

booking:[英 [ˈbʊkɪŋ] 美 [ˈbʊkɪŋ] ]



booking 基本解释

名词预约,预订; 挂号; 演出契约; 订货

动词预订(book的现在分词); 预约,预定

booking 相关例句


1. booking的近义词

1. All bookings must be made by post.


booking 情景对话


A:Good morning, sir. May I help you?


B:Yes. I have a room booked with you, for three days starting today. Name of Lu, L-U.


A:Thank you, Mr. Lu. Please wait a moment while I check our reservations list.Thats Mr. Steven Lu, from Taipei?

谢谢,陆先生。请稍等,我查一下订房名单。您是Steven Lu,从台北来的?

B:Yes, it is.



A:Mr. Lu, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. Your room number is 512. Heres your key.


B:Thanks. Could you point me in the right direction?



A:Certainly, sir. The elevators are right across the lobby.Floors one to eight are the elevators to the left.

当然可以,先生。电梯就在大厅的正对面。 一到八楼上下使用的电梯在左边。

B:Hi. Id like to cash an American Express travelers check.


A:Sure. Would you please sign your name on the back, sir, with your passport number? And Ill need to see your passport.


B:Sure. Can you give me fifty dollars in small bills, please, and ten dollars in change?


A:No problems. Heres your passport, and heres your money. Have a nice day, Mr. Lu.


booking 网络解释

1. 预订:一般的航空公司都有预订(booking)的制度,让乘客透过电话与网络预订机票. 一般来说,即使所有机位都销售一空,航空公司通常会留一两个空位,以防流程错误发生时可以派得上用场. 但西北航空公司却不这幺做,它不但在预订机票时没有预留多余的空位,

2. 订舱:在所有的出口物流中,订舱(BOOKING)费用是物流成本中很大的一块. 7,8家船公司控制着90%的市场运力!据专家计算一般20尺、40尺的集装箱平均海运成本为400、600美金. 而市场价格几乎让货主疯狂. 船公司频频调价.

3. 订房:住房需知 #提供线上订房(booking)服务,如需加人每人酌收500元;春节期间每加一人酌收70...

4. 订票:反观咨询场景,不但主题新颖,而且情节跌宕,从保险索赔(insurance claim),到转学申请(school transfer),再到场馆订票(booking),不一而足. 应该说,ESOL导演的雅思场景是繁多的,但总有桎梏. 无论是崭新的场景,还是老掉牙的场景,

booking 双语例句

1. Check cashier's work, preparing Transfer Vouchers and booking into Financial System.


2. booking的翻译

2. To all this, United Artists claimed not to understand of its presence in the trial since they neither owned theaters nor practiced block booking. The trial ended in January 1946 finding the eight studios guilty of restraint in trade focusing mainly in block booking and theater pooling.


3. Besides, the Shopping Arcade, Money Exchange Service, Luggage Deposit, Business Centre, Ticket-booking, Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guests'convenience.


4. Besides, the Shopping Arcade, Money Exchange Service, Luggage Deposit, Business Centre, Ticket-booking, Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guestsconvenience.


5. booking

5. So I`m booking flights to Mumbai. I`m going to go get a beer at the Leopold, stroll over to the Taj for samosas at the Sea Lounge, and watch a Bollywood movie at the Metro. Stimulus doesn`t have to be just economic.


6. Auberge Des Crètes offers rooms with a view in the village of Falmignoul.

住客评语反映的是 Booking.com的客人在酒店住宿后对该酒店的个人意见和看法。

7. booking的意思

7. So, you must send out the goods quikly, or we will cancal the orders and booking for others.


8. Support in travel and meeting arrangements- booking hotel, travel tracking, collecting material etc.


9. In travel and meeting arrangements- booking hotel, travel tracking, collecting material etc.


10. On receipt of the signed acceptance letter and booking fee you will be sent a letter of confirmation.


11. Our aim: to allow you to enjoy the perfection of our third-party logistics concepts: efficiency, integrity, innovation, diversified U. S. signed routes: the Middle East, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Red Sea region signed U. S. shipowners: YANGMING, HANJIN, EVERGREEN, HYUNDAI CHINA SHIPPING, OOCL, RCL, PIL1 booking agent 2 the issuance of bills of lading (Remote release available for single and single-Service) 3 customs agent: Customs agent at the record companies, the annual inspection, general cargo, personal belongings of the import, export and customs clearance 4 Inland haulage: trucks carrying containers, non-container, dangerous goods, oversized, overweight cargo, such as 5 to make cargo fumigation, container's demolition, equipment, linked to restructuring suitcase.

我们的宗旨:让你享受完美的第三方物流我们的理念:高效、诚信、创新、多元化我们的签约航线:中东、欧洲、东南亚、红海地区我们的签约船东:YANGMING、HANJIN、EVERGREEN、HYUNDAI CHINA SHIPPING、OOCL、RCL、PIL1)代理订舱2)签发提单(可提供异地放单及换单服务) 3)代理报关:代理企业在海关的备案,年检,普通货物,私人物品的进出口及清关 4)内陆拖运:卡车承运集装箱,非集装箱,危险品,超大,超重货物等 5)代做货运熏蒸,集装箱的拆,装,挂衣箱改制。


12. Some ticket agents from the point that, at present not the past few days, booking air tickets is very tight, a few days will show the trend of tight.


13. The online book booking system is a information system that has the function of interactive.


14. Here is your key card with all the information of your booking, the hotel services and the hotel rules and regulations on it.


15. It is used by hotel customers for hotel information, booking and purchase of hotel products and services.


16. To three-tier architecture designed as the basic framework for the design of the air booking information systems.


17. If you submit End orders, we will contact with you in the first time, to confirm your information, booking can take effect.


18. T of hotel booking information management system.


19. This thesis describes the development of hotel booking information management system.


20. Major business activities include: Shipping; shipping agent; freight agent; port loading/unloading and warehousing; reexport contracts of large shipments and other goods; vessel charter; quayside delivery; shipping booking; hauling, transfer, split release, lading, clearance, insurance and agent for containers; worldwide intermediate forwarding; issuing through bills of lading and related services.


booking 词典解释

1. 预约;预订

A booking is the arrangement that you make when you book something such as a hotel room, a table at a restaurant, a theatre seat, or a place on public transport.


e.g. I suggest you tell him there was a mistake over his late booking.


booking 单语例句booking

1. Tickets around the busy travel season sold out soon after becoming available for booking.

2. They will get their marriage certificates on August 8 with the booking form, a Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau official said on Wednesday.

3. After the booking is accepted and processed in a computerized database, the automated voice system will issue a booking code.

4. When a station employee shouted that the computer booking system had crashed, a collective groan escaped the crowd.

5. The official adds that unlike normal, no commission fees will be charged for the booking.

6. The Shanghai Taxi Administration Office said that the short message service will no doubt facilitate taxi booking for both passengers and call center staff alike.

7. The cost of integrating such a system could be balanced out by the savings made from fewer booking agents and administrative staff.

8. Some hotels have even vacated their administrative offices in order to satisfy booking needs.

9. Wu used her own ID for the booking but put Wang's contact phone number on the application.

10. The ticket policy is aimed to give visitors more convenience in booking, but incapable to control the number of daily visitors.

booking 英英释义



1. employment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time

e.g. the play had bookings throughout the summer

Synonym: engagement

2. the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)

e.g. wondered who had made the booking

Synonym: reservation