

fascination:[英 [ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃn] 美 [ˌfæsəˈneʃən] ]



fascination 基本解释

名词魅力; 迷恋

fascination 相关例句


1. The city has a fascination for him.


2. Brian has a fascination for girls.


3. He was staring at her with fascination.


fascination 网络解释


1. 着迷:庞德对法律的着迷( fascination)是因为他父亲的缘故,虽然这丝毫不令人惊奇. 不过,这件事还是令人感兴趣的,尽管他热爱植物学. 在他上大学的第三年的时候,他的父亲送他三本有关法律理论的书,这三本书庞德曾反复阅读,

fascination 双语例句

1. She ssbbww. com felt that she must be careful, that Hurstwood had an indefinable fascination for her.

嘉莉微微吃了一惊,不过她要女个仆下去说,她马上下来,一边8 t tt8。


2. She only felt that she must be careful, and that Hurstwood had an indefinable fascination for her.


3. fascination什么意思

3. I think that kind of fascination is a kind of reflection of personal hero doctrine.


4. Our fear of and fascination with death have been the lifeblood of religion since time immemorial, and have left us with some of human civilisation's most impressive monuments.


5. This article holds that the televised documentary need tell of the true story, and it must exert itself the members of its characters、events and background of exhibition, and use the trenchancy expression to achieve the fascination of televised documentary by story.


6. fascination的意思

6. Allan Poe is recognized for his language and form of writing. Especially the dark and mysterious style of writing and the fascination for blood and death he exhibited in his gothic novels. Those drew the attention of many a literature critic, it also deeply impressed ordinary readers.


7. Over the past centry, photojournalism had played an important role in social function. Grasping the features of photojournalism is helpful to improve the transmission effect of photojourlism, to satisfy the increasing social demands, to develop the superiorty of photojournalism and to make full use of values and fascination of photojournalism.


8. A further solid argument for preservation of historical buildings is that when I enter it, the fascination of Dick Whittington`s story is rekindled in my heart.

对于历史建筑保留的更有力的论证是当我踏入其中时,Dick Whittington的故事中的魔力在我心中重新点燃。

9. We're not surprised that the Fascination's racy roofline has been nixed in favor of a more traditional profile, creating more room for kids, pets, and other cargo.

我们不会惊讶的是,魅力的活泼的顶棚已被nixed ,取而代之的是更传统的形象,创造更多的空间,孩子,宠物,以及其他货物。

10. fascination的解释

10. It was ultimate fascination with the God Emperor which finally brought me to heel.


11. And, after he came home from seeing Mario Lanza in The Great Caruso, he sang to his family all the arias that Lanza had sung in the film - especially la `Donna e Mobile ` which seemed to hold a special fascination for him.


12. With his concerned girlfriend Maya fearing for his life, Leon's relentless fascination with Mahogany lures him further and further into the bowels of the subways and ultimately into an abyss of pure evil inadvertently pulling Maya right along with him.


13. fascination

13. The city has a fascination for him.



14. In recent years, he inspired fascination for reasons that had nothing to do with music.


15. Large free space, and unlimited source of fascination for people, this is probably ONE of the unique.

超大的自由空间,与人无限的遐想,这或许是ONE 的独特之处。

16. It was written from the heart, not just in the dusty study, and is intended to reflect my deep fascination with the many undercurrents that have to flow together, in order to make possible a comprehensible narrative of China's immense struggles across the long span of the last four hundred years.


17. Do you want to experience the allure and fascination of Chinese calligraphy?


18. But, poetry is still the the ageless spring of life and that the gorgeous fruits on its deep-rooted luxuriant tree still possess enticing fascination.


19. Hua Man Ji, a set of poem collection, reflects his contributions on poem; Hua Man Lu, a set of scribbles, exhibits his fascination and erudition; Chen Xing Lu, composed at his travel to Chen County, played a pivotal role in the development of China's travel diary; Shi Liao Lu is important historical material about Liao's state-style in the time of Song Dynasty.


20. Faced with this situation by a foreigner, usually a busy life of foreigners hurried footsteps come to Yangshuo actually become so relaxed together, I really do not know Yangshuo this narrow little alley, I do not know how many people's fascination with Zeng, in particular, these foreigners, in the Trinidad thousands of miles away that they use their nose smell the taste of this Yangshuo, traveled to this town, I think they have found in this sense of his own fondness for, this feeling is the feeling of Yangshuo, It feels like no time in the concept of modern urban life did not give the kind caused by squeezing.


fascination 词典解释

1. 入迷;着迷;酷爱

Fascination is the state of being greatly interested in or delighted by something.

e.g. I've had a lifelong fascination with the sea and with small boats.


2. 魅力;令人着迷的事物

A fascination is something that fascinates people.

e.g. ...a series focusing on the fascinations of the British Museum.


fascination 单语例句fascination是什么意思

1. Its selection underlined the growing influence of Asia in Cannes and in world cinema generally, and of the enduring fascination with US culture.

2. Warhol was not shy about cashing in on what he perceived to be the capitalist collector's fascination with China and its leader.

3. But Spielberg says Zhang has inspired the world's fascination with China through his cinematic vision.

4. The museum presents unflinching and compassionate pictorials that reveal his fascination with horses.

5. The public festivities reflected Britons'continuing fascination with the royal family, which despite its foibles remains a powerful symbol of unity and pride.

6. Perhaps the fascination of Indiana Jones has gone, but Firewall should surely get a cursory nod of approval from audiences.

7. It separates the DJ area from the live performing area, presenting fashionable electronic music and the fascination of live entertainments respectively.

8. Dynamism has its fascination, but it needs perfection to ensure safety.

9. But the Chinese consumer certainly has " elitism " firmly etched in his heart, which would prolong his brand fascination longer than expected.

10. The topics are a source of fascination for college applicants, since essay writing accounts for 40 percent of the total score for the language test.

fascination 英英释义


1. the capacity to attract intense interest

e.g. he held the children spellbound with magic tricks and other fascinations

2. a feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual

Synonym: captivationenchantmententhrallment

3. the state of being intensely interested (as by awe or terror)

Synonym: captivation