

deference:[英 [ˈdefərəns] 美 [ˈdɛfərəns, ˈdɛfrəns] ]


deference 基本解释


名词尊重; 顺从; 敬重; 依从

deference 同义词



deference 反义词



deference 相关例句


1. He showed deference to his coach.


2. They were married in church out of deference to their parents' wishes.


deference 网络解释


1. 顺从:在柯林斯看来,社会互动常表现为两种样态:顺从(deference)与风度(demeanor). 顺从是为展现向他人表示尊敬姿态的过程,姿态的实际展现就是风度. 从这个意义来说,顺从和风度是紧密地结合在一起的,它们同样也和交谈与仪式结合在一起,

2. 遵从:首先,查默斯可以说专名的认知内涵就是琐碎和无意义的,因为往往一个说话者可以不知道关于一个专名的任何现象特性但却仍能通过他对语言社区中相关专家的遵从(deference)而去指示这个专名的指称.

3. 尊敬:Lasswell and Kaplan(1950)把领导者可以得到的激励分为福利(welfare)和尊敬(deference). Richard Rich(1980)把领导者的回报进一步分为四类:集体物品、领导者占有的剩余、附带的收益和领导职位本身.

deference 双语例句

1. Serena: Because they invited me, But I said no out of deference to you.


2. deference是什么意思

2. S: Because they invited me..but I said no out of deference to you.


3. deference

3. Butsaid No Out Of Deference To You.


4. They were married in church, out of deference to their parents'wishes.


5. deference的意思

5. They were married in church out of deference to their parents'wishes.


6. They are married in church out of deference to their parents'wish.


7. Deference, respect, esteem, worship--every pinchbeck grace of life the market of a trivial world can furnish forth.


8. Nevertheless, while chevron does not give agencies unlimited discretion with respect to statutory interpretation, their decisions are entitled to a high level of deference


9. E. g. I changed my plan in deference to your opinion.


10. deference的翻译

10. They were married in church, in deference to their parents'wishes.


11. They are married in church, in deference to their parents'wish.


12. deference的翻译

12. They is marry in church, in deference to their parents'wish.


13. We always stand when the National Anthem is played in deference to the Queen.


14. When neither of them boasts this is the pinnacle of deference.


15. deference的意思

15. This topic try to consume the measures and rules of the aerator of the public architecture in deference dimension base on the study of quite a few samples.


16. deference的意思

16. At first he had continued to show deference to Brown.


17. Certain audacious persons disdain to show the appropriate deference to the cardinals of the holy Roman church, who are the chief pillars of the catholic church.


18. The polite dictions are concrete expressions which show your deference to other poople, and they are also bricks for knocking the door of good relationship.


19. Another 36 were named and inscribed by Emperor Qianlong who, to show deference to his grandfather Kangxi, used three-character phrases only


20. To show servile deference; fawn.


deference 词典解释

1. (尤指对位重者的)敬重,尊敬,遵从

Deference is a polite and respectful attitude towards someone, especially because they have an important position.

e.g. The old sense of deference and restraint in royal reporting has vanished...


e.g. Out of deference to him, I lowered my head as he prayed.


deference 单语例句

1. The longtime starter came off the bench last season in deference to Thomas, who also plays better when he's in the starting lineup.

2. In deference to her new idol, she promptly trimmed her bangs and painted on winged eyeliner.

3. Pan said he used to feel rather embarrassed when colleagues from outside Shanghai made fun of his " deference " to his wife.

4. The US has frozen its arms sale to Taiwan in deference to China's demand and the government is watching Washington's moves closely.

5. MySpace tweaked its Chinese site to generate new windows with every click, in deference to local user preferences.

6. They restored the city's landscape to the way it looked 800 years ago, in deference to Ji's life and work.

7. Obama and Clinton have remained mum out of deference to Bush, who still has 18 days in office.

8. " I started to respectfully decline in deference to those doing it day to day, " he said.

9. Presidential experts say deference among most former presidents is an unwritten rule.

10. Ever since he guided the economy past recession despite the stock market crash of 1987, virtually all sides have treated him with deference approaching idolatry.

deference 英英释义


1. a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard

e.g. his deference to her wishes was very flattering

be sure to give my respects to the dean

Synonym: respect

2. a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others

Synonym: complaisancecompliancecompliancyobligingness

3. courteous regard for people's feelings

e.g. in deference to your wishes

out of respect for his privacy

Synonym: respectrespectfulness