

librarian:[英 [laɪˈbreəriən] 美 [laɪ'brerɪrn] ]



librarian 基本解释

名词图书管理员; [计算机]库管理程序

librarian 网络解释

1. 图书馆员:无论是哪种,如果要获得专业图书馆员(Librarian)的工作,一定要有ALA认可的大学的图书馆学硕士学位. 最好还有另一个专业的硕士学位. 图书馆专业没有本科,所以读图书馆学硕士的学生都来自各个专业. 如果全职读书,通常一年到一年半时间便可拿到学位,

2. librarian的解释

2. 馆员:在很多国家,图书馆员这个职业分为两大类型:职业图书馆员(librarian)和图书馆员助理(library assistants). 一个职业图书馆员必须有图书馆学位或学历,其他学位在图书馆界并不太管用,你有一个经济学博士学位,想要得到一个图书馆员的职位,

3. 管理员:偶尔也有书已经被别人借走的时候,管理员(librarian)人很好,会帮我预留(on hold). 偶然翻到明尼苏达州亨内平县图书馆(Hennepin County Library)的BLOG主页上,看到他们曾经向读者征询了一个类似的问题:

4. librarian在线翻译

4. 图书馆馆长:现在是有毕业生找不到图书馆的工作或待遇低(从各位的贴子上看的),但我却是要请一位图书馆馆长(librarian)而没门路! 试过在北京最高学府该系内登招请广告(因为根本不知道如何在中国入手去找念这科毕业的学生!),都没有该系的学生有兴趣应徵!

librarian 双语例句

1. Pygmalion effect is propitious fully for librarian'emotion management.


2. The librarian asked him to re-count the number of books, because one of them is missing.


3. The librarian asked him to re-count the number of books.


4. Formal system has provided foundation stone of law and operation procedure for Chinese Book bidding. However, there are still some problems, such as misleading, embody operation. These problems are brought about by librarian diathesis, complexities of system design, unregarded biased of some values.


5. Her time as a Librarian was a godsend for Ming, and changed her most profoundly.



6. This is where I decided to become a librarian.


7. I'm the school's librarian. I take care of the books in the library.


8. librarian的意思

8. My aunt used to be a librarian, but now she is a teacher.


9. librarian是什么意思

9. Firstly, why not arrange an inquiry desk at the circulationhall? With the help of a professional librarian, students can gothroughthe procedures more efficiently.


10. Forget about that image of librarian as a mousy bookworm.


11. That is echoed by Gabi Neubauer, a librarian buyingtoys in Nuremberg.


12. The benign forehead of the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope.


13. If you have a tolerant librarian, take him into the library.



14. One day the librarian came up with an idea.



15. In the digital reference service system, librarian is a key factor.


16. librarian的反义词

16. In the library, arbitra ry the librarian wrote the a uxiliary diary about militar y literature.


17. You can get a back issue by filling out a slip for the librarian.


18. The hush of the library and the unwelcoming examination of his grease-stained clothes by the lady librarian made him ill at ease.


19. The librarian has to account for each book in his charge.


20. Be responsible for 负责 The librarian has to account for each book in his charge.


librarian 词典解释

1. 图书馆馆长;图书馆管理员

A librarian is a person who is in charge of a library or who has been specially trained to work in a library.

librarian 单语例句

1. Legend has it that Academy librarian and eventual executive director Margaret Herrick thought it resembled her Uncle Oscar and said so.

2. Gao's second son is a surgeon, and his daughter a librarian.

3. A relatively stable job such as tutor or librarian or even babysitter will guarantee a student a stable income.

4. He is a librarian and he has been tasked with restoring the ancient books since 1974.

5. She topped that performance as Marian the Librarian in 1957's hit musical " The Music Man, " for which she won a Tony Award.

6. But Hill falls in love with the town librarian and ends up being more a Pied Piper figure than villain.

7. BEIJING - Li Xingning has nurtured the dream of being a librarian ever since she was a child.

8. She went to several libraries before asking a librarian at the Beijing University Library for help.

librarian 英英释义


1. a professional person trained in library science and engaged in library services

Synonym: bibliothec