

provisional:[英 [prəˈvɪʒənl] 美 [prəˈvɪʒənəl] ]



provisional 基本解释


形容词暂定的; 暂时的,临时的

名词临时性; 临时人员

provisional 反义词




provisional 网络解释


1. 临时:这是一个经典力学中的概念,一方面可以用作精炼某些临时(provisional)原子力学的方法,另一方面联系了原子力学和统计力学--即使埃伦费斯特并不接受玻尔的想法.

2. 临时的:providential 幸运的 | provisional 临时的 | provoke 刺激,引起

3. 暂时的,假定的:province 省,州,地方 | provisional 暂时的,假定的 | provisional ligature 临时结扎线

4. 暂时的:provincial省的,地方的 | provisional暂时的 | prude装成规矩的女人n

5. provisional:prov; 暂时性的

provisional 双语例句

1. It is with great pleasure that we extend this provisional invitation to your delegation to attend an agricultural technology briefing and undertake a vegetable farm site visit during October this year.


2. Olsen says the arrest of Duch was legal, but his detention from 1999 to 2007 was illegal under Cambodian law, which only allows a maximum of three-years provisional detention.


3. Small pump pumping technology in deep Linpan Oilfield Eastern Provisional Application Abstract: With the temporary set-depth development of the oil field development, due to the complexity of the Eastern Pro small block structure broken, and so are less amenable to the corresponding water features, can only rely on the exploitation of natural energy, the energy of formation declining, then the more liquid oil move To lower the number of oil well lead to even stop production wells.


4. While awaiting its publication in book form, a provisional edition of 200 preprints has been sent to mathematical colleagues, especially algebraic geometers (who now do me the honor of remembering me).


5. The provisional permitted quantity of textile is conveyable.


6. In the past, the feast of the former Provisional improtance 10 fire stoves, each stove there is a sand drum (this is the old-fashioned bar with Chengde Hui, similar to large casserole, sub-copper and the firing), now with the gas stove, large aluminum pot of.


7. She, Reliance Lichen famous at home and abroad of the Beilun port in Ningbo, Wang Donghai, the Provisional National Road, on the railway, near the airport, transport facilities, unique geographical location, or that a blue mountains and geographical Humanities has given birth to the continuous growth and expansion of the plastic bag factory determined to forge ahead and the people of Ningbo.


8. provisional

8. Meanwhile, having barely mentioned climate change since his inauguration, he has now told the world that he is going to the international summit in Copenhagen—and with a provisional promise that the world`s greatest polluter will cut emissions.


9. provisional什么意思

9. When the German army from the west and south-west of the Provisional Urban force, the Soviet Stalingrad stick to the 62nd, 64th and the German army engaged in a fierce battle.


10. At present, with the Provisional Regulations on the implementation of new value-added tax, value-added tax on some of the old Ordinance had been amended and supplemented, so that value-added tax system also has been further improved, closer to the pace of China's economic development.


11. To the Anti-Japanese War broke out, I brought my father, grandparents, Duan-Jun and other family members moved from the provisional capital of Chongqing, Nanjing, and was also the KMT Central Committee in Chongqing as a high-level party and government training mission Cheng, director of political training met the whole mountain, enlightenment in Buddhism, he was a strong atmosphere of Chongqing, the infection (Void, France respect, Yin-Shun and other Buddhist masters are gathered in Chongqing).



12. Private enterprise income tax shall be levied in accordance with the Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Private Enterprise Income Tax and other relevant regulations.


13. In revolvearound the failure of mechanical or electrical appliance what exactly is the problem, cannot be accurately defined cases, due to the writer by Provisional Airport observation and analysis found that when the solution has the book was attached to the adoption of the single run and electro-optical control at run time, only intermittently, there is no rule book slow jam, instead of a continuous, the jam book becomes slow.


14. Nippon Steel announced the provisional consolidated recurring profit is JPY 370 billion for the year, which is 34.4% lower than previous year when the cost of raw materials, energy and freight increases by around JPY 1 trillion for the year from previous year.


15. So we can collect data to the provisional data field that is no used to transport usual information, instead of the other option field.


16. The bourgeois revolutionaries and certain constitutionalist in Nanjing Provisional Senate devoted fairly their energies to the legislation for the Republic of China, which is very important in the modern legislative history of China.



17. Of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Promulgating the Provisional Measures for the Administration of Bonds of Securities Companies


18. According to stage intermediary report, the course of high school history in Taiwan controversy a long time is provisional compendium draft eventually decide on a verdict.



19. The issue of provincial competence of tourism industry came to my mind under the above backdrop. The study is aiming at developing and summating the present theory system of this issue as well as the practicing method. And it is also try to give suggestions on the tourism development of Shandong province by provisional study of 12 coastal provinces and Shandong.


20. To encourage and promote enterprise reform and healthy development through equity investment out of normal business need, and to enhance the regulation of taxable income through increment or transfer of assets in accordance with the Provisional Regulation on Enterprise Income Tax of the People`s Republic of China and its rules for implementation, the following rules are formulated to handle the income tax problems concerning equity investment of enterprises


provisional 词典解释

1. 临时的;暂时性的;暂定的

You use provisional to describe something that has been arranged or appointed for the present, but may be changed in the future.

e.g. ...the possibility of setting up a provisional coalition government...


e.g. If you have never held a driving licence before, you should apply for a provisional licence...



The seven republics had provisionally agreed to the new relationship on November 14th.

7个共和国在11月14号暂时达成协议建立新关系。provisional 单语例句provisional

1. China will change its method of cadre selection from appointment to open competition, according to a provisional regulation released Wednesday.

2. The chamber's negative tone came prior to Wednesday's meeting with the Provisional Commission on Minimum Wage.

3. She also suggested the government refund the provisional tax prepaid by individual taxpayers and enterprises to provide people a better cash flow.

4. Wu said he understood provisional duties were unavoidable but was more worried about a possible chain reaction from the EU rulings.

5. The chain store has been placed under provisional liquidation by auditing firm Ernst & Young.

6. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati is expected to hear arguments this week on the use of provisional ballots in Michigan.

7. The organization urged the public to report any information to the appointed provisional liquidator to claim their money back.

8. And so all eyes turned to Ohio, where Democrats clung to hopes that provisional ballots would overcome Bush's lead.

9. Some fish caught on Friday off Japan's coastal waters would have exceeded the new provisional limit had the limit been in place then.

10. However, this adjustment is only provisional considering the rapidly changing income levels and costs.

provisional的解释provisional 英英释义



1. under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon

e.g. probationary employees

a provisional government

just a tentative schedule

Synonym: probationaryprovisionarytentative