

antibody:[英 [ˈæntibɒdi] 美 [ˈæntibɑ:di] ]



antibody 基本解释



antibody 网络解释

1. 抗体:学发病率指每年每10万人口中新出现的病人第一节 抗体酶(Abzyme)一、抗体酶的理论基础抗体蛋白的特性: 抗体(antibody): 抗原(antigen): 半抗原(hapten):IgG的三级结构IgG与抗原形成 的交联晶格抗体与酶的异同:相同点:都是蛋白质,

2. antibody

2. [生]抗体:免疫学(Immunology)是研究由於人体产生抗体(Antibody)抵抗疾病和排斥器官移植之一门非常复杂的科学,这很可能是今日医学研究最有前途的一支. 因虽然近二世纪以来,医生们已经知道利用接种(或口服、注射)疫苗(Vaccines),

3. 抗体;抗毒素:anti-freezing liquid 防冻液 | antibody 抗体;抗毒素 | antecedent 先行词

4. antibody什么意思

4. 抗体 抗體:antibiotic 抗生素 抗生素 Y | antibody 抗体 抗體 Y | anticline 背斜 背斜面 Y

antibody 双语例句

1. antibody什么意思

1. An indirect enzyme linked absorbent assays to measure the antibody against haemophilus influenzae type b outer menbrane protions was established and combined with antigen detection from blood and urine. 70 cases of pneumonia and 30 cases of healthy control were investigated.


2. Methods:Serum anti-sperm antibody, anti-endometrial antibody, anti-ovarian antibody and anti-cardiolipin antibody in 2906 female patients with primary or secondary infertility were tested.


3. To study the relationship between anticardiolipin antibody in gravida serum and pregnancy outcomes.

目的 阐述孕妇血清抗心磷脂抗体水平与妊娠结局的关系。

4. antibody的近义词

4. The spike protein is a major membrane protein of the SARS-CoV, which plays an important role in receptor interaction, immune recognition and inducing neutralizing antibody.


5. Platelet counts were dropped dramatically in animals that received antibody injection within 4 h, maintained at the mini-mum level for a period of 44 h, started to rebound after 48 h, and reached to the maximum at 144 h (6 days). Final homeostasis reached at approximately 408 h (17 days), following a minor cycle of platelet number fluctuation.


6. Adherent platelets can also augment antibody and cellular immune responses.


7. Antibody was detected by double agar gel immune diffusion test and ELISA.


8. antibody是什么意思

8. The target DNA amplified by the Polymerase Chain Reaction and labeled with a specific ligand was loaded onto nitrocellulose membrane to laterally flow through and be captured by an anti-ligand antibody.

目标物DNA序列首先以聚合酶链锁反应扩增且标志上特殊标定物,使待测样品在硝化纤维膜流动时,藉由被anti-ligand antibody捕捉,经由胶体金得显色可判读出是否含有禽流感之特殊序列。

9. It indicates that not only had FQ-PCR the characteristics of higher positive and accurative rates than smear acid-fast staining and antituberculotic antibody, but also had the advantage of accuracy quantitative analysis. It is of greater applicable importance that early diagnostic and medical treatment depend on FQ-PCR etiology data.


10. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B surface antibody, and hepatitis B core anti-body in a representative population in China 14 years after introduction of hepatitis B vaccination of infants.


11. The IgG antibody angainst DNA polymerase of EBV in sera of NPC patients can be testified by expressed DNA polymerase through Western-blot and ELISA.

在NPC病人血清中存在抗EB 秋季病毒 DNA聚合酶的IgG抗体,并证明DNA聚合酶的抗原性主要集中于后2/3片段(A2)上。

12. Preparation of monoclonal antibody to human augmenter of liver regeneration: screening of hybridomas with unpurified antigen expressed by E coli.



13. And ten to fourteen days after each inoculation, tail and eye blood were taken to perform ELISA for special antibody, and footpad swelling test for delayed-type hypersensitivity. After the third inoculation, mice were killed and spleens were taken to prepare single spleen cell suspension for lymphocyte proliferation assay, and footpad were evaluated by histology.


