




1.一张(1P) 女盆友她武功...


6.一句话钢弹00中各位印象最深的一句话(1P) (175篇回复)

7.一面如果版面不是满版的话,有美编的情况下,一面(1P)可以放好几张照片如果版水是24"(18"宽频输出)的话,一整面称为1P版水要 …


1.In this case, the 1p has a very natural interpretation, since 1+r shows up in the usual formulas for calculating these things.在这个例子中,1p的含义是很容易理解的,因为在计算类似数据的一般公式中通常出现1+r。

2.The method uses the soap salt, the phosphazene X-1P as the filming materials to prepare the lubricating film on a clean substrate material.本发明利用皂盐、磷嗪X-1P为成膜材料,在清洁的基底材料上制备润滑薄膜。

3.The best time to sleep: Siesta best starts from 1p. m. when the human body feels falpng naturally and make it easy to fall asleep.最佳睡眠时间:午睡最好从午后1时开始,这时人体感觉自然下降,很容易入睡;

4.More M1D boxes cover front fill, and a delay ring of 12 UPA-1P loudspeakers completes the system.前场的覆盖也是M1D线阵列,还有分别加了延时处理的一圈12只UPA-1P扬声器来完成此系统。

5.As a rough guide it can be generally stated that for each 1p spent on an admixture then approximately 4-5p worth of cement can be saved.作一个粗略的估计,一般说耗用每一磅外加剂,能节省约4-5磅水泥的价值。

6.It calculates the logarithm of 1 plus its argument.它计算1的对数和参数(1p表示“加1”)。

7.Two players use the same game on the console 1P and 2P console game.两个玩家在同一台电玩上使用1P控制台和2P控制台进行对战。

8.The ordinary shares will be issued at 1p.普通股将以每股1便士的价格发行。

9.Also, simple mechanisms such as setting 802. 1p bits on ethernet frame or type-of -service bits in IP headers are enough for LAN QOS.同时,在以太网桢上设置802.1P位或者在IP报头中设服务类型位等简单机制对局域网的QOS来说已经足够了。

10.Plot combat operations using 1P console, before the end of the game can not switch to other game modes.剧情战斗使用1P控制台进行操作,游戏结束前不能切换到其他游戏模式。