

sideshow:[英 [ˈsaɪdʃəʊ] 美 [ˈsaɪdʃoʊ] ]



sideshow 基本解释

名词(正戏中的)穿插表演; 附带游乐项目; 附带事件或活动; 次要问题或事情

sideshow 网络解释

1. sideshow的意思

1. 杂耍, 穿插表演, 附属事件:AMSA Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft高级有人驾驶战略飞机 | sideshow 杂耍, 穿插表演, 附属事件 | fool sb. out of sth. 骗取某人某物

2. 杂耍:sidesaddle 横座马鞍 | sideshow 杂耍 | sideslip 侧滑

3. 附属活动:附属付款承诺subordinated | 附属活动sideshow | 附属建筑annexe

4. 余兴/杂耍/附属活动/枝节问题:sidesaddle /横座马鞍/在偏座/ | sideshow /余兴/杂耍/附属活动/枝节问题/ | sideslip /侧滑/傍枝/私生子/

sideshow 双语例句

1. The first sideshow they saw was a test your strength game.


2. Sounds like a trendy sideshow act.- You're crazy!



3. You're messing with the wrong sideshow, baby!


4. sideshow什么意思

4. As it happens, I suspect that Google`s canny onslaught on Microsoft is just a diversionary sideshow.


5. But Barcelona have ground to cover if they are to sign Fábregas and the fear for them, and their target, is that, if they cannot make serious inroads by next Saturday, the pursuit could drag on into the World Cup and provide an unwelcome sideshow for both Spain and the midfielder.


6. For the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, who assert that their research ultimately reveals that Jesus may not have died on the cross, but lived to marry Mary Magdalene and father children, whose Merovingian bloodline continues today, the Grail is a mere sideshow.


7. It's also a sideshow in the company's bankruptcy trials.


8. Sometimes, he made a face to get the laughs from gorgeous girls, and sometimes he made the sideshow to get some sprees.



9. But it is a sideshow—a way to save jobs, not restart the economy.


10. The annual meeting is a waste of time because exhibitionists turn it into a sideshow.


11. At many companies, the annual meeting is a waste of time because exhibitionists turn it into a sideshow.


12. sideshow

12. But that`s all part of the game in Washington, and Horn sees it as more of a sideshow.


13. If we didn`t, Whitewater would soon look like the sideshow it was.


14. While there is a Toshiba HD DVD player and an OKWAP Wifi picture frame dotting the scene (it seems to be there because it supports sideshow), this year's Microsoft booth is basically all about WinMo 6 smartphones.

这次微软的摊位仍然专注在智慧型手机,虽然有看到一台 Toshiba HD DVD 播放器和 OKWAP 的 WiFi 数位相框(看起来支援 sideshow)。

15. I played cards at night with the other sideshow workers, with the 20tinsmiths, sometimes even with your father.


16. You should be in a sideshow.


17. They are, in fact, a necessary though not necessarily productive psychological sideshow.


18. sideshow什么意思

18. If you like, you can set a timer to refresh the app and the SideShow


19. I must do sideshow, or do photos, it ` s the work part of being a professional climber.


20. To add data into the SideShow pages.


sideshow 词典解释

1. 次要活动;附带事件;附属活动

A sideshow is a less important or less significant event or situation related to a larger, more important one that is happening at the same time.

e.g. In the end, the meeting was a sideshow to a political storm that broke Thursday...


e.g. Radio work for him was very much a sideshow.


2. (马戏或游园会中穿插的)小节目,助兴表演,杂耍

At a circus or fair, a sideshow is a performance that you watch or a game of skill that you play, that is provided in addition to the main entertainment.


e.g. Sideshows at the championship include highland dancing and a play by The Wanlockhead Players.


sideshow 单语例句sideshow

1. " We could come to the conclusion that the sideshow ought to be the main show, " he said.

2. Some showed off their Easter finery, others wore costumes that might have appeared in a circus sideshow.

3. The Greek and Spanish dramas are a sideshow that pale into insignificance when compared with the mountain of debt accumulated by the US.

4. The Australian delegation is viewed as " a sideshow to the main game, " she told ABC radio.

5. At a news conference, he pleaded for the long " sideshow " to end.

6. Some marines were disappointed to be carrying out a mission that seemed a sideshow to the main effort.

7. Major stock indexes were almost a sideshow during the session, with the credit markets as the main event.

sideshow 英英释义


1. a minor show that is part of a larger one (as at the circus)

2. a subordinate incident of little importance relative to the main event

e.g. instruction is not an educational sideshow