

smut:[英 [smʌt] 美 [smʌt] ]


过去式:smutted;   过去分词:smutted;   现在分词:smutting;   复数形式:smuts;

smut 基本解释

名词(一小块)污垢; 煤烟; 淫秽的书籍(故事,谈话等); (禾草、禾谷类的)黑粉病

不及物动词弄脏; 患黑穗病

及物动词弄脏; 使害上黑穗病


smut 相关例句


1. smut在线翻译

1. There is smut on the windows.


2. smut

2. There is a smut dealer just near the high school.


smut 网络解释


1. 黑穗病:除去灰尘糠壳等轻小杂质;用磁铁吸去磁性金属;用水洗机将沙砾及非磁性金属杂质除去;用干式机的摩擦力除去麦粒上的脏质;用洗麦机清洗麦粒上的小毛簇(Tuft)及附着的污物,特别是麦粒腹沟上的污秽,若是有黑穗病(Smut)则加入石灰清洗.

2. 黑粉病:为害寄主植物时,通常在发病部位形成黑色粉状物的病征,所引起的病害一般称作黑粉病(smut). 黑粉菌主要是以双核的菌丝体在寄主的细胞间寄生,一般有吸器伸人寄主细胞内,有的在菌丝体上有锁状联合. 到寄生的后期,

3. 黑粉菌:sibling 同胞 | smut 黑粉菌 | snurposome 核内小核糖核蛋白体

4. smut

4. 煤尘:smugness 装模做样 | smut 煤尘 | smutch 污迹

smut 双语例句

1. Pairwise sequence comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequences encoded by CmRV as well as phylogentic analysis indicated that it is more closely related to the totiviruses that infect filamentous fungi than to those infecting protozoa, yeast and smut fungi.


2. The study of increase of the number of chlamydospore, the rice more damaged for false smut of rice in the field.


3. The chlamydospore are mostly factor for boot stage for false smut of rice.


4. In 2007 and 2008, 302 new maize varieties from Yunnan Province were identified for their head smut resistance by the inoculation with soil carrying 1% teliospore in two disease nurseries.


5. Its main Chinese competitor, Baidu, is just as good at finding smut.


6. smut在线翻译

6. I don't think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny.


7. We are also the coarse smut of beasts, vegetables, minerals


8. There`s nothing wrong with a bit of smut occasionally.


9. Because we're going to abolish Canadian smut.


10. A common smut attacking Indian corn causing grayish white swellings that rupture to expose a black spore mass.



11. Trypsin method was used in combination with sevage method while getting rid of the protein, corn smut fungus'thick polysaccharide purification effect was better than the method of sevage method.


12. The results showed that 9 pathogen collections of Sporisorium reilianum were divided into 3 pathogenic types in which there were type A with high pathogenicity, type B with moderate pathogenicity and C with weak pathogenicity. Type A were originated in most important corn-grown areas including Changchun, Jilin, Gongzuling and Changling where corn head smut usually occurs severely, type B were collected from Siping, Tonghua, Songyuan, Yanbian, and type C were collected from Baicheng where corn head smut usually occurs very lightly.


13. Resistance: high resistance to falling over, the northern Blight of corn, the grey leaf spot of corn head smut and maize Borer.


14. Identification of disease and pest resistance was done by Institute of Plant Protection, Hebei Academy of Agricultural Science, and the variety demonstrated resistance to southern blight leaf; mid-resistance to stalk rot, corn Curvularia leaf spot; high resistance to northern blight leaf, corn smut, corn dwarf mosaic; and sensitive to corn borer.


15. Corn smut ustilago maydis


16. We also analyzed the processes of secretion of Ustiloxin A in culture medium and in false smut ball in the field by immuno-gold labeling.


17. YaJin-3:134-day growth period in Beijing, 320centimeters high, stem diameter of 2.1cm, polysaccharide and succulent, stem juice content of 65%, sugar Brix of 18.6%; per-mu yield of 5454 kg and per-mu grain yield of 380kg; Resistant to leaf disease, barren land, saline-alkali, lodging and immune to smut.

雅3号甜高粱,北京生育期134天,株高320厘米,茎粗2.1厘米,茎秆多糖多汁,茎汁含量65%,茎秆含糖锤度18.6%,2007年在全国14个试验点中鲜重平均亩产5454 kg,籽粒平均亩产380kg。

18. Other diseases might be caused by fungus which attacks the plant in the form of a mold or smut or rust.


19. In the recent years, we extended widely the new methods controlling rice kernel smut disease, of which Kanghei 95 was as the center. As a result, significant social and economic benefits were achieved.


20. Rice kernel smut is a kind of common disease on hybrid rice which is causedby Neovossia horrida fungus.


smut 词典解释

1. 污言秽语;淫秽作品(或图片)

If you refer to words or pictures that are related to sex as smut, you disapprove of them because you think they are rude and unpleasant and have been said or published just to shock or excite people.

e.g. I find the media's growing obsession with smut and sensation deplorable.


e.g. ...schoolboy smut.


2. (煤烟之类的)脏东西

Smut or smuts is dirt such as soot which makes a dirty mark on something.


smut 单语例句

1. Someone I knew from grad school used to trot out political slogans and - with a wink - turn them into smut.

smut 英英释义


1. creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire

Synonym: pornographypornopornerotica

2. an offensive or indecent word or phrase

Synonym: obscenityvulgarismfilthdirty word

3. any fungus of the order Ustilaginales

Synonym: smut fungus

4. destructive diseases of plants (especially cereal grasses) caused by fungi that produce black powdery masses of spores

5. a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink

Synonym: carbon blacklampblacksootcrock


1. affect with smut or mildew, as of a crop such as corn

2. become affected with smut

e.g. the corn smutted and could not be eaten

3. stain with a dirty substance, such as soot

4. make obscene

e.g. This line in the play smuts the entire act