

dominant:[英 [ˈdɒmɪnənt] 美 [ˈdɑmənənt] ]



dominant 基本解释

形容词占优势的; 统治的,支配的; [生]显性的; 高耸的

名词[生]显性性状,显性基因; 优势物种; [乐]全阶第五音; 主因,要素

dominant 反义词



dominant 相关例句


1. The right hand is dominant in most people.


2. The dominant influence in her life was her father.


dominant 网络解释

1. 显性的:从目前能获得的有限的数据来看,一种(也许是不典型的)显性的(dominant)遗传性似乎是最可能的候选模式. 但是,这并不能被认为问题已经接近解决. 该家族中的两例孤独症都和脑损伤的因素相联系(母亲患风疹以及产程窒息),而在亚斯伯格的案例中却根本不存在这样的因素.

2. dominant

2. 主导:由于与两个心房分别与各自的心室相连接的正常循环状态相反,这种畸形被认为在这个节段上心房仅与一个发育良好(well-developed)并占主导(dominant)的心室腔相连接.


3. 优势的:不过,仍旧显示出男性被期望是竞争性的、优势的(dominant)及独立的,而女性则被期望成依赖的、敏感的、及社会滋养的. 这种定型不仅影响成人对彼此的态度,也是父母对待婴儿的方式. 尽管这种工具性/表情性(instrumental/expressive)的区分是很普遍的,

dominant 双语例句

1. dominant

1. Part two Molecular genetic study of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobeepilepsyObjectiveWe selected two definitive autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy genes CHRNA4, CHRNB2 as candidate genes and DNA sequencing was performed on the 5~ exons.


2. The results of this paper show:(1) The Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation deposited in limited carbonate platform sedimentary environment of shallow marine; the temperature of paleo-sea water is mainly from 26.7℃~32.1℃, which indicates Lanping Basin located in the hot tropics during formation of the Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation.(2) The provenance tectonic setting of sedimentary rocks from the Lanping Basin are represented by passive continental margin and continental island arc and the original source rocks were all derived from the upper continental crust, with felsic rocks dominant. So the Lanping Basin is a typical continental-type basin.(3) The evolution of Lanping Basin have undergone three different prototype basins'evolution, i. e. rift basin, depression basin and strike basin.(4) Ore-forming materials of deposits in large ore-assembly district were derived from crust (mainly from basement and stratum of basin ore-forming fluids were hot brine of basin dominant and the organic matter from source rocks of basin stratum has involved in mineralization; and mineralization epoch of deposits was about 56Ma or 30Ma, which are compatible with the times of collision of Indian plate and Eurasian plate and late strong compression stage respectively.


3. dominant

3. The stock system was a dominant tendency in the development of enterprise forms.


4. The compositions of fruit types and their differentiation patterns with elevation of 1943 wild angiosperms in Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province were explored. The results show that the proportion of dry fruits is 65.67% and 24.60% in fleshy fruits in the area. The most three are capsule (26.56%), achene (12.35%) and drupe (12.20%) among 22 basic fruit types. Fruit types and their species numbers increase and then decrease with elevation. The proportion of dry fruits increases and it vanishes at 3800 m or so in fleshy fruit with elevation. The proportion of capsule is dominant in each elevation segment and increases with elevation. It decreases and then increases in achene and caryopsis. It decreases in drupe and berry. It decreases and then increases in pome and samara.

分析甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区1943种野生被子植物果实类型组成及其沿海拔梯度的变化规律,结果表明:本区干果和肉果分别占65.67%和24.60%,在22种基本果实类型中,居前3位的分别为蒴果(26.56%)、瘦果(12.35%)和核果(12.20%);果实类型及其种数随海拔升高呈先增加后减少的趋势;随着海拔升高,干果比例上升,肉果比例下降并消失于3800 m左右,其中蒴果比例在各海拔段均占据显著优势并呈上升趋势,瘦果和颖果比例先下降后上升,核果和浆果比例下降,梨果和翅果比例先上升后下降。

5. As a well-known novelist, Feng Jicai chapter in a short length of micro-fiction, one of which is to seize a dominant personality system in the core elements to focus on character portrait, and the other is brilliant, lively expressive Art performance impressed the readers.


6. After the reform, benthamism became a dominant value in the society. It pushed forward the social development and the thinking about the future political modality.


