

mechanic:[英 [məˈkænɪk] 美 [mɪˈkænɪk] ]



mechanic 基本解释



mechanic 相关例句


1. The mechanic was busy repairing the machine.


2. There is not a mechanic or technician who hasn't had this problem.


mechanic 网络解释


1. 机械师:二、机械师(Mechanic)当他与你一同参赛时,可在任何竞赛中提升车辆性能. 游戏特色:一、等待你征服的城市:透过占领敌对车队的地盘,逐步取得城市的控制权,称霸独一无二的开放世界. 二、改装你的梦幻车辆:改装及驾驶 29 款授权车辆,

2. 技师:但皆属物质范围,仍属次要. 其最主要因素,当为优秀的技术人员. 否则,物质要素再好,亦不能发挥其效用也. 欧美有以4M为印刷要素者,即机器(Machine),材料(Material)、方法(Method)、技师(Mechanic),亦有倡8M要素者,见仁见智,各有不同.

3. 機制:一个有趣的机制(Mechanic)是如何设计出来的?只是设计人员洗澡时的灵星一现?还是背后隐藏着卫生纸赚钱的邪恶愿望?每当R&D设计一个环境时,他们会确定这个环境的主题,然后再围绕这个主题来设计相应的机制,所以当你知道某个环境的特色介绍时,

mechanic 双语例句

1. mechanic的翻译

1. It is the one body of optics, electricity, and mechanic.


2. To winding engine systems like elevators, only after complete study of dynamics of mechanic-electric system including driving motors is done and advanced control technique is introduced, design of the winding system of minimum vibration can be done.


3. Mr. An lost his hearing at the age of 10 due to fever; he originally wanted to become a car mechanic, but because of his hearing disability, he couldn't even tell the sound an engine makes.


4. With the increasing content of additive, the compress strength of PURF was effectively enhanced first and decreased later, namely, the compress mechanic properties of the composites are the highest when the amount of additive is the best dosage; and with the improving density of PURF, the compress properties of the composites are evidently enhanced.


5. She is a mechanic, you can in San Fierro driving school, she found water-cooled machine.

她是一名机修工,你能在San Fierro的驾驶学校的水冷机处找到她。

6. In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic.


7. This program is the combination of Dynamic Mechanic, Electric Power system and Marine Automation, thus forming a specialty pattern of solid basic theory and wide knowledge of specialty.


8. mechanic什么意思

8. Based on above knowledge, the current bistable display devices and its principle, research headway and existent problem were presented, including the bistable devices based on liquid crystal, based on combination of light interference and bistable mechanic display device, base on electrophoresis of zero electric field bistable E-ink display device.


9. mechanic的翻译

9. Based on above knowledge, the current bistable display devices and its principle, research headway and existent problem were presented, including the bistable devices based on liquid crystal, based on combination of light interference and bistable mechanic display device, base on eIectrophoresjs of zero electric field bistable E--ink display device.


10. If a weighing clerk, he may save for the firm by doubting the adjustment of the scales and having them corrected, even if this be the province of the master mechanic.


11. Software Description: About LogiGuard Master Mechanic, Each tool found within Master Mechanic is designed to give you the best results to keep your systemfunctioning smoothly and consistently.

LogiGuard Master Mechanic 在Master Mechanic中找到的每个工具都被设计用于为你提供保持你的系统功能平稳地和连续地运行的最佳效果。

12. This project is made of five steps:extracting circuit、bottoming modules、analyzing function of modules、inputing circuit、simulation. above all, we must master the mechanic of the whole chip, beacause it will be very useful to this project.


13. The small and medium-sized enterprise troop stability is bad, the brain drain is serious, particularly the high skill's people with professional skills, the master mechanic and so on, often are the market competition key point, the public welfare training project are not enough, cannot satisfy the small and medium-sized enterprise by far the demand.


14. So I went to work; and here I need observe. that as reason is the substance and original of the mathematics, so by stating and squaring every thing by reason, and by making the most rational judgment of things, every man may be in time master of every mechanic art.



15. His job as a mechanic was to service the aircraft and recover parts from downed planes, but pilots would often ask their mechanics to fly with them, so Allingham would sit behind the pilot and drop bombs or operate the machine gun.

他的工作是当一名技师,为空军勤务服务,修复被打伤的战机机身。但是飞行员经常请求技师与其一道起飞,因此 Allingham 经常坐在飞行员后面或者投掷炸弹或者进行机关枪射击。

16. Once Security Mechanic is in, it spoofs scanning your system for threats, and tells you you're infected with non-existent threats.


17. Hence, some basic knowledge of how rocks are deformed by such power will be necessary for the understanding of the mechanic origin and the related law of various structural phenomena.


18. mechanic在线翻译

18. Quantum mechanic requires the states of a dynamical system and the dynamical variables to be interconnected in quite strange ways that are unitelligible from the classical standpoint.


19. mechanic

19. Comparde with the general three dimensional quadrupole ion trap, it is simple in both mechanic construction and electronic circuitry, and easy to be made in normal laboratories.


20. mechanic

20. In this paper, the mechanic characteristics of the Steel Cable--Tall R Cframe are studied overall.


mechanic 词典解释

1. (尤指修理汽车的)技工,机修工,修理工

A mechanic is someone whose job is to repair and maintain machines and engines, especially car engines.

e.g. If you smell gas fumes or burning, take the car to your mechanic...


e.g. An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever.


2. (过程、系统、动作等)运作方式;(具体的)方法,技巧

The mechanics of a process, system, or activity are the way in which it works or the way in which it is done.


e.g. What are the mechanics of this new process?...


e.g. The mechanics of the job, however, have changed little since then.


3. 力学;机械学

Mechanics is the part of physics that deals with the natural forces that act on moving or stationary objects.

e.g. ...the other great theory of 20th-century physics, quantum mechanics...


e.g. He has not studied mechanics or engineering.


mechanic 单语例句

1. So she stayed up one night to find a sketch of a pet wheelchair, which a mechanic put together with aluminum alloy and six wheels.

2. The move last year opened positions such as tank mechanic and field artillery radar operator, which previously closed to women.

3. Spanair said the mechanic dealt with a problem in an air temperature gauge that forced the pilot to abandon a first attempt to take off.

4. He also said he was studying to be a mechanic and works with a local youth group in Huruma.

5. Automobile and mechanic industries represented by Shanghai GM's Wuling are developing rapidly.

6. A mechanic surnamed Li stole a plastic bag full of banknotes from a car that had been brought in for repairs on Jan 11.

7. Stepney had previously played an important role in leading the pit crew at races after joining Ferrari in 1992 as chief mechanic.

8. In May, they called a mechanic with claims they wanted to have an air conditioner installed.

9. A mechanic was killed as he made checks on the railway line in Shijingshan yesterday, the Beijing Evening News reported.

10. Meng was unhappy with his job as an auto mechanic after he graduated from vocational school.
