

model:[英 [ˈmɒdl] 美 [ˈmɑ:dl] ]


过去式:modelled;   过去分词:modelled;   现在分词:modelling;   复数形式:models;

model 基本解释


名词模型; 模式; 模特儿; 典型


及物动词模仿; 制作模型,塑造; 将…做成模型



model 相关例句


1. model的反义词

1. Kate models dresses for a shop in Paris.



1. She models for a living.



1. model

1. His mother is a model of industry.


2. model的近义词

2. Lily is a fashion model.


3. The car industry's always producing new models.


model 情景对话



B:You‘re asking too much for this part .


A:we have some cheaper ones .


B:What is the price difference ?


A:The basic model will cost about 10% less .



B:We can offer you this in different levels of quality.


A:Is there much of a difference in price ?


B:Yes ,the economy model is about 30% less.


A:We‘ll take that one .




B:Is this going to satisfy your requirements ?


A:Actually , it is more than we need .



B:We can give you a little cheaper model .


A:Let me see the specifications for that .


model 网络解释

1. model的近义词

1. model:molecular descriptor lab; 分子描述符自动生成

model 双语例句

1. The principle and method for the trishear model were introduced.



2. The results of simulation verified the strain and the slip of the fault in the faultrelated fold. This model can describe the underground features of Dachigan structure and is favorable to analyze the structure pattern and structure evolution in this region.


3. Methods: Raving been fed on high-lipo food for three weeks to establish hyperlipemia model.


4. Kg-1.d-1 for 70 days. At the same time, the model rats treated with drugs were orally given 20.5mg. kg-1.d-1, 41.0 mg. kg-1.d-1 RS extract and 144.0 mg. kg-1.d-1 ibuprofen suspension respectively.

玄参低剂量组和高剂量组分别每天灌服玄参提取物20.5 mg·kg-1·d-1和41.0 mg·kg-1.d-1,布洛芬组每天灌服布洛芬混悬液144 mg·kg-1·d-1,正常组和模型组每天灌服等量蒸馏水。

5. Change gear box; CAD; Re-development; Model; Parameterization

变速齿轮箱; CAD ;二次开发;模型;参数化

6. model的近义词

6. Regarding the effect of measurements at different time, spectra error SEPw was 0.044 after standardization, and standard refrence value error SEPc was 6.464 after Model Adaptation.

不同时间量测之光谱标准化其光谱误差SEPw=0.044,既有资料库经过Model Adaptation后,标准参考值预测之误差SEPc=6.464。

7. As of the measurements by using different instruments (Online 6500 and NIRS 6500), SEPw and SEPc were 0.040 and 8.842 respectively after standardization, and SEPc was 7.318 after Model Adaptation. As of the measurements by using different instruments (N-400 and NIRS 6500), spectra error SEPw was 0.042 after standardization, and standard refrence value error SEPc was 5.623 after Model Adaptation.

不同仪器的实验,Online 6500与NIRS 6500标准化后之光谱误差SEPw = 0.040,以既有之资料库作预测,标准参考值误差SEPc=8.482,Model Adaptation后,标准参考值预测之误差SEPc=7.318;N-400与NIRS 6500两台仪器标准化后之光谱误差SEPw=0.042,资料库经过Model Adaptation后标准参考值预测之误差为SEPc = 5.623。

8. And at last, a simulator was designed to validate the improvements of the general model.


9. model的反义词

9. It shifted 1, 600 of its top-of-the-line S-Class model that carries fat margins, a gain of 12 percent.


10. First of all, this paper establishes the simulation method for fluctuating wind with a multivariate normal distribution model and an autoregressive filter. On the basis of simulation results of the wind field, the time dispersion of the buffeting forces by turbulent wind is achieved.



11. Turbulent wind characteristics; ; turbulent field; ; bridge buffeting; ; section model test; ; frequency domain analysis; ; time domain analysis; ; aerodynamic admittance

论文导师葛耀君;赵林,论文学位硕士,论文专业桥梁与隧道工程论文单位同济大学,点击次数 6,论文页数 122页File Size6277K

12. Further suppose the container is the general cylindrical in shape, the boundary of the model is determined, the solution of the diffusion equation is solved.



13. OBJECTIVE: To establish a method of dosage regimen design of multiple dosing extravenous administration of one-compartment model.


14. Results The concentration-versus-time data in both groups were fitted to a one-compartment model.

结果 22名受试者单剂空腹口服国产品和进口品后的体内过程均符合血管外一室模型。

15. Was found to fit a two- compartment open model with the first order elimination.


16. model在线翻译

16. For human action recognition, the model which best matches the observed symbol sequence is selected as the recognized category.


17. model是什么意思

17. First, we expand the adverse selection model of new regulatory economics and apply it to argue the design of incentive compatible mechanism of equity issue.


18. The massive dome, which is the prominent architectural feature, has since often been used as a model for the design of Islamic mosques.


19. From the point of view of function approximation, a new nonlinear time series prediction model based on wavelet network and its learning algorithm by conjugate gradient method are developed. This model is applied to predict faults of propulsion system for spacecraft.


