

increment:[英 [ˈɪŋkrəmənt] 美 [ˈɪnkrəmənt, ˈɪŋ-] ]



increment 基本解释


名词增量; 增长; 增额; 定期的加薪

increment 网络解释

1. 增值:NextIcon()方法从模式中提取当前索引值,并以增值(increment)顺序取下一个索引,假如当前索引位于列表的最后,则运用nextIcon()会返回到第一个值. PrevIcon()方法的功能正好相反,它以递减(decrement)的顺序取列表中的前一个值,

2. 递增:语句$a++没有任何值(不是一个),并且因此你不能给它赋值或以任何方式来使用它.PHP通过发展这些加强了递增(increment)/递减(decrement)的能力,

increment 双语例句


1. The test adults of O. Infernalis were reared in field cages, to use the number of feeding days as feeding time and apply ocular estimation and actual mowing for determining the increment of grass.

田 间笼养供试成虫,以实际取食日计取食时间,用目测法和收获法进行牧草生长量测定,用相关方差分析进行数据处理。

2. Since there are some shortages in calculating the wetting deformation of sand with the Nobari method and the Single-Line method, the initial stress increment FEM is put forward in this paper and the corresponding program is developed.

针对砂土湿化变形计算中N obari法和单线法的不足,采用初应力增量有限元的分析方法,并编制相应的计算程序,对某高速公路路基砂土三轴试验得到的Duncan-Chuang模型参数进行计算分析。

3. Beijing Yitong Ruijin Information Technology Ltd. is a high-tech company which provide the telecom foundation and increment services specially. It's the one of the biggest commercial operation IDC in Beijing, Our service spreads all over China.


4. The pilgrims chant with each period of the pendulum, chant with each measured increment of time.


5. In the learning process, the etection model dynamically processes every critical call, but does not use data mining or statistics from static data. Therefore, the increment learning could be implemented.


6. It has several PID controller parameter tuning methods, such as PID of position, PID of increment, fuzzy temperature control. It also has function of parameter self-tuning.

具有位置PID、增量PID 和模糊控温方式,有控制参数自整定功能。

7. Unexpectedly, in response to both girdling and HWA infestation, hemlock basal area increment reduced substantially compared to reference hardwoods in 3 years.


8. As the improvement of modern Numerical Control Technology, it is the trend that absolute encoder will replace the increment encoder. Absolute encoder is used as the position detection equipment by more and more NC systems.


9. Due to China's huge population base, the absolute increment of population will center around 10 million people annually in the coming years, and it is estimated to hit a peak of 1.6 billion around 2035 and a zero growth might follow then.


10. Four variables, absolute amount and increment of daily turnover and relative strength of 15 days, are taken as factors influencing the trend of share exchange.

以日成交金额和 15日相对强弱指标的绝对量和增量共 4个变量作为影响股指走势因素,应用模糊推理方法对沪市中短期上升行情进行预测,结果较为满意。

11. After esterification by BTCA Acoustic properties of picea sitchensis Carr. andChamaecyparis Iawsoniana ParI were changed, (treated/untreated ratio):Loss tangentdecreased 10~2424% in the tangential ofpicea sitchensis Carr, 9~17% and 10~22% in thetangential and radial directions of Chamaecyparis Iawsoniana ParI., respectively. Specificdynamic Young's modulesand acoustic radiation coefficient of two wood changedunremarkably, in the tangential direction with increment of ASE. Specific dynamic Young'smodulesincreased 3~9% in the radial direction. tgδ/E of decreased 9~27% intangential of picea sitchensis Carr, 7~14% and 10~26% in the tangential and radial directions ofChamaecyparis Iawsoniana ParI., respectively.


12. Especially, EPG system and EPG increment services have changed people`s life in some respects.



13. The total effects make casing unsafe when temperature increment exceeds about 140C; the function of tensile prestress is weakened by the temperature effects: higher grade steel casing does not have absolute advantage in tolerating high temperature.


14. The increment algorithm of the performance indies for system optimal control, and hense the design method of optimal distribution for the system control actions are established.


15. increment

15. Observation of 2002 Anhui province and 2000 Beijing experiment shows that 2-hour increment of GPS PWV and local precipitation have good relationship. The correlation coefficient in mountain area is about 70%, larger than that in plain area. Rainfall occurs in 4 hours after the rapid increase of PWV. The maximum hourly rainfall is proportion to the PWV increment.

结果表明:在降水前后,GPS遥感的大气可降水量有很大的变化;在2002年入梅前后,其变化甚至大于30 mm;在海拔高的山区台站,2 h GPS遥感的大气可降水量增量和本站是否发生降水关系密切;多数情况下,降水出现在GPS遥感的大气可降水量迅速增加的3~4 h内;每小时降水量峰值和GPS遥感的大气可降水量增量的大小有关。

16. For example, increment level of processing trade is low in China, only processing fees are paid, and processing trade supplies possibility for smuggle, in addition, processing trade crush common trades.



17. Bel Canto 的唱法比起来, In traditional singing, consonants are made longer with gradual increment of the power at the utterance.


18. The stress distribution of adhesively-bonded metal/metal single lap joints under tensile shear loading is analysed using elastic-plastic finite element method. The influence of lap length on the strength of adhesively bonded metal joints which are bonded with phenolic resin and acrylic resin respectively is discussed in detail. It is shown that adhesive has great influence on the stress distribution of the lap region. With the increment of lap length, the stress concentration of adhesive layer decreases.


19. increment

19. Thus, if you increment a bool whose value is false, you add 1 to zero getting one, which converts back to true.

因此,如果你递增一个值为 false 的 bool ,你给零加 1 得到一,它将转换回 true 。

20. The coordinate calculation of the highway curves is divided into three basic types, i. e., straight section, circular curve and transition curve, on basis of the coordinate increment principle.


increment 词典解释

1. 增加量;增长额

An increment in something or in the value of something is an amount by which it increases.


e.g. The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent...

工业劳动生产率年平均增长 4.5%。

e.g. Each increment of knowledge tells us more of our world.


2. (某一固定时期后自动的)加薪

An increment is an amount by which your salary automatically increases after a fixed period of time.

e.g. Many teachers qualify for an annual increment.


increment 单语例句

1. Always keep documentation of your work and track your performance for the most recent year, especially if you are anticipating requesting a pay increment.

2. For those whose salaries have exceeded the entry point of their job ranks, will nevertheless be awarded an increment.

3. Advertisements on mobile porn websites and illicit behaviors like providing Net access, increment services and payment agencies for mobile porn websites will be removed in the campaign.

4. To limit the increment, the standard limit must be strictly adhered to.

5. A 12 percent increase has been suggested for those who haven't got an increment for several years and receive only half the average wage.

6. A survey of 250 Shanghai companies found that more than half of their manual workers had not received an increment for at least three years.

7. Wat said the grade structure review recommends that the pay of ambulancemen should be raised only by a single increment.

8. A recent SMRT salary increment notice stated explicitly that workers " except PRC service leaders " would be eligible for pay rise.

9. To keep a job or strive for promotion or increment in salary, many people become machines.

10. When it increases, it means more capital is needed to produce the same output increment as before.

increment的反义词increment 英英释义


1. the amount by which something increases

e.g. they proposed an increase of 15 percent in the fare

Synonym: increase

2. a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important

e.g. the increase in unemployment

the growth of population

Synonym: increasegrowth