

anticipate:[英 [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt] 美 [ænˈtɪsəˌpet] ]


过去式:anticipated;   过去分词:anticipated;   现在分词:anticipating;

anticipate 基本解释

及物动词预见; 预料; 预感; 先于…行动

不及物动词预测; 过早地提出; 过早地考虑(或说、做)一件事; (在口头或用文字)预言


anticipate 相关例句


1. No employees of the firm are allowed to anticipate their salary.



2. The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder.


3. We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London.


4. It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen.



5. He tried to anticipate all my needs.


anticipate 网络解释

1. 预测:阅读者不是逐字逐句地去理解,而是在文本中选取(sample)某些信息,结合自己的经验或有关知识作出预测(anticipate),然后在下文中找到相关信息来验证(test and verify)自己的预测.

2. 预料:D 正确.预料(anticipate) 是一种内部审计师能够用来在广泛讨论中保持焦点话题的方法.它设想内部审计师已在事前做过准备工作,并准备好机智聪明地倾听谈话.因为事前有准备,所以内部审计师的思维处理信息速度能够比大多数人说话的速度快,

3. anticipate

3. 期望:这些内容无非是强调通过资格确认、能力、信息、同情、修正等风险防范方法的应用,最终达到消除风险的期望(anticipate)目标. 3.2医疗危机正确处置探讨 按照危机管理理论,一般将危机处置过程分为预防(prevention)、准备(preparation)、反应(response)和恢复(recovery)四个步骤,

anticipate 双语例句

1. Were then able to anticipate E1 Nino events dating back to 1857, using prior sea-surface temperatures.


2. I hasten to add, to anticipate possible misconception, that he was not the least of a charlatan


3. Fisher Model put forward the theory that assets nominal profit rate move in the same direction with anticipate inflation rate, namely anticipate inflation rate raises 1% will lead to 1% in stock profit rate.


4. anticipate的反义词

4. Fisher Model put forward the theory that assets nominal profit rate move in the same direction with anticipate inflation rate, namely anticipate inflation rate raises 1% will lead to 1% in stock profit rate. As this model interprets stock profit rate and inflation rate in the United States, in experiment a conclusion is drawn that stock actual profit rate has no reaction with inflation rate in short term, but a relation of direct proportion exists in long term.



5. The cinematics and structure are under heavy work at the moment, and we should anticipate more later in the year.


6. But he still needs to anticipate a player's move before the breakdown point and maybe draw a charge.



7. This kind of module can gather water supply plant not only, still can absorb quantity of heat when high temperature, and make plant grow more convenient, achieve ahead of schedule anticipate enclothe rate.


8. anticipate的解释

8. Hungry don't choose food of we point comprehensive chafing dish, make bosom not disorderly of father give sharp advice preemptive, claim help a villain do evil to take a knife foolish display of skill before expert waitress, hurry Jiao rabbit dead the henchman boil, because corpse vegetable meal of we a son early add oil to add vinegar to complete, wait for chafing dish hurry up Chen2 Yu2 La4's wild goose good contend for Central plains, regrettable the pot cover be too small, have a little desire cover Mi soup after anticipate seethe, hot get so happy as to forget home and duty of we hurriedly take off clothing to push food very big righteousness to put out close top and bottom its hand, round up all at one fell swoop to get a water rockslide.



9. Use fillet few salt, anticipate wine and living powder to grasp with an egg white evenly, preserve~ in salt for 15 minutes.


10. One need only walk for five minutes anywhere in the city in order to reach a park or forest. One might perhaps reasonably attribute this condition to the German people's characteristic love of nature combined with a propensity to anticipate troubles, with the result that their city planning tends to beforward-looking.


11. Shrewd minds anticipate conclusions, oblige one to say yes or no.


12. In your own work, try to anticipate how motion will blend between clips when working in Trax.


13. anticipate

13. In business, you've got to anticipate how your competitors will act.


14. anticipate的解释

14. Liu Yanting: We see future has a lot of markets two years beforehand the report of appraise, the part of B2C may have decuple to of 20 times grow, it is above this market, we also are valued exceedingly, it our brand-new now investment is done more greatly in the outstanding achievement that how spreads our trade is better that brand-new now investment is done more greatly in the outstanding achievement that how spreads our trade spreads our trade, say we hope our business shop can be in for example there can be two to arrive before the end of the year this year of 3 times grow, the likelihood is in did not come one year, have sixfold above at least grow, as a whole, still hope of whole market anticipate, on the foundation that grows somewhat in whole market, we hope is the growing speed in sixfold above a year later, chinese mainland is gross the population of 1.3 billion, great country, be in so retail this part, electronic business affairs this part, it is a whole world special value.


