

motivated:[英 ['məʊtɪveɪtɪd] 美 [ˈmotɪvetɪd] ]



motivated 基本解释

形容词有动机的,有目的的; 有积极性的

动词作为…的动机,激发,诱发( motivate的过去式和过去分词 )

motivated 网络解释

1. 有理据的:象似性是指语言的能指和所指之间,也即语言的形式和内容之间有一种必然联系,即两者之间的关系是可以论证的,是有理据的(motivated)(赵艳芳2004). 而根据索绪尔的观点,语言的形式和内容之间是任意的(除了个别拟声词外),

2. 目的明确的:modest 谦虚的 | motivated 目的明确的 | objective 客观的


3. 有根据的, 有动机的, 由...推动的:reading machine 读出装置 | motivated 有根据的, 有动机的, 由...推动的 | homoeopathic 顺势疗法的

4. motivated的近义词

4. 有根据:Motif 情节素 | Motivated 有根据 | Motivation 根据性 (Saussure)

motivated 双语例句

1. Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.


2. motivated什么意思

2. That's what motivated Max Donelan, a kinesiologist at Simon Fraser University, to invent a device that harnesses the energy of walking.


3. You have a strong self-motivated and self-esteem.


4. Motivated and have a stronger sense of responsibility.


5. If you choose not to be very motivated


6. motivated

6. It is apparent that in all cases Jayson's actions have been motivated by loyalty, kindness and the need to protect the innocent.


7. motivated是什么意思

7. Art is long, life is short. That is why some of our ancients continued to study even when they were hoary-headed. They were, of course, motivated by an enormous interest in their studies.


8. A spokesman for the University and College Union said: It would appear that this embarrassing volte-face has been motivated by the lucrative foreign student market.


9. Aspokesman for the University and College Union said: It would appearthat this embarrassing volte-face has been motivated by the lucrativeforeign student market.


10. Having coworkers who are honest, reliable, creative, self-motivated, compatible with one another and good team players will greatly enhance everyone`s work life, and benefit an organization in the most significant way—with greater productivity.


11. Frank reported that he was motivated to seek excitement as a way of reducing both the boredom and the tension in his work life.


12. We are searching for some highly motivated professionals who are capable of working with both internal team members and external customers. A Functional Consultant is recognized as an expert in the field or area of concentration...

1、金融类应届毕业生,对金融有浓厚兴趣,真正从实践中体验金融所带来的风险和利润;2、主动、乐观、能集中精神;良好的沟通能力,很好的亲和力和较强的人际交往能力; 3、精力充沛,喜爱竞争和有强烈成功欲望; 4、遵守纪侓和行业规范,。。。


13. The legislative history suggests that amendments expanding eligible paper for open market operations were motivated in part by the Congress's desire to assist certain sectors of the economy.



14. Motivated by this problem, in this paper, we give an upper-embeddable property of one kind of digraphs in orientable surfaces.


15. At the end of the day, you need staff who are self-motivated.


16. You have to be a self-motivated initiator.


17. Self-motivated and able to work under pressure.



18. So you need to be energetic, self-motivated and enjoy working in a busy environment.



19. I am mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.


20. Highly motivated and high level of resilience to cope with a rapidly changing business environment.


motivated 单语例句

1. Thus, the heyday of calendar pictures was motivated by business rivalry.

2. Those who want to call off the auction system are simply ignoring the dire reality in Shanghai or are motivated by a special business interest.

3. Whether the cancellation of the meeting was politically motivated or due to Platini needing more time to settle in to his new role remained unclear.

4. Lepper concluded that children who associate a reward with an activity are less intrinsically motivated to perform that activity.

5. The singer denied suggestions that she is motivated by being a celebrity or earning cash to fund her expensive lifestyle.

6. Many kidnappings are motivated by cash, with abductors often selling captives with political value to militant groups.

7. But Wang from CAU believed that public supervision motivated by the Internet serves as an effective food quality watchdog.

8. Her influence and strong public support motivated the party caucus to vote for an inquiry with special statutory powers and privileges.

9. Businesspeople and ad gurus would say people are motivated by infinite desires and choices, and it is they who decide what to buy.

10. Fiscal stimulus is focused on investment that will bring returns, and the recently unemployed are adaptable and motivated.

motivated的翻译motivated 英英释义


1. provided with a motive or given incentive for action

e.g. a highly motivated child can learn almost anything

a group of politically motivated men