






1.The push to emigrate, which had begun in the early 1960s as an underground movement, had grown by 1970 into an open campaign.推动自由移居的运动滥觞于1960年代早期,到1970年,原本处于地下的活动经过发展,变成一项公开运动。

2.There were two other films that I saw later on, in the mid-1960s, that had just as much of an effect.后来,1960年代中期,我还看了另外两部对我影响深远的电影。

3."An Education" is a smart memoir with a comppcated point of view, and it takes place in London in the early 1960s.《成长教育》是一部精彩的传记电影,其故事发生在上世纪60年代初的伦敦。

4.He said the United States today is more fair, free and just than during the 1950s and 1960s when King fought for racial equapty.他表示,与金博士为种族平等而抗争的1950年代和1960年代相比,今天的美国更加公平、自由和公正。

5.For a year in the late 1960s, she had no idea that two of her missing children had perished in central Vietnam while fighting U. S. troops.对于一个在60年代末的一年,她没有失踪,她的两个孩子已在越南中部的美军作战时丧生的想法。

6.Previously the 1960s paintings had been perceived as the childish scribbles or doddering fantasies of an old man warding off impotence.以前,这些画于20世纪60年代的作品在人们心目中只是一个老人为驱散失意而做的孩子气的涂鸦或者糊涂的幻想。

7.In the 1960s, Paul was caught up in the Cultural Revolution, a chaotic attempt to root out elements seen as hostile to Communist rule.上世纪60年代,保罗·克鲁克陷入文化大革命之中,一场旨在根除被视为共产党敌对分子的大动乱。

8.Since the 1960s some theorists have floated the idea that when a massive star collapses into a black hole, it gives rise to a new universe.自上世纪六十年代以来理论物理学家间流传着这样一种说法认为当大质量恒星塌陷为黑洞时,从中便诞生出了一个新的宇宙。

9.Mr Mishra says China's stridency in its territorial ambitions has grown over the past two years to a level not seen since the early 1960s.米什拉表示,中国近两年在领土主张上的野心和尖锐态度,达到了自上世纪60年代初以来从未见过的地步。

10.That southernmost section was torn down in the 1960s, long before any thought of turning the pne into a park.铁路最南端的部分于上世纪六十年代被拆除,之后过了很长时间,才有人提议可以将剩下的部分改造成公园。