

fix:[英 [fɪks] 美 [fɪks] ]


过去式:fixed;   过去分词:fixed;   现在分词:fixing;   复数形式:fixes;

fix 基本解释

及物动词固定; 修理; 准备; 使牢固

不及物动词固着; 变硬; 安定

名词困境; 定位于; 受操纵的事; 应急措施


fix 同义词




fix 反义词


fix 相关词组

1. fix up : 修理好, 安排好;

2. fix on : 确定;

fix 相关例句


1. fix

1. Let me fix you a drink.



2. He fixed a picture to the wall.


3. Her image was fixed in his mind.



1. fix是什么意思

1. Her eyes fixed for a few minutes.



1. Can you get a fix on the submarine?


fix 情景对话



A:You have a lovely house, Jack.


B:Thank you. Yeah, its home, but a number of things have been going wrong lately.


A:Thats too bad. What problems are you having?


B:Oh, the whole house needs re-painting, for starters. The carpet in the living room is worn out, and Id like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. Last week, I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet. Anyway, all par for the course when you own a house, I guess. I think Im going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over.


A:Ive studied Western home decoration as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions?


B:Go right ahead.


A:Well, I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room, and maybe some new drapes for the windows. Also, a grandfather clock would look great in the den. Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room.



B:Wow! You really do have a talent for this, Ethabella. Thanks for your suggestions.



A:You are welcome, Jack. Glad to be of help.


fix 网络解释

1. 修订:| | | |+----修订(Fix)版本号(版本号) | +--修正(Modification)版本号发行(Release)版本号VG卷组(Volumn Group)RAM文件系统是引导镜像(Boot Image)的一部分,完全常驻内存,包含了许多能让引导继续的程序.

2. 安装:18 B 逻辑推理词义比较 三天里作者包括接(receive)和打,没有(have)一个电话,也就无从错过(miss)一个电话,更无法安装(fix)电话机了. 19 D 语法规则语句连贯 自作者使用电话亭以来,已经好几天了=作者好几天没有使用过电话亭了.

3. fix

3. fix:federal internet exchange; 联邦因特网交换机

4. fix:federal interconnection exchange; 联邦内部互连交换机(美国政府各部门的网络连接器)

5. fix:federal information exchange; 联邦信息交换系统(美国)

fix 双语例句

1. fix的近义词

1. We shall first fix the temperature filed and thermal stress field of jointless dam in construction period through simulation calculating.



2. That will usually fix any problems with the connection being dropped!


3. You have proposed to fix it by letting people put some of the money collected to pay benefits into private savings accounts.


4. In scenario A, you have a developer that pumps out code likemad, things seem to be working… then bugs start happening, you don`tknow why, seems to take forever to fix!


5. I am a great handyman and I love to fix almost anything.


6. fix的解释

6. I'd like to fix an appiontment with you.


7. I'd like fix an appiontment with you.


8. However, the proposed LZ not lift the Power On Self Test, windows in the face of the illegal shutdown, when you next boot time, windows will automatically detect the hard disk partition error, and try to fix the errors.


9. Fix in a border, as of precious stones.


10. Best Calc highlightsLarge display with lots of graphic indicatorsPrecedence mode - to reduce entering parenthesis (e. g. 2+2-2=6)Operations and conversions can be performed in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal formCalculate basic arithmetic functionsCalculate the root, square root or cube root of a numberRaise to power functionsLogarithmic and exponent functionsCalculate sine, cosine, tangent, arc sine, arc cosine or arc tangentCalculate in degrees, radians or grads, mil, revDisplays results in normal, scientific, or fix modeMemory operations Call last result functionOperations with big and small numbers are supported (up to ten in 308th power or ten in minus 308th power)and much more to explore!

最佳钙highlightsLarge模式显示indicatorsPrecedence与大量的图形-减少输入括号(如2 +2-2 = 6)业务和十进制的转换,可进行二进制,八进制,和十六进制formCalculate基本算术functionsCalculate根,平方根或多维数据集的numberRaise根电源functionsLogarithmic和指数functionsCalculate正弦,余弦,正切,圆弧正弦,余弦弧或弧tangentCalculate度数,弧度或梯度,密尔,revDisplays结果正常,科学化,或修复modeMemory行动电话与大,小号码的最后结果functionOperations支持(最多10个在零下308电源或功率10 308)以及更多探索!

11. It's in our self-interest to fix this.



12. Outstanding issues to fix before sale: missing RF brake cable and fuel leak.


13. The bank was broken, so, in October and November 2008, Antonucci methodically went about pretending to fix it, 'said Preet Bharara, the U. S. attorney in Manhattan, at a press conference.