7. It is also the dominant business form interms of sales in this country.


8. dominant的反义词

8. The dominant theoretic framework of analyzing this question is the Optimal Currency Areas theory.


9. The dominant factor that enhances skin ageing is ultraviolet light.



10. Based on the analysis of the cause of changes in seed quantity and proportion of 5 dominant weeds, measures to control weed was put forward.


11. Through their designs, downtown hotels have interpreted their cities`dominant themes as in the ultra-modernity of Atlanta`s Hyatt Regencyand Westin Peachtree Plaza, the sophistication of San Francisco`sStanford Court and Campton Place, the massiveness of New York`s Hiltonand Marriott Marquis, and the traditional charm of Boston`s MarriottLong Wharf and The Bostonian.


12. An elephant, who appeared to be the dominant male, came up to Mark and began stomping his feet.


13. ObjectiveTo study the dominant seed_ borne fungi of Achyranthes seeds from 3 different producing areas and compare the disinfection effect of several fungicides on seed-borne fungi of Achyranthes seed.


14. dominant的翻译

14. EDIs precision measurement and control system based on an advanced CNC technology, The success of the system launched by China to fill in precision measurement software gap Our goal is embedded in the areas of the industry pacesetter. Our products will be in China's domestic market station to a dominant position


15. dominant是什么意思

15. EDIs precision measurement and control system basedon an advanced CNC technology, The success of the system launched by China to fill in precision measurement software gap Our goal is embedded in the areas of the industry pacesetter. Our products will be in China's domestic market station to a dominant position



16. Aggravated gate-induced drain leakage current was thought to arise from the higher induced electric field by the introduction of high-κ films, and field-emission current would be the dominant leakage mechanism.


17. dominant什么意思

17. The part is also needful, firstly we research irrationality on the base that rationality is dominant; secondly affect of irrationality is extrusive in the course of Chinese aggiornamento, that need induct actively.


18. All sizes and shapes of quadrate used in this study had little effect on the dominant species.


19. It's up to us, who are the dominant people, to watch out.


20. dominant的近义词

20. In the fall of 1973 he came to the class with an issue of Econometrica containing two articles he was finding somewhat contradictory: Gibbard's article proving that there exist no non-manipulable voting mechanisms and Groves'article exhibiting a class of dominant strategy mechanisms.


dominant 词典解释

1. 占支配(或统治)地位的;占优势的;显著的

Someone or something that is dominant is more powerful, successful, influential, or noticeable than other people or things.

e.g. ...a change which would maintain his party's dominant position in Scotland...


e.g. She was a dominant figure in the French film industry.


2. (基因)显性的,优势的

A dominant gene is one that produces a particular characteristic, whether a person has only one of these genes from one parent, or two genes, one from each parent.

e.g. Because it is carried by a dominant gene, an affected individual can expect about half of his or her children to inherit the illness.


dominant 单语例句

1. Wang said it was common practice in the world to determine dominant position by market share.

2. He had by then laid the foundation for a dominant team in world motor sport.

3. If a bird dominant to the jays saw them store their food, the jays would move the cache later when the dominant bird was not watching.

4. Cameroon was plunged into grief by the sudden death of the midfielder, an unsung hero of the country's dominant position in African football over the last decade.

5. The carnival is enriched yearly with new events with the last carnival Sunday Parade continuing to be the dominant attraction.

6. Windows CE is an operating system for mobile phones, competing with the dominant platform Symbian supported by mobile phone giants such as Nokia.

7. Kazakhstan is a large, thinly populated Central Asian state where Sunni Islam is a dominant religion.

8. The rapid increases in forex reserves are also challenging the conventionally dominant function of forex reserves as a way to safeguard a nation's macroeconomic security.

9. Minority Sunni Arabs are dominant in four provinces and could defeat the new charter should they vote " no " as a bloc in three of them.

10. Millions of Chinese adults are choosing to remain childless in a country where continuing the family line was once the dominant concern of married couples.

dominant 英英释义


1. an allele that produces the same phenotype whether its paired allele is identical or different

Synonym: dominant allele

2. (music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale



1. exercising influence or control

e.g. television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion

the dominant partner in the marriage

2. (of genes) producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar

3. most frequent or common

e.g. prevailing winds

Synonym: prevailingprevalentpredominantrife