residential property. The aim is to provide affordable housing, which should help counteract price inflation.


4. All three of the new cameras, FX-33, FX-55 and FZ18, feature the face detection and automatic scene selection as well as two earlier technologies, which shifts the image sensor to counteract camera shake, and Intelligent ISO, which increases the camera`s sensitivity to try to deal with moving subjects.

所有这三个新的相机,外汇- 33 ,外汇- 55和FZ18 ,采用了人脸检测和自动场景选择以及前两次的技术,这改变了图像传感器,以抵消相机抖动,智能国际标准化组织,这增加了相机的灵敏度来处理移动主体。

5. So less gas is given off in the mould than with rimming steel, but enough bubbles form at the top of the ingot to counteract most of the shrinkage



6. In the end, make different means attack the arithmetic, which is to check the arithmetic can counteract minded and involuntary attack or not, over here, attack means interfering the image quality.


7. Therefore, it has become the real barrier in international trade, and developing green economy is the radical measure to counteract the influence of green trade barrier.

因此 ,我们需要就这一问题进行认真研究,积极采取措施,做好应对准备,发展绿色经济是应对绿色壁垒的重要举措。

8. When I say reactivate them, I mean that the ratios need to be changed from time to time to counteract the prevailing mood of the markets because, contrary to the prevailing view, markets do have moods.



9. Ordinary calcium could not move in soil, but Eco-Ca can move very easily. It can be absorbed by the plants. This product can counteract organic acid with plant inside and soil acidity; adjust maladjustment for some ion nimiety.


10. Ordinary calcium could not move in soil, but Eco-Ca can move very easy and easily be absorbed by the plants. This product can counteract organic acid with plant inside and soil acidity; adjust maladjustment for some ion nimiety.


11. counteract

11. One way to counteract this deficiency is through sensory deprivation training in other words, get a blindfold!


12. Lying reports were put in circulation, but the miracle could not be denied, and how to counteract its effect they knew not.


13. Arming at the physical theory of active control which uses the second source to counteract the primary source, this paper firstly analyses the characteristics of open sound fields and closed ones, then expatiates the theory of active noise control and express intuitively these maths models via analyze idiographic finite element models, and elicits the rule of the placement of the second source.


14. However, the accelerated leaching of NO3^- and SO4^2- might somewhat counteract the positive effects.


15. He ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list.


16. Hence the nonconservation parts of the spin and orbit currents can not counteract each other precisely.


17. Our results thus suggest that even though Viperin gene expression is highly induced by JEV, it is negatively regulated at the protein level to counteract its antiviral effect. In contrast, SIN induces Viperin through the action of IFN, and Viperin exhibits a potent antiviral activity against SIN in cell culture and in infected animals.


18. Now, why on Earth would you want to counteract that?


19. Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism.



20. Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism. The essence of Descartes` general doubt is not noumenon doubt but methodological one.


counteract 词典解释

1. 抵制;抵消;抵抗

To counteract something means to reduce its effect by doing something that produces an opposite effect.

e.g. My husband has to take several pills to counteract high blood pressure...


e.g. This event will counteract such trends.


counteract 单语例句

1. What can be done to counteract the potential negative effects of a " seagoing " exodus?

2. Perry said such an expansion would counteract the package's objective of job creation by leading companies to limit hiring and raise prices.

3. That led researchers to believe that upping physical activity levels could counteract the negative impact of watching TV or playing on the computer.

4. An ingredient in a drug once used to treat schizophrenia can counteract the SARS virus, a team of domestic and international scientists said yesterday.

5. Lu said the resistance rate in China is higher than in other countries, but no effective treatments have been established to counteract the resistance.

6. If we have learned anything throughout this year, we have learned that this financial crisis is unpredictable and difficult to counteract.

7. The measures helped expand domestic demand and counteract impact of high consumer prices, the report said.

8. Beijing Wednesday launched a major effort to counteract the recent damage to bilateral ties caused by Taipei.

9. But Feng did not exclude the possibility of Japan's new leader consolidating the alliance with Washington " partly to counteract China ".

10. The weapon would use sensors, computers and flexible mirrors to counteract atmospheric turbulence.

counteractcounteract 英英释义


1. destroy property or hinder normal operations

e.g. The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war

Synonym: sabotageunderminecounterminesubvertweaken

2. oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions

e.g. This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues

Synonym: countervailneutralizecounterbalance

3. act in opposition to

Synonym: antagonizeantagonise

4. oppose or check by a counteraction

Synonym: countercheck