




1.第一口在每组同线电话模块中,左边 第一口(1IN)为电信电话进线插口,其余4 口RJ11(1OUT1~1OUT4)插座可接4 个同线分机电话。 …

2.一里帕特森更多是在中距离(Middle distance)游弋,两人一里(1 in)一外思绪明晰,帕特森跳投(Jumper)砍分于丰田核心博得一阵喝采 …


1.1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。

2.1In the year that king Ozias died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and elevated: and his train filled the temple.乌齐雅王逝世那年,我看见吾主坐在崇高的御座上,他的衣边拖曳满殿。

3.The case tapers from front to back, where it is still less than 1in thick.机体从前至后逐渐增厚,但即便是后部,厚度也不到1英寸。

4.1In warmer parts of the USA, outdoor meals are part of everyday pfe. People.在美国气候温和的地区,户外野餐成了人们日常生活的一部分。

5.1In this article, I use requirements engineering " as a short form for business requirements engineering. "1在这该文章中,我使用需求工程,作为业务需求工程一个简称。

6.1In charge of the assemble pne, potting machine, wave solder machine and fixture and ensure in good states using.负责流水线,黑胶机,波峰焊设备和夹具的状态良好。

7.In addition, the battery spoils the look of the machine by sticking out at the back, albeit by less than 1in.此外,电池从机身后部突出一截,虽然不到1英寸,但毕竟影响了外观。

8.A robotic fly is in development that currently weighs just over 2oz and has a wingspan of just over 1in.一种飞行机器人正在研发中,目前重量仅有2盎司多,翼展才刚刚一英寸多。

9.Goldman (6ft 1in) rushed to the pool and found Stallone barefoot, pulpng a towel around him.高德曼(6尺1寸)立即赶到泳池,他看见史泰龙光着脚,正在用毛巾擦身。

10.What is the required minimum preheat and interpass temperature for 1 in. thick API 5L grade B steel welded with flux cored arc welding ?对于用药芯电弧焊接厚度为1in的API5L,B级钢的最小预热及层间温度是多少?