14. It is necessary to fix the address of written byte during data polling.


15. Fix the Towel Ring on the base with the M5 inner hexangular set screw..

将浴巾环架体用 M5的内六角紧顶螺钉固定在底座上。

16. I'm going to fix it.


17. I'll show you how to fix that tomorrow.



18. It is a real pain to fix.


19. The photo needs a certain period to fix.


20. One is the electronic output production personnel work seriously or there is not enough to print, the exposure process for the manufacture of flat screen produced some unplanned, officers attached to the film making-check mode practice at the time of imposition of a bug, is often used to simply by virtue of the layout of text direction, and quick-fix determine the membrane surface (that is, generally speaking of membrane bound third, the print process does not have a timely check diacover film mistakes; 4 is business card printing and membership card manufacturing processes in the adjustment of the amount of ink, to meet field lines, text suites over saturated, that version, do not paste version, flat screen Panel, which is still a noticeable color light, paying the check printing quality and recognition, blind business card printing and membership card making the above business card printing and membership card making quality problems.


fix 词典解释

1. 固定;安装

If something is fixed somewhere, it is attached there firmly or securely.


e.g. It is fixed on the wall...


e.g. Most blinds can be fixed directly to the top of the window-frame...


2. 确定,决定,选定(日期、价格、政策等)

If you fix something, for example a date, price, or policy, you decide and say exactly what it will be.

e.g. He's going to fix a time when I can see him...


e.g. The date of the election was fixed...


3. 安排;弄妥

If you fix something for someone, you arrange for it to happen or you organize it for them.

e.g. I've fixed it for you to see Bonnie Lachlan...


e.g. It's fixed. He's going to meet us at the airport...


4. 修理;维修

If you fix something which is damaged or which does not work properly, you repair it.

e.g. He cannot fix the electricity...


e.g. If something is broken, we get it fixed.


5. 处理,解决(问题等)

If you fix a problem or a bad situation, you deal with it and make it satisfactory.

e.g. It's not too late to fix the problem, although time is clearly getting short...


e.g. Fixing a 40-year-old wrong does not mean, however, that history can be undone.


6. 解决方案(或措施)

You can refer to a solution to a problem as a fix .

e.g. Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix.


7. (目光)专注于,凝视;目不转睛地看

If you fix your eyes on someone or something or if your eyes fix on them, you look at them with complete attention.

e.g. She fixes her steel-blue eyes on an unsuspecting local official...


e.g. Her soft brown eyes fixed on Kelly...


8. (用某种表情)看着,望着

If you fix someone with a particular kind of expression, you look at them in that way.


e.g. He took her hand and fixed her with a look of deep concern...


e.g. He fixed me with a lopsided grin.


9. 将(注意力)集中在;专心考虑

If you fix your attention on someone or something, you think about them with complete attention.

e.g. Fix your attention on the practicalities of financing your schemes...


e.g. Attention is fixed on the stock market...


10. 牢记,铭记,镌刻(在头脑中)

If someone or something is fixed in your mind, you remember them well, for example because they are very important, interesting, or unusual.

e.g. Leonard was now fixed in his mind...


e.g. Amy watched the child's intent face eagerly, trying to fix it in her mind.


11. 把(枪、相机、雷达)对准(或瞄准、指向)

If someone fixes a gun, camera, or radar on something, they point it at that thing.

e.g. The US crew fixed its radar on the Turkish ship...


e.g. The bore of the gun remained fixed on me.


12. (通常用雷达或电子设备)找到,弄清,确定(确切位置)

If you fix the position of something, you find out exactly where it is, usually by using radar or electronic equipment.

e.g. He had not been able to fix his position...


e.g. The satellite fixes positions by making repeated observations of each star.


13. 了解;理解;认识

If you get a fix on someone or something, you have a clear idea or understanding of them.

e.g. It's been hard to get a steady fix on what's going on.


14. 做,准备(食物或饮料)

If you fix some food or a drink for someone, you make it or prepare it for them.

e.g. Sarah fixed some food for us...


e.g. Let me fix you a drink...


15. 整理,收拾(头发、衣服或妆容)

If you fix your hair, clothes, or make-up, you arrange or adjust them so you look neat and tidy, showing you have taken care with your appearance.


e.g. 'I've got to fix my hair,' I said and retreated to my bedroom...


e.g. She called a cab, fixed her face, and scrawled a hasty note to Brian.


16. 矫正(牙齿);整形

If you have your teeth fixed, you have treatment from a dentist to make your teeth even, straight, and white.

e.g. The PR man suggested that I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed...


e.g. I wonder if Tom ever had his teeth fixed anywhere else.


17. 在(比赛、竞选等活动中)作弊,做手脚,操纵

If someone fixes a race, election, contest, or other event, they make unfair or illegal arrangements or use deception to affect the result.

e.g. They offered opposing players bribes to fix a decisive league match against Valenciennes...


e.g. We didn't 'fix' anything. It'll be seen as it happens...


18. 操纵,操控(价格)

If you accuse someone of fixing prices, you accuse them of making unfair arrangements to charge a particular price for something, rather than allowing market forces to decide it.

e.g. ...a suspected cartel that had fixed the price of steel for the construction market...


e.g. The company is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing.


