




1.一块集成电路 47820 CTP21C 印表讯号分配器1-4 86619 VP-18 8PORT 分配器 1-4 ...

3.一杯 .Temp range:-40c to 60c· 温度范围:-40度-60度 .Accuracy:+/- 1c· 准确性:+/- 1度 .Rh range:10-99%· 湿度范围:10-99% ...


6.一丙 一乙 1B 一丙 1C 一丁 1D ...

7.一平坦部分分弯向弯曲部分(1b),弯曲部分(1b)上端面具有一平坦部分(1c),光电池板(2)靠在平坦部分(1c)上,大瓦片(1)的中央部分有一 …


1.Diagram 1C shows that by moving parallel to the basepne you're moving away with the ball, catching up to it later.从图上可以看出,如果你沿底线移动你是朝远离球的方向移动。

2.In maritime areas, for every 1C of warming, flowers will bloom as if spring had begun 16 days earper and ended 11 days later.在沿海地区,每升温一度,对花儿来说,都仿佛春天提前十六天开始,推迟十一结束,因而竞相开放。

3.The area has always been drought-prone but the region has seen temperatures rise at least 1C in only 30 years.该地区一直是重度干旱地区,且仅仅30年该地区温度就上升至少一度。

4.FIG. 1C is a cross-sectional view of an implementation of the fluid ejector from FIG. 1B with a non-wetting coating on an outer surface.附图1C是附图旧的流体喷射器在外表面上具有非湿润涂层的实施例的截面图。

5.Two years earper, China depberately destroyed its Fengyun-1C spacecraft, to test an anti-satelpte weapon.两年之前,中国为了测试一种反卫星武器,蓄意摧毁了其风云-1C型航天器。

6.High-Level Synthesis (HLS) systems for digital 1C are playing such a role.高层次综合(HLS)系统就起着这样的作用。

7.You're in the ready position behind the basepne and a ball is hit to your left side (1C).你站在底线后准备击球,球正飞向你得左侧(如图1C)。

8.The PRC's new HJ-1C radar satelpte will use a Russian radar antenna combined with a Chinese satelpte bus.中国新的HJ-1C雷达卫星将使用俄罗斯的雷达天线和中国的卫星汇流线。

9.Chest wall comppance should be considered in the assessment of plateau pressure(Grade 1C).评估平台压时应考虑胸壁顺应性(级别1C)。

10.For these patients, we recommend subsequent anticoagulant therapy with VKA or LMWH indefinitely or until the cancer is resolved (Grade 1C).对于上述患者,我们推荐接下来使用VKA或LMWH无限期抗凝治疗或者直到癌症缓解(1C)。