

between:[英 [bɪˈtwi:n] 美 [bɪˈtwin] ]


between 基本解释

介词在…之间; 私下,暗中; 在…中任择其一; 来往于…之间


between 相关词组

1. in between : 在中间;

2. between you and me : 只限于我俩之间;

between 相关例句


1. Between them they landed the big fish.


2. between

2. He is a man between fifty and sixty.



3. It is something between a jug and a vase.



4. Between us we managed to finish the job.


5. There is a path between the house and the road.


between 情景对话


A:There’s going to be a volleyball match between Economy Department and Foreign Languages Department this afternoon. Are any of you keen on volleyball?



B:Sorry, I’m not a volleyball fan. I’d rather play football. How about you, Mr. Wang? Are you interested in volleyball?


C:I’m afraid not. My favorite sport is running. I don’t care for ball games.


Apply for a school-(申请学校)

A:I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.


B:Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?


A:I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?


B:Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.


A:Which is better?


B:One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.


A:I hear you have to wear unifomp3s at private schools.


B:Yeah, sometimes.



A:What do you do?


B:I work in sales for money, but my real passion is writing.


A:What do you write?


B:I am writing a book based on my childhood. It’s about a friendship between a boy and his grandfather..


A:That sounds interesting. How about your sales job? Do you enjoy it?



B:Not really, but it pays the bills. What about you? Where do you work?


A:I work for a large advertising agency.


B:What do you do exactly?


A:I work in the finance department.


B:Have you been there long?


A:This is just my first year. I’m hoping to get a promotion next year.



B:Good luck with that.



A:Thanks! Keep me posted about your book!

谢谢! 随时告诉我你书的进展。

between 网络解释

1. between什么意思

1. 在中间:配对(matching)是 ABA 教导中很重要的工具,日后同样的方法可教自闭儿用字汇(words)配实物照片(pictures),和用字汇来配物体位置(prepositions),例如在上(on),在下(under),在中间(between)等.

2. 中间:配对(matching)是 ABA 教导中很重要的工具,日后同样的方法可教自闭儿用字汇(words)配实物照片(pictures),和用字汇来配物体位置(prepositions),例如在上(on),在下(under),在中间(between)等.

between 双语例句

1. Of course, it's difficult to ensure the relationship between caustion and result.


2. A biologist could, in a very general way, speak about the relationship between the height of trees in a particular forest and the wingspan of the resident birds.


3. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the real difference between an open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.


4. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the difference between real open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.


5. between的反义词

5. I am always amazed when I heard people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and tha t if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclin ation to meet on the battlefield.


6. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.


7. between在线翻译

7. A mass of igneous rock intruded between layers of sedimentary rock, resulting in uplift.


8. With the guide of interaction between NS and NWW fault structure. Nianbaoyuze granite mass intruded into Triassic sand rock whose depth is over 9136m.


9. between的翻译

9. From now on, I will learn to strike a balance10 between work and life.


10. How can we strike the perfect balance between work and life?


11. Strike a balance between work and pleasure.



12. The war stopped postal communication between the two countries.


13. Opium War broke the communication's barrier between China and western countries.


14. On some older and some cheaper lathes, one or two gears in the gear train between the spindle and the change gear box must be changed in order to obtain a full range of threads and feeds.


15. Due to the mismatch of mechanical property between brazing filler metal and base metal, the welding residual stress was generated inevitably during the brazing process, which has great influence on the creep deformation and life.



16. Brazing between dissimilar metals, choosing brazing filler metal and flux which is matched with brazing filler metal and the base metal is very important.


17. It is alsodifficult to build reliable relationship between test results and actual bearing capacityof single pile by indirect methods such as Dynamic Method, Standard PenetrationTest and Osterberg Method because of differences between load bearing mechanismsin reality and ones of those methods.


18. Flexible butterfly valve gate, no jam, beating, butterfly valve plate and lined the entire synthetic rubber seal, close the valve seat when the butterfly plate and agood seal, and even butterfly plate in the perspective of the existence of the closure of±2~4 degrees(as opposed to butterfly plate the clo sure of the angle of 0degree), the valves to maintain 100%of zero leakage, and the butterfly valve plate and sealof the friction between the small.


19. As the origin and foundation of the commercial bank, intermediary business is the core business through coin identity and exchanging, storing during the early stage of the commercial bank`s development. When the money-exchanging businessman became the commercial banker which regard asset and liability business as the core business, intermediary business, the core business at one time, changed to sideline occupation. Although it always exists, it was actually unimportant. In the later period 20th`s, there was a intensely competition between commercial banks, and when each commercial bank maintained its asset and liability business, at the same time, they began to attach importance to intermediary business being neglected, and run it in an innovative way.

