

concerto:[英 [kənˈtʃɜ:təʊ] 美 [kənˈtʃɜ:rtoʊ] ]



concerto 基本解释



concerto 网络解释

1. 爱的协奏:50 海之歌 Song of the Sea | 51 爱的协奏 Concerto | 52 把你的头靠在我肩膀 Put Your Head On My Shoulder


2. 音乐会:registrare 记录, 录音 | concerto 音乐会 | orchestra 乐队

3. 雄才 日本 本田公司:COMMODORE 海军准将 德国 欧宝汽车公司 | CONCERTO 雄才 日本 本田公司 | CONCORD 协和(君王) 美国 克莱斯勒公司

concerto 双语例句

1. concerto的近义词

1. Anyone who doubts this should watch Lang Lang's performance of the Mozart C Minor Concerto once again.


2. concerto

2. I would say Nostradamus and A New World Concerto.


3. For Decca, he has recorded Aaron Jay Kernis` Concerto for Violin and Guitar with conductor Hugh Wolff, guitarist Sharon Isbin and the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra.


4. concerto

4. This concerto is a spiritual piece based on Mexican and American Indian rhythms. The premiere performance was in November of 1992 by the Winters Chamber Orchestra before a capacity audience at Trinity University's Ruth Taylor Hall.

这部宗教协奏曲采美加印第安旋律为基调。1992年11月在座无虚席的三一大学 Ruth Taylor 音乐厅举行了首演。


5. They will perform Beethoven's Eroica at the concerto tonight.



6. According to a statement in the catalogue of the composer's estate published in 1790, the concerto was composed in Berlin in 1744


7. J. Brahms:Concerto for violin and Cello in A Monir, Op.102

J。勃拉姆斯:A小调小提琴、大提琴双重协奏曲,作品102 32

8. The Singer's Hall of the castle was completed the day before he died. This finely decorated musical hall with terrific acoustics was left unused until the fiftith anniversary of Wagner's death in 1933 when the first concerto was held here.

路威德二世殁世的前一天,城堡内的音乐厅Singer`s Hall甫完工,这座装饰精美、音响效果绝佳的音乐厅,一直到1933年华格纳逝世五十周年,才举行了第一场音乐会。

9. Opening section in 1st movement of Tchaikovsky's piano concerto no.


10. At the age of 10, he made his concerto debut playing Mozart`s Piano Concerto K466 with the Orchestra of Ulyanovsky and gave his first solo recital in Moscow one year later.


11. With it came the development of the modern concerto, symphony, sonata, trio and quartet to a new peak of structural and expressive refinement.



12. They are showing an synthesis of architectural principles of the concerto form, the style of the Italian trio sonata and the technique of the classical German organ trio playing.


13. Sympathetic friends suggested that he play the Concerto for the Left Hand by Maurice Ravel -- one of the few widely known piano pieces for the left hand.



14. Sixteen year old Alexander Prior, one of the most talented and prolific young British composers, is tasked to recruit the world's most prodigious young musicians and writing a concerto for them.


15. concerto是什么意思

15. Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op.


16. concerto的近义词

16. Piano Concerto NO.1 in B Flat Minor, Op.


17. Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat minor, Op.23


18. Allegro non troppo 3-4 Piano Concerto No.5 in C m...

快板 3。极快板 D小调第二十钢琴协奏曲 4。

19. Allegro non troppo 3-4 Piano Concerto No.5 in C major, o...

快板 3。极快板 D小调第二十钢琴协奏曲 4。

20. Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat minor, Op.23: I. Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso - Allegro con spirito


concerto 词典解释

1. 协奏曲

A concerto is a piece of music written for one or more solo instruments and an orchestra.


e.g. ...Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto.


e.g. ...a wonderful concerto for two violins and string orchestra.


concerto 单语例句

1. Violinist Chai will also give a solo performance of Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto.

2. Celebrated cellist Wang Jian infused restrained passion into Dvorak's cello concerto.

3. When the wind blows, the curtains clang as if nature is leading a concerto.

4. When the wind blows the curtains clang as if nature as the conductor is leading a concerto.

5. Pianist Wu Ying will also collaborate with the orchestra to play the Yellow River Piano Concerto.

6. Lang's powerful and very personal reading of the Tchaikovsky concerto demonstrates that he does not let bravura technique get the better of his musical judgment.

7. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice abandoned international affairs for a Mozart piano concerto on Tuesday, teaming up with Soul legend Aretha Franklin to perform at a charity concert.

8. The concerto is superbly written for the unique timbre and virtuoso technical qualities of the marimba.

9. The score of his concerto map is hung at the Carnegie Hall along with those of other great composers.

10. But after the tragic love story was made into a violin concerto even foreigners have appreciated it.

concerto是什么意思concerto 英英释义


1. a composition for orchestra and a soloist