

complex:[英 [ˈkɒmpleks] 美 [kəmˈpleks] ]



complex 基本解释

形容词复杂的; 难懂的; 复合的

名词情结; 建筑群; 相关联的一组事物; 不正常的忧虑

complex 相关例句



1. His political ideas were too complex.


2. complex

2. It was a complex problem.



1. The new sports complex has everything needed for many different activities.


2. Andrew's complex about sex led his marriage to a failure.


3. A petrochemical complex is to be built here.


complex 网络解释

1. 络合物:络合反应(complexing reaction)是将中心原子(或离子)与一定数目(多于中心离子的氧化数)的负离子或中性分子直接结合,组成复杂的离子或分子络合物(complex)的方法.

complex 双语例句

1. Sustainable development system is a complex system consisting of economics, society and ecological environment and so on.


2. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding. With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration, electronic, software and hardware.


3. complex

3. ResultsIdiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy has distinctive clinical seizure characteristics. The onset age is younger than 20 and the ratio of male cases to female cases is 2 to 1. The most notable clinical characteristics are nocturnal clustered postural or dystonic seizures and complex motor activities, with 14% of the patients have epileptic family history. The interictal routine EEG of 22.9% and active EEG of 28% cases in wakeness and 38% cases in sleep showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge while the ictal EEG of 66.7% cases showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge. Drug therapy is effective in 80% cases with 30% completely controlled.

结果 特发性夜间额叶癫痫具有特征性的临床发作特点,大多数于20岁之前起病,男女比例2:1,以夜间成串的偏转性、姿势性强直及过度运动发作为最显著的临床特征。14%有阳性癫痫家族史。22.9%清醒发作间期常规脑电图及28%清醒发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,38%患者的睡眠发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,66.7%患者的发作期脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电。80%药物治疗有效,30%可完全控制。

4. The present invention has solved the problem of complex operation process and error-prone in the existing technology.


5. That is the very reason that writing them is just as error-prone as writing any other complex programming code.


6. The multi-step renaming feature allows multiple renaming steps to be combined to deal with complex renaming jobs in a single operation.


7. It has a magnitude as well as phase angle. It is a complex quantity.


8. It is difficult to make due to the complex technology and large quantity of special module...

另外 ,技术复杂,专用组件多,制造难度大。

9. It could be found that the higher organic carbon content, the bigger complex quantity.


10. S idea of his father is a complex quantity for which the real father is only in part responsible, an indefinitely larger share falling to the son.


11. The equipment management system is a typical information management system, The equipment management involves the content to be widespread, Information complex, the data quantity is big.


12. complex的翻译

12. In view of the quantity and complex nature of the proposals involved, the administration decided to prepare a new piece of planning''.


13. The origin of modern Chinese ballads is as complex as that of lyrics.


14. CERCLA provides a complex regulatory system dealing with a continuum of activities ranging from spill prevention through final cleanup of contaminated sites.


15. Mixing sulfur, an organic blue dye, and an antiseptic, Hart created a crystal containing a complex structure of bubbles and fault lines.


16. Such complex mechanisms could explain all of the observations of ageing and semelparous behaviors.


17. complex的反义词

17. If organisms purposely limit their life spans via ageing or semelparous behavior, the associated evolved mechanisms could be very complex just as mechanisms that provide for mentation, vision, digestion, or other biological function are typically very complex.


18. A Multidisciplinary methodology for aircraft design is not a single tool but rather a very large toolbox, including optimizers, the various analysis codes, an interface that enables the interaction of the various parts and an optimization strategy that makes the solution of a very complex problem amenable to an automated process.


19. complex

19. Started exploring carefully, peering, poking, and tapping around the complex maze of pipes that fed the engine.



20. You are home decorations, gifts or relatives and friends, let us link the products on your relatives and friends at the same time also convey the imprint of the era with nostalgia complex and profound significance.


complex 词典解释The adjective is pronounced /kəm'pleks/ in American English. 用作形容词时在美国英语中读作 /kəm'pleks/。

1. 复杂的;错综的

Something that is complex has many different parts, and is therefore often difficult to understand.

e.g. ...in-depth coverage of today's complex issues.


e.g. ...a complex system of voting.


2. (句子)复合的

In grammar, a complex sentence contains one or more subordinate clauses as well as a main clause.

3. 综合建筑群;综合大楼

A complex is a group of buildings designed for a particular purpose, or one large building divided into several smaller areas.

e.g. ...plans for constructing a new stadium and leisure complex.


e.g. ...a complex of offices and flats.


4. 错综复杂的组合;复合体

A complex of things is a group or system of things that are connected with each other in a complicated way.

e.g. ...the complex of clans which occupied the land.


e.g. ...the military-industrial complex.


5. (通常指由于过去不愉快的经历而形成的)情结

If someone has a complex about something, they have a mental or emotional problem relating to it, often because of an unpleasant experience in the past.

e.g. I have never had a complex about my height.


e.g. ...a deranged attacker, driven by a persecution complex.


complex 单语例句complex

1. PH is a complex health problem characterized by high blood pressure in the lungs.

2. Analysts predicted that complex procedures required by regulators for corporate bonds issuing are the main reason to blame.

3. " The fact this problem is complex can no longer be excuse " for delaying action, said Obama.

4. Wen said UN member nations should take collective action to meet current complex security threats and other challenges.

5. The tranquil complex covers a wide area and lies in two valleys surrounded by hills over which the Great Wall twists and turns.

6. The triple C 2004 is a deep, complex integrated wine that has an ample aging capacity.

7. Murray and colleagues used a complex formula to calculate the probability that someone aged 15 will die before they reach 60.

8. They explained that a complex protein purification process is needed to activate what is otherwise a dormant vegetable benefit.

9. The Cambrian Explosion - the apparently abrupt appearance of complex animals in the fossil record in the Cambrian Period troubled Charles Darwin.

10. Prominence is given to such tasks as rapid mobilization of specialized detachments, coordination with active units and operations in complex electromagnetic environments.

complex的反义词complex 英英释义



1. a whole structure (as a building) made up of interconnected or related structures

Synonym: building complex

2. a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts

e.g. the complex of shopping malls, houses, and roads created a new town

Synonym: composite

3. (psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behavior

4. a compound described in terms of the central atom to which other atoms are bound or coordinated

Synonym: coordination compound


1. complicated in structure

consisting of interconnected parts

e.g. a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody

a complex mass of diverse laws and customs