19. (毒品)一剂,一次用量

An injection of an addictive drug such as heroin can be referred to as a fix .

20. (维持身体或心理需要所需的)一个剂量,一定数量

You can use fix to refer to an amount of something which a person gets or wants and which helps them physically or psychologically to survive.


e.g. It turned the country into an 'aid junkie', heavily dependent on its annual fix of dollars...


e.g. I need my fix of sugar, sweets, and chocolate...


21. (尤指由自己引起的)困境,窘境

If you are in a fix, you are in a difficult situation, especially one that you have caused for yourself.

e.g. He was in a fix...


e.g. The government has really got itself into a fix...


22. 定(影);定(色)

To fix something such as a dye or photographic image means to treat it with chemicals so that it does not lose its colour or disappear.

e.g. Certain pigment colours were painted on to dry plaster using tempera (where egg yolk is used to fix the pigment)...


e.g. The main aim of inbreeding is to standardise, to fix desirable inherited characteristics and to dispel undesirable ones.


23. 使永远停止;制止;收拾

If you say that you will fix someone, you mean that you will stop their activities permanently.

e.g. That'll fix him.


24. 打算;想要;计划

If you say that you are fixing to do something, you mean that you are planning or intending to do it.


e.g. I'm fixing to go to graduate school...


e.g. He would know when I was fixing to leave. He'd wait by the front door.


25. 决定;确定;选定

If you fix on a particular thing, you decide that it is the one you want and will have.


e.g. The Vietnamese government has fixed on May 19th to celebrate his anniversary.


26. 安排;确定

If you fix something up, you arrange it.

e.g. I fixed up an appointment to see her...


e.g. Accommodation is never fixed up in advance.


27. 装饰;修饰;整理

If you fix something up, you do work that is necessary in order to make it more suitable or attractive.

e.g. I've fixed up Matthew's old room...


e.g. The whole block is being fixed up.


28. 向…提供;为…准备

If you fix someone up with something they need, you provide it for them.

e.g. We'll fix him up with a tie...


e.g. He was fixed up with a job.


相关词组:fix onfix up

fix 单语例句fix

1. She said to fix the problems she had to get silicone implants in her butt.

2. That may be an impossible juggling act and raises a bigger question of how the government can fix the weaknesses the dispute has highlighted.

3. By that definition, most countries in the world manipulate currency because they either fix or have managed floats.

4. Apple earlier blamed the reception problem on a wrong method to calculate signal strength, and promised to fix the glitch with software updates.

5. Doctors activate the enamel and spread a special glue on the teeth before putting small diamonds on the surface and heating to fix them.

6. In Wu's opinion, this type of woman " can fix anything but men ".

7. The longer the diplomatic friction over the detention of the Chinese trawler captain continues, the lesser the opportunity for Kan to fix the already impaired relations.

8. It's the old adage of not trying to fix something that isn't broken.

9. When he took over the chief executive officer job from Fritz Henderson, he showed just how urgent he is to fix the automaker.

10. That would fix another loophole that has allowed Internet users to evade child pornography laws by not downloading or saving the images.

fix 英英释义


1. a determination of the place where something is

e.g. he got a good fix on the target

Synonym: localizationlocalisationlocationlocating

2. an exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear

e.g. collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers

3. the act of putting something in working order again

Synonym: repairfixingfixturemendmendingreparation

4. something craved, especially an intravenous injection of a narcotic drug

e.g. she needed a fix of chocolate

5. informal terms for a difficult situation

e.g. he got into a terrible fix

he made a muddle of his marriage

Synonym: holejammessmuddlepicklekettle of fish


1. make infertile

e.g. in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized

Synonym: sterilizesterilisedesexunsexdesexualizedesexualise

2. restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken

e.g. She repaired her TV set

Repair my shoes please

Synonym: repairmendbusheldoctorfurbish uprestoretouch on

3. make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc

e.g. Get the children ready for school!

prepare for war

I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill

Synonym: prepareset upreadygear upset

4. kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study

5. make fixed, stable or stationary

e.g. let's fix the picture to the frame

Synonym: fixate

6. decide upon or fix definitely

e.g. fix the variables

specify the parameters

Synonym: specifysetdeterminedefinelimit

7. take vengeance on or get even

e.g. We'll get them!

That'll fix him good!

This time I got him

Synonym: pay backpay offget

8. cause to be firmly attached

e.g. fasten the lock onto the door

she fixed her gaze on the man

Synonym: fastensecure

9. put (something somewhere) firmly

e.g. She posited her hand on his shoulder

deposit the suitcase on the bench

fix your eyes on this spot

Synonym: situatepositdeposit

10. set or place definitely

e.g. Let's fix the date for the party!

11. prepare for eating by applying heat

e.g. Cook me dinner, please

can you make me an omelette?

fix breakfast for the guests, please

Synonym: cookreadymakeprepare

12. influence an event or its outcome by illegal means

e.g. fix a race