

coda:[英 [ˈkəʊdə] 美 [ˈkoʊdə] ]



coda 基本解释




coda 网络解释

1. 尾声:[l01]尾声(Coda)有非常恰当的心理细节,充满渗入人心的力量,速度没有变,最后以主和弦轻敲三次而安静告终,但音乐仍没有平静,不安隐藏在心灵深处,转为忧伤.

2. 音节尾:+塞音]等特征. 英语的单词由音节组成,每个音节必须包含一个元音或近似元音的音. 音节的构成成分通常为音节头(onset)、音节核(nucleus)和音节尾(coda). 由一个以上的辅音构成的音节头或音节尾叫辅音丛(consonant cluster).

3. 尾奏:增值减值 (节奏上或音程上).未等主题完毕另一声部就出现追赶,其长度不一定, 可能很小也可能很长, 之后另一声部又再重现, 一次又一次看作曲者要写几声部, 越多声部越困难, 最后可加可不加一个尾奏 (coda) 或小尾奏 (co

4. 尾:古典芭蕾中的四人舞有严格的模式,即由出场舞蹈,四个变奏和集体结尾(coda)组成,在中彼季帕删去了金子和蓝宝石的变奏音乐,而由金、银、蓝宝石仙女用银子变奏音乐跳一个三人的变奏舞蹈,然后由钻石仙女跳自己的变奏,

coda 双语例句

1. coda的近义词

1. After a diminuendo and ritardando, it repeats back to A section, and end up with a Coda.

B 段在尾处以渐弱及渐慢缓和强烈的乐段,并衔接回如歌般的 A 段,由温和深远的尾奏结尾。

2. Li3 Lang2 Ye2 at first sees of, is the scales and shell which closes to its coda.


3. By using 560 Lg coda Q0 values measured on propagating paths, the Q0 image in the crust beneath the North China region is restructured with a stochastic modeling and the singular value decomposition.


4. By using Lg coda time series with higher signaltonoise ratio from North China telemetry and digital seismic network during the period from 1989 to 1998 (ML≥3.0), the spatial distribution of Lg coda Q (Q=Q0 fη) is obtained with the stacked spectral ratio method through pretreatments of filtering and eliminating background noise.


5. So a story, I want to know a coda very much, but he tells me, he will tell mine next time.


6. coda的近义词

6. Coda estimates a cost of about $3 per 100 miles.


7. coda

7. Still, it was a happy coda to a difficult week for US debt markets.



8. Coda said its sedan will have a driving range of 100 to 120 miles on a full charge.



9. I am a proud CODA. My parents attended the California School for the Deaf in Berkeley, California.


10. The book is divided into 19 chapters, with a prelude, coda, bibliography and index.


11. coda的近义词

11. Coda Automotive is a new car company based in California that will make all electric cars.



12. By using the digital data recorded by xi'an digital telemetry seismic network, the temporal change in coda Q before and after Linyi earthquake with ML5.0 in July, 1998 is determined through the method for half period of the first arrival P wave.

引言 地震发生在地壳介质中,由于地壳介质的非弹性,地震波在传播过程中会发生能量的吸收和散射,造成在地震波传播方向上Q值的变化,而从震源处发出的地震波必然要携带出孕震区和传播路径上的介质特性信息。

13. The results show that there exists obvious non uniformity of coda attenuation ratio β given by the two stations in small region.


14. coda

14. The codA gene encodes cytosine deaminase, which can deaminate nontoxic compound 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) to the highly cytotoxic compound 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). 5-FU can influence the cells survival through interference with the synthesis metabolism of the RNA and DNA.


15. CODA01A4: Not exactly free rental, but for those who regularly rent movie or video game Movie Gallery, it`s effectively half price discount.


16. There are no marks of punctuation, but the skilled reader was guided into the sense by stichometric, or verse-like, arrangement into coda and commata, which correspond roughly to the principal and dependent clauses of a sentence.

有没有标志的标点符号,但熟练的读者被引导到意识,由stichometric ,或韵文样,安排到尾波和commata ,对应大致本金并依赖第一个句子。

17. Coda Plastics, one of the largest independently owned producers of injection moulded caps/closures and roll-on deodorants in the UK, is actively developing its businesses across Europe.


18. Moreover, no target DNA sequence of rice endogenous sucrose phosphate synthase gene or exogenous choline oxidase gene were detected in different organs except for the stomach, gastrointestinal and rectum contents, and no genetic horizontal transformed were observed in rats fed with transgenic rice.


19. coda

19. The codA gene for choline oxidase, which converts choline into betaine and cloned from a soil bacterium Arthrobactor globiformis, now has been transformated and expressed in tobacco by the Agrobatcterium-method through the binary plasmid pGAH/codA.


20. coda

20. The rhyme inventory only has one nasal coda and one glottal stop coda.


coda 词典解释

1. (书或演讲的)结尾,结束语

A coda is a separate passage at the end of something such as a book or a speech that finishes it off.


2. (乐曲的)尾声,结束乐段

In music, a coda is the final part of a fairly long piece of music which is added in order to finish it off in a pleasing way.

coda 单语例句coda在线翻译

1. The car will be sold in North America under the Coda brand and in China with the Great Wall marque.

2. The agreement calls for Coda to provide the electric powertrain for the vehicle, with the rest built by Great Wall.

3. And then Jagger handed off the mic to Obama for his presidential coda.

codacoda 英英释义


1. the closing section of a musical composition

Synonym: finale