15. The company establish in 1997, mainly producing the gold foil silk noodles to anticipate, the window sticks a film, indoor decorate film, is the only national supplier, product export to several nations and region.


16. anticipate

16. The passion behind Campbell's attentive, driving beats gives the songs a grittier edge, the lyrics more feeling, and pushes along the rest of the band with a momentum that connects the listener to the song faster than one might anticipate at the outset.

乐队的激情随着 Campbell 倾尽全力的鼓点而迸发出来,也让乐队的其他成员更有动力,让乐迷比他们预想的更快地融入歌曲之中。


17. First of all, the energy saving control of hydraulic excavator in China and aboard are related, and the control methods are summarized in this paper. For the sake of energy saving control research, a hydraulic excavator electronic energy-saving control model is established based on CAN-bus technique. And then the aspect of the speed control of the engine is focused on, a cascade control is used, an inner feedback loop gives control over the governing throttle and an outer feedback loop does the speed regulation. The use of feed forward of the load demand, when a signal is available which is proportional to the load, then the signal can be fed forward to the input of the control system to anticipate changes in load. The power limiting control ensures optimum use of the power required for the excavator under varying operating conditions and avoids overload of the diesel engine, with the diesel engine, variable pump, and the loads as the whole dynamic system, the overall power match technique is proposed, and transfered the point match to area match by the method of area power match, so the energy efficiency is improved.


18. The data for these absorption spectra have improved enormously in the past 50 years as has the capacity to do all these calculations, so one might anticipate that this is where Plass would have been most overtaken by scientific progress.


19. Our common sense en bles us to anticipate part of its analysis.


20. I anticipate dislocation, volatility and uncertainty accompanying the emergence of the new information economy.


anticipate 词典解释

1. 预期;预料;预计

If you anticipate an event, you realize in advance that it may happen and you are prepared for it.

e.g. At the time we couldn't have anticipated the result of our campaigning...


e.g. It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost...


2. 未待提出就回答(问题);预先考虑并满足(请求、需要等)

If you anticipate a question, request, or need, you do what is necessary or required before the question, request, or need occurs.


e.g. What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question...


e.g. Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs?


3. 早于…做(或想、说);先于…行动

If you anticipate something, you do it, think it, or say it before someone else does.

e.g. In the 50s, Rauschenberg anticipated the conceptual art movement of the 80s.


anticipate 单语例句anticipate在线翻译

1. Without bold action on such national policies as the rigid residence registration system, we anticipate no major breakthrough in the way our " floating population " is managed.

2. Democratic congressional aides said they anticipate that Bush will reject the Iraq funding bill Wednesday after receiving it from Capitol Hill on Tuesday.

3. He did not anticipate that classics education would catch on across the country.

4. Powell said he does not anticipate additional money for the region in the 2007 budget Bush plans to announce Monday.

5. They anticipate sharing an additional vehicle architecture and powertrain application in an effort to help reduce development costs and benefit from economies of scale.

6. Judges generally adhere to common formulas for how the property should be divided, so it is possible to anticipate how your financial life will look after the marriage.

7. She admitted the company did not anticipate the scale of the market response blamed for yesterday's stampede.

8. Don't expect them to anticipate your needs the way a seasoned maitre d'would.

9. After that you have to sniff the inside of the cylinder which will let you anticipate the taste of the tea.

10. And therefore the training and the discipline and the doctrine has to be such that you anticipate that risk.

anticipate的翻译anticipate 英英释义


1. be a forerunner of or occur earlier than

e.g. This composition anticipates Impressionism

2. regard something as probable or likely

e.g. The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow

Synonym: expect

3. realize beforehand

Synonym: previseforeknowforesee

4. make a prediction about

tell in advance

e.g. Call the outcome of an election

Synonym: predictforetellprognosticatecallforebodepromise

5. be excited or anxious about

Synonym: look forlook to

6. act in advance of

deal with ahead of time

Synonym: foreseeforestallcounter