




1.压缩机一级OG引入压缩机入口缓冲罐D-1,经缓冲和分离后引入压缩机一级1st stage)入口,入口压力即为罐压,温度一般为-l0~-20…

2.一级头 调节器 Regulator 一级头 1st Stage 二级头 2nd Stage ...

3.第一期 相对湿度分别为 % Relative humidity,% 第一期 1st stage 第二期 2nd stage ...

4.第一段两段式静电吸附装置的第一段(1st stage)离子化区是由放电丝和负极板组成,而第二段(2nd stage)集尘区是由正极板和负极板相 …

5.第一级 (a).讯号选择开关(Function SW)→第一级(1st Stage )12AU7:(1).右声道(R Chan.):41cm。

6.一级调节器一级调节器 ( 1 st STAGE ) 项 目 单价 年度保养费 650 保养套件 850 一级高压座 450 高压座引导器 400 一级横隔膜 250 高压 …


1.This is why it is beneficial for an organization to be visited prior to its certification audit and for a 1st stage audit to be conducted.这对被审核方在取得独立第三方认证以及审核人员搞好第一阶段的审核工作是有好处的。

2.They proposed to carry out the most part of construction works during the 1st stage relying on the subway as the main travel mode.为了紧挨着作为主要出行工具的地铁,他们提议在第一层进行绝大部分的施工工程。

3.The results indicated that the 1st instar larvae of A. lucorum was the sensitive stage.结果表明:绿盲蝽的敏感虫态为1龄若虫;

4.On the 1st stage, Letterpress predominate against a background of handcraft workshops, the technic and habit decided the choice of craft.第一阶段是手工作坊背景下的铅印优势阶段,技术与习惯共同决定了工艺的选择;

5.forms the stage of the 1st gap wall and the 2nd gap wall through the etching.通过蚀刻形成第1间隔壁和第2间隔壁的阶段。

6.Once you burn through the 1st Stage of 200 points, bonuses in EXP will be awarded for every additional 50 points used.在你消耗第一阶段的200疲劳点之后,每消耗多余的50疲劳点你将会获得附加的经验。