中间业务是银行的起源和基础,在银行发展的早期曾经将铸币的鉴定和兑换、货币的保管、兑换作为其主营业务,但是,当货币兑换商演化为以存贷业务为主的银行之后,它赖以发家的主业----中间业务,就变成了副业,虽然这些业务一直都存在,但的确已经显得不重要了。20 世纪后期,商业银行之间的竞争异常激烈,各大银行在保持自己存贷业务的同时,开始重视一度被忽视了的中间业务领域,并开始用创新的方式去从事中间业务。


20. What's Good Between Canned And Dry Dogs Diet?

By :怎样才算是良好的关系罐头和干犬饮食?

between 词典解释In addition to the uses shown below, between is used in a few phrasal verbs, such as ‘come between’.

除下列用法外,between 还可用于 come between 等短语动词中。

1. 在…之间;处于…中间

If something is between two things or is in between them, it has one of the things on one side of it and the other thing on the other side.

e.g. She left the table to stand between the two men...


e.g. Charlie crossed between the traffic to the far side of the street.


2. 在(两地)之间(穿梭)

If people or things travel between two places, they travel regularly from one place to the other and back again.

e.g. I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between London and Bradford.


3. 在(两个人、群体或事物)之间

A relationship, discussion, or difference between two people, groups, or things is one that involves them both or relates to them both.

e.g. I think the relationship between patients and doctors has got a lot less personal...


e.g. There have been intensive discussions between the two governments in recent days...


4. 挡在…之间

If something stands between you and what you want, it prevents you from having it.

e.g. His sense of duty often stood between him and the enjoyment of life.


5. (数量、年龄等)介于…之间

If something is between two amounts or ages, it is greater or older than the first one and smaller or younger than the second one.

e.g. Increase the amount of time you spend exercising by walking between 15 and 20 minutes...


e.g. Amsterdam is fun — a third of its population is aged between 18 and 30.


6. (时间上)在…之间,介于…之间

If something happens between or in between two times or events, it happens after the first time or event and before the second one.


e.g. The canal was built between 1793 and 1797...


e.g. Berlin was well known for its good living in between the two world wars.


7. 在…之间(作出选择)

If you must choose between two or more things, you must choose just one of them.

e.g. Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language.


8. 总共;总计

If people or places have a particular amount of something between them, this is the total amount that they have.

e.g. The three sites employ 12,500 people between them...


e.g. Between them, they train over fifty horses in Lambourn.


9. 由…分担;由…分享

When something is divided or shared between people, they each have a share of it.

e.g. His company was bought out by Hogg Robinson for £3.5m, divided between five partners...


e.g. There is only one bathroom shared between eight bedrooms.


10. 你我之间(的秘密);只限于你我之间;我俩私下说说

When you introduce a statement by saying 'between you and me' or 'between ourselves', you are indicating that you do not want anyone else to know what you are saying.

e.g. Between you and me, though, it's been awful for business...


e.g. Between ourselves, I know he wants to marry her.


If there are only two people or things you should use between. If there are more than two people or things, you should use among or amongst. Amongst is a bit old-fashioned. You can also talk about relationships between or among people or things, and discussions between or among people. ...an argument between his mother and another woman. ...an opportunity to discuss these issues amongst themselves. Note that if you are between things or people, the things or people are on either side of you. If you are among or amongst things or people, they are all around you. ...the bag standing on the floor between us. ...the sound of a pigeon among the trees.

如果只有两个人或两个事物,应该使用 between。如果人或者事物超过了两个,则应使用 among 或者 amongst。amongst 稍微有些过时。between和 among 都可以用来表示人或事物之间的关系、人与人之间的讨论等:an argument between his mother and another woman(他妈妈和另一个女人之间的争执),an opportunity to discuss these issues amongst themselves(他们内部讨论这些问题的一个机会)。注意,between 表示在两者之间,而 among 则表示在多者中间,被人或事物包围:...the bag standing on the floor between us(包放在我们两人之间的地上),the sound of a pigeon among the trees(树林里鸽子的叫声)。between 单语例句

1. Hoover also outlined key differences between American and Chinese ethics in business relationships.

2. According to a contract signed between the college and a private business boss, the students take shifts to play the game for 10 hours every day.

3. Analysts said the poultry business is a microcosm of trade between China and Brazil.

4. Scott Liu & Associates is also a law firm whose business has been mainly focused on trade remedy cases between China and the US.

5. But he seems torn between his fears that I'm an undercover reporter and of missing a business opportunity.

6. Henley Business School's masters programmes bridge the gap between theory and practice, inspiring students to develop skills and knowledge that will significantly enhance their future career opportunities.

7. In practice it is not easy to get the balance right between feasible business models and their social impact.

8. The US business fixed expenditure had declined for eight quarters in a row between the fourth quarter of 2000 and third quarter of 2002.

9. BOC spokesperson said the strategic partnership with RBS ended after the stake sale, yet normal business relations between the two banks would remain.

10. Province leaders said they hoped it would help it to maintain its leading role in business relations between China and Russia.

betweenbetween 英英释义


1. in between

e.g. two houses with a tree between

Synonym: 'tween

2. in the interval

e.g. dancing all the dances with little rest between

Synonym: betwixt