20. model的反义词

20. Depending on the image method and point source approximation method, the physic model was established, and the formula of photo-current versus surface recombination velocity was obtained.


model 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 modeling, modeled

1. 模型

A model of an object is a physical representation that shows what it looks like or how it works. The model is often smaller than the object it represents.

e.g. ...an architect's model of a wooden house.


e.g. ...a working scale model of the whole Bay Area...


2. 模范;榜样

A model is a system that is being used and that people might want to copy in order to achieve similar results.


e.g. We believe that this is a general model of managerial activity...


e.g. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.


3. (理论描述的)模型

A model of a system or process is a theoretical description that can help you understand how the system or process works, or how it might work.

e.g. Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution...


e.g. He proposed a model of stress reaction in the body.


4. 创立(系统或过程)的(理论描述)模型

If someone such as a scientist models a system or process, they make an accurate theoretical description of it in order to understand or explain how it works.

e.g. ...the mathematics needed to model a nonlinear system like an atmosphere.


5. (某种特质的)典型,典范

If you say that someone or something is a model of a particular quality, you are showing approval of them because they have that quality to a large degree.


e.g. A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury...


e.g. His marriage and family life is a model of propriety.


6. 模范的;榜样的

You use model to express approval of someone when you think that they perform their role or duties extremely well.

e.g. As a girl she had been a model pupil...


e.g. Hospital staff say he is a model patient.


7. 按特定模型制造;仿特定样式做出

If one thing is modelled on another, the first thing is made so that it is like the second thing in some way.

e.g. The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe...


e.g. The program will be modeled after a popular BBC series called 'The Archers'...


8. 使仿效;使模仿

If you model yourself on someone, you copy the way that they do things, because you admire them and want to be like them.

e.g. There's absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman...


e.g. They will tend to model their behaviour on the teacher's behaviour.


9. (机器等的)型号

A particular model of a machine is a particular version of it.


e.g. To keep the cost down, opt for a basic model...


e.g. The model number is 1870/285.


10. (绘画或雕塑的)模特儿

An artist's model is a person who stays still in a particular position so that the artist can make a picture or sculpture of them.

11. (为艺术家)当模特儿

If someone models for an artist, they stay still in a particular position so that the artist can make a picture or sculpture of them.

e.g. Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years.


12. (时装)模特儿

A fashion model is a person whose job is to display clothes by wearing them.

e.g. ...Paris's top photographic fashion model.


13. 当模特儿展示(服装)

If someone models clothes, they display them by wearing them.

e.g. I wasn't here to model clothes...


e.g. She began modelling in Paris aged 15.



She was being offered a modelling contract.


14. (用黏土、木头等)做…的模型;塑造

If you model shapes or figures, you make them out of a substance such as clay or wood.

e.g. There she began to model in clay...


e.g. Sometimes she carved wood and sometimes stone; sometimes she modelled clay...


15. see also: role model

model 单语例句

1. Reconstruction of other aspects of the business model will be completed by the end of this year.

2. Analysts from Analysys International also said that the failure of Best Buy's business model in China is not good for the industry as a whole.

3. While continuing the model's inherited luxurious and stylish design language, the business edition offers a larger interior to meet the specific demands of Chinese customers.

4. The business model during that period attempted to get the upper hand in competition through the growth of liability.

5. The common man won't understand the business model because the government is paying for it.

6. The bank's founders need to determine the exact business scope and operation model for it to survive the intensive competition in the domestic financial market.

7. The cooperative business model is on a trial run with formal operation scheduled for next year.

8. But Zhou realized that there was a business opportunity if he could replicate the model.

9. The partners are then expected to commit to passing on the model of CSR best practice with an additional three business partners of their own.

10. It enables the banks to expand their business sphere and improvise a profit model, meanwhile offering the savings fund wider investment channels.

modelmodel 英英释义


1. the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale)

Synonym: modellingmodeling

2. representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale)

Synonym: simulation

3. a type of product

e.g. his car was an old model

4. a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process

e.g. the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems

Synonym: theoretical accountframework

5. something to be imitated

e.g. an exemplar of success

a model of clarity

he is the very model of a modern major general

Synonym: exemplarexamplegood example

6. a representative form or pattern

e.g. I profited from his example

Synonym: example

7. a woman who wears clothes to display fashions

e.g. she was too fat to be a mannequin

Synonym: mannequinmanikinmannikinmanakinfashion model

8. a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor

e.g. the president didn't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos

Synonym: poser

9. someone worthy of imitation

e.g. every child needs a role model

Synonym: role model



1. form in clay, wax, etc

e.g. model a head with clay

Synonym: moldmould

2. construct a model of

e.g. model an airplane

Synonym: mock up

3. create a representation or model of

e.g. The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights

Synonym: simulate

4. plan or create according to a model or models

Synonym: pattern

5. display (clothes) as a mannequin

e.g. model the latest fashion

6. assume a posture as for artistic purposes

e.g. We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often

Synonym: posesitposture