

curtail:[英 [kɜ:ˈteɪl] 美 [kɜ:rˈteɪl] ]


过去式:curtailed;   过去分词:curtailed;   现在分词:curtailing;

curtail 基本解释


动词削减; 缩短; 剥夺(特权,官衔等)

curtail 相关例句


1. The government hopes to curtail public spending.


curtail 网络解释

1. curtail的反义词

1. 削减:在欧洲大陆和拉丁美洲,当一些天主教领袖紧抓过时的神权理念不放的时候,自由思想的自由派们(freethinking liberals)有时使用了国家力量去削减(curtail)天主教教会的影响.

2. curtail的翻译

2. 缩减:cursor 指针 | curtail 缩减 | curtain air 气垫空气

3. 剥夺:curse 诅咒 | curtail 剥夺 | curtain 窗帘

curtail 双语例句

1. But the aim of the government and its technocrats is to curtail and destroy those movements.


2. As a rule of thumb, aperture webs should be no less than the stencil thickness to curtail bridging defects.


3. curtail的解释

3. The costs of pollution have mounted well before it is ready to curtail economic development.



4. The costs of pollution have mounted well before it is readyto curtail economic development.


5. curtail的意思

5. But China is more like a teenage smoker with emphysema. The costs of pollution have mounted well before it is ready to curtail economic development.


6. On the one hand it is holding firm against international pressure to sign up to specific targets for reducing carbon emissions or to set a date for when its emissions might peak, as it believes this could curtail its economic development.


7. curtail的翻译

7. Over time, Gorgon is forecast to generate A$300bn of gas exports over 20 years and its sheer scale will curtail the development prospects for some of the other 27 LNG projects being considered in Australia and Papua New Guinea.


8. Condemning, in this context, attacks against both Afghan and foreign nationals committed to supporting the consolidation of peace, stability and development in Afghanistan, in particular United Nations and diplomatic staff, national and international humanitarian and development personnel, Afghan National Security Forces, the International Security Assistance Force, as well as the Operation Enduring Freedom coalition, and noting with concern that the lack of security is causing some organizations to cease or curtail their humanitarian and development work in some parts of Afghanistan

在 这方面谴责针对决心协助巩固阿富汗和平、稳定和发展的阿富汗国民和外国国民的袭击,尤其是针对联合国工作人员和外交人员、本国和国际人道主义和发展人员、阿富汗国家安全部队、国际安全援助部队以及持久自由行动联盟的袭击,并关切地注意到,由于缺乏安全,一些组织停止或缩减了它们在阿富汗一些地方的人道主义和发展工作

9. India's leaders should reflect on the huge cost of the migration and loss of agricultural production which the disappearance of those glaciers will cause - and then, if interested in the long term welfare of their population, greatly curtail their industrial development plans (and lobby more effectively for reductions in carbon emissions in North America, Europe and elsewhere in Asia).


10. A bilateral optional electricity forward contract is introduced in this paper, which entitles both seller and buyer to curtail or reject the contracted energy when the spot price is high or low.



11. At the same time, the manufacturers of auto are contriving to curtail the period between model design and manufacture.



12. In the form of narration, some changes have taken place, they use curtail scene and detail depiction, besides summary and abbreviation With intricate details, they embody more doughtier fictional consciousness than pre-Tang fantasies, showing original legendary consciousness.


13. In Miami, recent changes have forced the public defender to cut 30 attorney positions and curtail internships for law school students.


14. His son Pepin III dethroned the last Merovingian with church support, then was invited into Italy to curtail Lombard harassment of the Papacy.


15. In the U. S., this applies to additional reserve requirements on increased managed liabilities imposed by the Federal Reserve, in order to curtail the expansion of bank lending.


16. curtail的近义词

16. But the keynote address was also a peptalk for a country under strain from the global economic downturn that has abruptly slowed growth and lifted joblessness, as export-driven factories either curtail production or shut down.


17. If your lover tries to curtail your freedom, it may lead to conflict.


18. We must try to curtail our spending.


19. curtail的近义词

19. Additionally, the government depends on DOC to curtail the digital divide between the rural and urban areas in Taiwan, and also expects DOC to enhance the community development through its routine tasks.


20. But Vatican officials have been careful to curtail his daily schedule and foreign trips, and also to make sure he gets plenty of breaks after a busy stretch, like Easter or Christmas.


curtail 词典解释

1. 缩短;减缩;限制

If you curtail something, you reduce or limit it.

e.g. NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region...


e.g. I told Louie that old age would curtail her activities in time...


curtail 单语例句

1. A sharp drop in retail sales revenue for May shows that shoppers remain cautious, and it could lead economists to curtail their expectations for growth.

2. China is unwilling to do anything that might curtail the economic growth that has enabled millions of Chinese to clamber out of poverty.

3. The Beijing think tank's proposal would draw China and other poorer countries into clearer obligations to curtail greenhouse gases in the long term.

4. China is separating commercial businesses from government agencies in order to curtail corruption and improve efficiency.

5. Currently, the " big four " have no plans to curtail campus recruitment.

6. Rising defaults and delinquencies in mortgages to people with poor credit histories and fewer home equity withdrawals that give consumers extra cash could curtail spending.

7. The direct income tax base can be broadened through measures to curtail tax evasion, reduce the informal sector in the economy and strengthen tax administration.

8. Dave Jones'side are enduring a miserable run that threatens to curtail their promotion hopes after a promising start to the season.

9. Dagong said the current political and economic situation had squeezed out room for tax increases, while it is difficult to curtail military and welfare spending.

10. Such countries'policies will not be as effective as they should be unless transnational tobacco companies are made to curtail their aggressive advertisements.

curtail 英英释义


1. place restrictions on

e.g. curtail drinking in school

Synonym: restrictcurbcut back

2. terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent

e.g. My speech was cut short

Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries

Synonym: clipcut short