

entry:[英 [ˈentri] 美 [ˈɛntri] ]



entry 基本解释

名词进入,入场; 入口处,门口; 登记,记录; 参加比赛的人

entry 相关例句


1. He supported that country's entry into the European Common Market.


2. entry的意思

2. This music film is Mrs Wilson's entry in the competition.


3. The illustrator is going to judge the entries in the children's painting competition.



4. The Marathon had sixty entries.


5. The new edition contains 5,000 entries.


entry 网络解释

1. 进入:13.8进入(entry)指人体通过一个入口进入密闭空间,包括在该空间中工作或身体任何一部分通过入口. 13.9隔离(isolation)通过封闭、切断等措施,完全阻止有害物质和能源(水、电、气)进入密闭空间.

2. 入口:Intel CPU可为每个异常设置独立的|入口(entry). linux在设置异常|处理函数(handler)后,全部共用同一个异常|入口函数(entry routine). 上面说的页访问失败也共用这个函数.

3. 项目:你 boot/root 磁片的版本应该被删减到只包含你所使用的终端机,这通常就是 linux 或 linux-console 项目 (entry) . 在 /lib 中,你要放入必要的共享函式库 (libraries) 与载入程式 (loaders) . 如果无法在你的 /lib 目录中找到必要的函式库,

4. entry:e.; 入口

entry 双语例句


1. You really do not know what the entry examination is a very important is for your comprehensive evaluation of physical fitness, if you like a natural disease rickets enterprises to reconsider whether you.


2. We have the sensation that Burton values old Edward primarily as an entry point into a series of visual fantasies.


3. After analyzing the mechanism of the sand entry of perforated well, based on the theory of linear elasticity and considering the effect of temperature-change stress and drag force of the fluid flow through porous medium, a new model for forecasting the sand production of perforated well is established.



4. As the demands for high quality dried scallop are rising and particularly as China's entry to WTO, it is critically important to develop more efficient technique for scallop drying.


5. We looked to some of the earlier agricultural forms along the north coast and paired the barn shape of the main house with the agricultural shed shape of the guest house to form a compound that creates a woodland garden on the entry side of the house.


6. Objective To investigate and analyze the hepatitis C infection status for entry-exit people at Wuhan port and provide reference to adopt available measure for prevention and control of infectious diseases.


7. In Chapter 5, the software frame of the embroidery machine control system is constructed in the light of the hierarchy of master system and slave system. The programs of keyboard entry, graphical display, USB drive, pattern store and management, serial communication and electromechanical control are designed.


8. With China's entry into the WTO and financial globalization, it's an irresistable trend that China develops Open Fund.

随着中国加入 WTO行程的确定和金融全球化趋势的增强,中国发展开放式基金已是大势所趋。

9. They are preparing bill of entry for customs.


10. They are preparing a bill of entry for customs.


11. They are prearing a bill of entry for customs.


12. Shipments with weight over 50 kg will be treated as high value, and will need a formal bill of entry


13. E. g. they are preparing bill of entry for cust



14. Before permission is given to remove the goods out of customs control, the owner or agent is required to submit a Bill of Entry, Customs Declaration or Inward Permit as may be prescribed by law, in the prescribed form to enable the customs authorities to examine and appraise the goods.


15. entry的反义词

15. What's your opioion on China's entry into WTO?

你对中国加入 WTO 有什么看法?


16. One entry led straight from the street up a broad staircase to a public library and an art gallery that showcased postwar American artists like Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler and Philip Guston.


17. entry是什么意思

17. Final Fantasy XI is an outstanding entry in a series that is nearly twenty years old.


18. entry

18. An excellent grade is the entry pass of outstanding universities.


19. He has an elegant posture and his rip entry is especially outstanding.


20. And proposed increases the state treasury centralism payment propaganda dynamics, establishes the outstanding entry item, increases the state treasury management software function and so on suggestion.


entry 词典解释

1. 进入权;进入许可

If you gain entry to a particular place, you are able to go in.

e.g. Bill was among the first to gain entry to Buckingham Palace when it opened to the public recently...


e.g. Non-residents were refused entry into the region without authority from their own district...


2. 到达;(尤指有意引人注意的)出场,莅临

You can refer to someone's arrival in a place as their entry, especially when you think that they are trying to be noticed and admired.


e.g. He made his triumphal entry into Mexico City.


3. 参加;加入

Someone's entry into a particular society or group is their joining of it.

e.g. He described Britain's entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism as an historic move.


e.g. ...people who cannot gain entry to the owner-occupied housing sector.


4. (日记或计算机文件的)事项;(参考书的)条目;(账簿的)账目

An entry in a diary, account book, computer file, or reference book is a short piece of writing in it.

e.g. Violet's diary entry for 20 April 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair...


e.g. Many entries relate to the two world wars.


5. 参赛作品;竞赛答卷

An entry for a competition is a piece of work, for example a story or drawing, or the answers to a set of questions, which you complete in order to take part in the competition.

e.g. The closing date for entries is 31st December.


6. 参赛人数;报名人数

Journalists sometimes use entry to refer to the total number of people taking part in an event or competition. For example, if a competition has an entry of twenty people, twenty people take part in it.


e.g. Prize-money of nearly £ 90,000 has attracted a record entry of 14 horses from Britain and Ireland...


e.g. Our competition has attracted a huge entry.


7. 参赛

Entry in a competition is the act of taking part in it.

e.g. Entry to this competition is by invitation only.


e.g. ...an entry form.


8. 入口;进口

The entry to a place is the way into it, for example a door or gate.

entry 单语例句

1. Since the fifth anniversary of China's entry to the World Trade Organization, deregulation has allowed foreign banks to engage in retail business worth $ 2 trillion annually.

2. But some customers balked at the inconvenience of a tourist or business entry permit.

3. These individuals who have been conducting business in violation of their tourist status have been penalized with an entry permit revocation for two years.

4. In the entry way to the media center, reporters were buzzing over the spat.

5. Attracted by the numbers, international payment service providers are now looking for an entry point in the Chinese market.

6. But Cham said WTO member states had frequently forgotten Cambodia's LDC status in the entry negotiations when making demands in such areas as tariff cuts.

7. Letterman also presented a Top 10 list on how Woods might improve his image, with Tom Hanks making a cameo to react to each entry.

8. Canada's first legally married couple were refused entry into the United States by a border official who would not accept their family customs clearance form.

9. The national car industry faces big challenges with China's imminent entry into the World Trade Organization.

10. The activity does not charge entry fees and mailing costs will be paid for by the author.

entry 英英释义


1. the act of entering

e.g. she made a grand entrance

Synonym: entranceenteringingressincoming

2. the act of beginning something new

e.g. they looked forward to the debut of their new product line

Synonym: introductiondebutfirst appearancelaunchingunveiling

3. something that provides access (to get in or get out)

e.g. they waited at the entrance to the garden

beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral

Synonym: entranceentrancewayentrywayentree

4. an item inserted in a written record

5. something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc.) submitted for the judgment of others (as in a competition)

e.g. several of his submissions were rejected by publishers

what was the date of submission of your proposal?

Synonym: submission

6. a written record of a commercial transaction

Synonym: accounting entryledger entry