

sanction:[英 [ˈsæŋkʃn] 美 [ˈsæŋkʃən] ]


过去式:sanctioned;   过去分词:sanctioned;   现在分词:sanctioning;   复数形式:sanctions;

sanction 基本解释


名词约束力; 制裁,处罚; 批准,认可; 鼓励

及物动词批准; 鼓励,容忍

sanction 同义词





sanction 反义词



sanction 相关例句


1. The wrong use of the word is sanctioned by usage.


2. The church would not sanction his second marriage.



1. Official sanction has not yet been given.


2. We received sanction to proceed with our plans.


3. sanction是什么意思

3. There is no sanction for autocracy.


sanction 双语例句

1. And as in childhood, when existence had no toil beyond the day's simple lesson, no ambition beyond the neighboring approval of the night, I brought to you the morning's task for the evening's sanction, so now I bring to you this self-appointed taskwork of maturer years; less confident indeed of your approval, but not less confident of your love; and anxious only to realize your presence between myself and the public, and to mingle with those severer voices to whose final sentence I submit my work the beloved and gracious accents of your own.


2. Too complex an undertaking for these guys and Uncle Sam may impose economic sanction and military embargo again.



3. To give social or moral sanction to.


4. There was no social sanction against married women working


5. While we do not approve of exploitive, denigrating forms of sexual expression, neither do we wish to prohibit, by law or social sanction, sexual behavior between consenting adults.


6. There was no social sanction against married women working; on the contrary, wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work in or out of the home.

清 教徒的镇议会认为寡妇和未婚女性也应该自食其力,而且在相当长一段时期里,向贫困的老而未婚的女子提供土地。

7. sanction

7. Donald Hambrick, of Pennsylvania State University, asks: Isn't there some element of shame or social sanction that should persuade them to rein themselves in?



8. Donald Hambrick, of Pennsylvania State University, asks: Isn`t there some element of shame or social sanction that should persuade them to rein themselves in?


9. Article 18 Any functionary of the judicial administrative organs who commits any act in violation of the laws, regulations and rules shall be given an administrative sanction.


10. The result of Article 6 is that no sanction for non-compliance with a labeling or advertising requirement, even if that requirement concerns the indication of a license, may affect trademark rights.


11. With the procedure of seeking replacing policies of prisoning in various countries, community service sanction has broomed and may be applied more widely.


12. sanction的意思

12. I can't sanction your methods.



13. We have the sanction of the law to do so.


14. I`m not going to sanction such a ludicrous investment.


15. Happiness is the only sanction of life.


16. This is to be the work of the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges.



17. But, he added, I do believe that public embarrassment is a sanction.


18. We should set up strict legal liability, including administrative disciplinary measure and economical sanction and pursuit of criminal punishment.


19. The above-mentioned elements also decided the content and change of the A? in that period. The period of the Northern Warlords Government witnessed the formal setting up of the AP system in China. The main contents of the AP system in that period included the following things the general regularities of the scope of taking up AP cases; the department called Pingyiyuan which takes care of the A? cases and the impeachment cases; cases heard in public; using challenge system, collegiate system and law-agent system; loose limitation system; decision after the first instance; irrevocable indictment; the administrative sanction unaffected by the indictment; judgment by the President抯 decision; on-the-spot trial; mainly court hearing, etc.


20. They maybe select audit standards in accordance with the audit sanction purposes and targets. For example, they would use different audit sanction standards to deal with different audit institutions in different areas.


sanction 词典解释

1. (正式)认可,准许,批准

If someone in authority sanctions an action or practice, they officially approve of it and allow it to be done.

e.g. He may now be ready to sanction the use of force...


e.g. He seemed to be preparing to sanction an increase in public borrowing.


2. (对某国的)制裁

Sanctions are measures taken by countries to restrict trade and official contact with a country that has broken international law.

e.g. In 1935 the League of Nations imposed sanctions against Italy following its invasion of Ethiopia.

1935 年国际联盟在意大利入侵埃塞俄比亚之后对其实施了制裁。

e.g. He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions.


3. 处罚;制裁;惩罚

A sanction is a severe course of action which is intended to make people obey instructions, customs, or laws.

e.g. As an ultimate sanction, they can sell their shares.


4. 对…实施制裁;处罚

If a country or an authority sanctions another country or a person for doing something, it declares that the country or person is guilty of doing it and imposes sanctions on them.

e.g. ...their failure to sanction Japan for butchering whales in violation of international conservation treaties.


sanction 单语例句

1. If his action does not divulge an important secret of the State, he shall not be punished under such disciplinary sanction.

2. With Iran waving threats of a firm response to any UN sanction, it also appeared aimed at cooling Tehran's rhetoric and casting Russia as a peacemaker.

3. But Andi said it would be unnecessary to formally sanction undisciplined civil servants.

4. The EU already tightened sanctions against Syria in October by adding the Commercial Bank of Syria to the sanction list.

5. They made the remarks after the US coordinator for sanction implementation hailed the commitment of various countries as " strong and very unified ".

6. Offenders who are found not to have broken the law will be liable to administrative sanction by the public security agency.

7. An administrative law judge will schedule a hearing and determine the appropriate remedial sanction against the firms.

8. Some US congressmen said the new unilateral sanction bill was the biggest hope to force Iran to abandon its nuclear activities.

9. And they should sanction a construction project only with the consent of or minimal opposition from the local people.

10. The document proposes to introduce a new criminal sanction specifically against unauthorized access to the system with malicious intent.

sanction 英英释义



1. a mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards

2. the act of final authorization

e.g. it had the sanction of the church

3. official permission or approval

e.g. authority for the program was renewed several times

Synonym: authorityauthorizationauthorisation

4. formal and explicit approval

e.g. a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement

Synonym: countenanceendorsementindorsementwarrantimprimatur


1. give sanction to

e.g. I approve of his educational policies

Synonym: approveO.K.okay

2. give religious sanction to, such as through on oath

e.g. sanctify the marriage

3. give authority or permission to