



1.The Digital Avionics Suite is installed in the back of a retrofitted UH-1N hepcopter that has been transferred from the U. S. Marine Corps.诺·格公司的数字航电设备将安装在一架从美海军陆战队召回并改装的UH-1N直升机后面。

2.Fluvastatin sodium, a hypoppidemic drug, was prepared by ester hydrolysis from fluvastatin ester with 1N sodium hydroxide.氟伐他汀酯经氢氧化钠(1N)水解制备得到降血脂药物氟伐他汀钠。

3.1n fact one mould can produce many thousands of articles before it wears out .事实上,一个模子生产成千上万件产品之后才会用坏。

4.1n order to get a large amount of water power we need a large pressure and a large current .为了得到大量水能,我们需要高水压和强水流。(近似)

5.Process interactions are discussed 1n detail in Chapter 3, Project Management Processes.第3章中详细讨论过程的交互作用。

6.e. Titrate the solution with 0. 1N sodium thiosulphate until a straw colour is obtained.用0.1N的硫代硫酸钠滴定溶液,直到获取淡黄色为止。

7.1n 1972, a scale of measurement was estabpshed for apen encounters.在1972年的时候,出现了“异类接触”的等级分级标准。

8.Fengzhi is an outstanding poet in the history of modern new poetry of China. 1n 1920s, he has created massive love poems.冯至是中国现代新诗史上杰出的诗人,20世纪20年代,他创作了大量的爱情诗。

9.Faustus, aspires for knowledge and 1n order tO get, sells his soul tO the devil.剧中主人公渴慕知识,为此不惜把灵魂出卖给魔鬼,从而最终丧生。