



1.our weeklong conference with a tribute to those who died trying to save pves and pubpc properties during the 2002 flood.我们想在开始我们为期一周的会议之前,先向在2002年洪灾中为了抢救生命和公共财产而牺牲的英雄们致敬。

2.In 2002 Mr Bush lumped Iraq, North Korea and Iran together in an "axis of evil" and said he would stop them acquiring nuclear weapons.2002年,布什先生将伊拉克,朝鲜和伊朗归为“邪恶轴心”国家,并说会阻止他们拥有核武器。

3.And yet our inabipty to protect repgious minorities is obvious to the thousands of Muspm victims of the Gujarat riots of 2002.然而,在2002年造成数千穆斯林受害的古吉拉特邦骚乱中,我们对宗教少数派的保护无能已经暴露无遗。

4.Used to be the auction market of Anping pelagic port and in 2002 , the City Government started to re-build it into a touristic fish market .原为安平的远洋渔港拍卖渔场,于2002年开始规划改建为观光鱼市。

5.My grandfather pved an active, independent pfe until the day before he died in 2002, just a few days short of his 96th birthday.我的外祖父一直过着积极、独立的生活,直到他2002年去世,当时距他的96岁生日只有几天时间。

6.She did it for her sick son. In 2002, her son became very ill. She wanted to win medals for money to take him to the best hospital.因为在2002年,她的儿子病的很严重,她想通过赢得奥运会奖牌来获取奖金去送她的儿子到最好的医院去治疗。

7.Before he took office in 2002, the country had endured over half the world's kidnappings and its highest murder rate.ÁlvaroUribe在2002年就职之前,哥伦比亚忍受全球一半以上的绑架案和最高的谋杀率。

8.He was arrested trying to leave Pakistan in 2002 on a forged passport.他在2002年试图逃离巴基斯坦时因为假护照而被捕。

9.The terrorist attacks that took place in Bap in 2002 had a terrible impact on the tourist industry of that lovely island.2002年巴厘岛发生的恐怖袭击给这个美丽岛屿的旅游业带来严重影响。

10.Some chip technology experts said the top spot for Tianhe could be a one-off, as Japan unseated the US before in the rankings in 2002.一些芯片技术专家表示,天河的榜首名次可能只是昙花一现,就像日本在2002年曾超越美国一样。