14. antibody的反义词

14. After born, blood groups, Coomb's test, free antibody and antibody release test were done for those 286 babies who were in high risk of HDN, so that we could understand the relationship between the antibody IgG level of pregnant women and ABO-HDN....


15. First, in the two-step assay, chromatin was extracted from liver cells and an antibody specific for FOXA2 was used to recognize the protein and immunoprecipitate the FOXA2 protein-DNA complex.


16. Based on this result, it is concluded that the change of acetylation level at the loci of hsp, mediated by histone deacetylase inhibitors, exertsimportant functions in hsp gene transcription.3, After immunolabeling with anti acelated-lysine monoclonal antibody on the polytene chromosomes of heat shocked flies, fluorescence signals were detected at the hsp loci.


17. Methods:Combining NG and Bovine Serum Albumin to gain Norgestrel-3-carboxymethyl oxime-Bovine Serum Albumin(NG-3-CMO-BSA), manufacturing poly-clone antibody of NG, then using Sephadex-GLucose200 to separate radioiodine. Results: The concentration of serum NG can be tested using the RIA kit of NG within 3 hours with non-pretreatment. The reagent can be stored at 4~8℃ for 60 days with no more than 10% activity reducing.

近十年来,国内外许多研究发现NG长期在体内存留能产生月经紊乱,出血倾向[2~ 5] ,迫切需要能准确、方便地检测血清中NG微量水平的分析方法;同时以改进NG不同剂型为目的的药代动力学研究、人群普查及扩展NG的治疗应用等也对NG的分析方法提出了更高的要求。


18. Results: The purity of the antibody was estimated to be greater than 90% after euglobulin precipitation combined with gel filtration, but less than 60% after ammonium sulfate precipitation combined with gel filtration.


19. Both samples were weakly reactive for antibody (signal/cutoff ratio less than 2.2) when tested by the HIV-EIA kit from manufacturer A, but were negative by kits from manufacturers B and C.

两个样本弱反响抗体(信号/截止比值小于2.2 )测试时发现病毒评估套件由一个制造商,但结果均为阴性,由包从厂商b和c。

20. The results showed that 2B8a antibody reacted to 3/3 specimens of blood B cells with a positive rate of 26.29% and 2/3 specimens of monocytes with an average positive rate of 59.84%. 2B8a was weakly reactive to neutrophils (23.72%) and negative for T cells, NK, DC, RBC and Plt.

本研究旨在分析ZCH-2B8a单克隆抗体与正常人外周血细胞成分、骨髓及G-CSF动员的外周血CD34 造血干/祖细胞和血液肿瘤细胞系的反应规律及其意义。

antibody 词典解释

1. 抗体

Antibodies are substances which a person's or an animal's body produces in their blood in order to destroy substances which carry disease.

antibody 单语例句antibody的反义词

1. It established the largest and most advanced humanized monoclonal antibody research, development and industrialization base in China.

2. The cancer makes a specific antibody that is not found in healthy cells.

3. Shanghai unveiled its institute for advanced immunochemical studies on Oct 12, in a bid to spur its antibody drug research and development.

4. The RNA tests target genetic evidence of HIV and can detect early infections which the current antibody screening fails to spot.

5. Those in the first round trials only received an antibody which has not been proven effective in fighting an active SARS virus.

6. The company specializes in the research and manufacture of monoclonal antibody drugs and tumor therapeutic vaccines which treat malignant tumors.

7. The key is to make sure that the formula and dose are geared toward an adequate antibody reaction.

8. Initial tests on mice showed the vaccine to be highly effective and the speed of antibody response was high.

9. Once locked in, an antibody serves as a beacon to immune cells that attack the pathogens.

10. Wyeth has just begun human tests of a genetically engineered antibody designed to neutralize myostatin.

antibody 英英释义


1. any of a large variety of proteins normally present in the body or produced in response to an antigen which it neutralizes, thus producing an immune response