

bribery:[英 [ˈbraɪbəri] 美 [ˈbraɪbəri] ]



bribery 基本解释

名词行贿; [法]贿赂


bribery 相关例句



1. The policeman accused the thief of bribery.


bribery 网络解释

1. 贿赂:商业贿赂(Bribery) 指经营者为销售或者购买商品而采用财物或者其他手段贿赂对方单位或者个人的行为. 商业贿赂行为的特征有三:(1)主体是经营者,赌赂对方单位或者个人. (2)目的是为销售商品或者购买商品,即为达到商业目的,通过贿赂手段,

bribery 双语例句

1. The social cost of the sub-bribery is serious.


2. Any person who seizes on the amount overcharged as his or her own, or any persons who embezzle or divide the amount overcharged among themselves shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 and Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions Concerning the Punishment of Crimes of Embezzlement and Bribery.



3. Li are suspected of corruption and bribery, but there is no incontrovertible evidence.



4. Commercial bribery, if bribery is to provide operators corporate units in the name of the implementation of the will of the body, from the body should assume responsibility, commercial bribery has become the mainstay.


5. Despite the goodwill of law enacting, the exercise of MATS has generated considerable controversies and chaos as corruption and bribery are reported frequently.


6. He admitted that his commit bribery crime.


7. And with the dying out of those stereotyped rules and regulations to supervise government administrative personnel, or because those rules and regulations are no longer followed in the process of reform on market economy, government officials are in an even better position to commit bribery and to accept bribes.


8. In 97s criminal law, non government personnel can no longer commit bribery complicity.

97《刑法》对 79《刑法》及《补充规定》中有关受贿罪的规定作了重要修改,非国家工作人员不再构成受贿罪的共犯。

9. The status-owning criminals collude with one another and commit bribery together.


10. bribery的解释

10. The status-owning criminals collude with one another and commit bribery together. They may be simple accomplices or complex accomplices.


11. One day he saw the news that one of his former colleagues was put into prison for bribery.


12. The main form of commercial bribery is kickback.


13. The same can be said of the establishment by 30 European defence industry associations of a set of anti-bribery standards.


14. By reviewing the origin of the crime, it is easy to go through China anti-bribery development and accomplishment and easier to understand its concept and characteristics which are new and different from those of the crime of taking bribes by companies and enterprises` personnel.


15. The OECD anti-bribery convention ratified in 1998, and a domestic law passed in 2001, require Britain to investigate allegations of backhanders paid abroad.



16. This paper introduces the turn of the anti-bribery law, in the final analysis focused on how to build a system in commercial bribery law. First, urging the operators to build and improve their own code of conduct and regulations, internal banned from commercial bribery activities.


17. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and international or local anti-bribery laws?


18. MANY South Africans are riveted by the soap-opera trial now under way in Johannesburg. The cast includes a former chief of police and Interpol, a convicted drugs smuggler and confessed liar, a murdered mining magnate, a multi-millionaire convicted fraudster, and no fewer than two former directors of prosecution, all accusing each other of spectacular bribery and corruption.


19. Bribery A Colonial, who had a case for damages impending at the Law Courts, inquired of his solicitor the name of the judge who would preside.

贿赂 一个殖民地居民向他的律师打听法庭庭长的姓名,他有一桩赔偿损失案就要在法庭上开审了。

20. It operates not by finding cosy consensus, but by reaching grubby compromise after lots of camp-forming, bribery and bullying.


bribery 词典解释

1. 贿赂行为;行贿

Bribery is the act of offering someone money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do something for you.

e.g. He was jailed on charges of bribery.


e.g. ...accusations of bribery and corruption.


bribery 单语例句

1. The issue of business ethics at multinational companies has been raised after a recent series of bribery cases.

2. The pair will be charged under South Africa's Marine Living Resources Act for bribery and for being in possession of a protected species.

3. The current campaign against commercial bribery signals the government's zero tolerance of such malpractice.

4. Zhang took charge in a caretaker capacity after Mohamed bin Hammam's ousting over bribery claims in June.

5. The article says that recent cases such as " Lucent case " and " DPC case " exposed the seriousness of the problem of commercial bribery in China.

6. Police in the city's Nanchuan district unearthed a commercial bribery case in July but did not have enough evidence to arrest the culprit.

7. He ordered Chin to four months of imprisonment for bribery and six months for using falsified instruments.

8. An enterprising policeman in Chongqing municipality cracked a tough bribery case recently by going undercover as a clerk.

9. Commercial bribery cases involving government officials account for the majority of graft cases in China, top officials said over the weekend.

10. But commercial bribery is just one of the root causes of people's disappointment with the country's healthcare reform.

bribery 英英释义


1. the practice of offering something (usually money) in order to gain an illicit advantage

Synonym: graft