

opacity:[英 [əʊˈpæsəti] 美 [oʊˈpæsəti] ]



opacity 基本解释

名词不透明性; 费解; 难懂; 模糊


opacity 网络解释

1. opacity

1. (不透明贴图):因为这种贴图方法是使用位图的黑白灰度值产生效果的,所以它的应用很广,不单单可以用在不透明贴图(opacity)上. 还可以使用于高光级别贴图(specular level)、凹凸贴图(bump)、自发光贴图(self-illumination)等等几乎MAX中所有的贴图.

2. opacity的意思

2. 透明度:并且自动生成运动表达式(Expressions)从而快捷实现图层之间精确的运动控制,比如用layer1层的位置属性的变化去控制Layer2层的放大或透明度. 先预览效果:2、打开3D开关,设置为3D层,展开Transform,设置轴心点(AnchorPoint)为(0,0,0),透明度(Opacity)为0%.

3. 不透明性:乳光(opalescence):是一种类型的二向色性(Dichroism),看上去象是在高胶态系统(Dispersed systems)中存在着一些不透明性(Opacity). 此种物质在入射光方向观察呈现为微黄-红色,在 折射光方向观察呈现出蓝色,其特性为折射光与入射光正交,

opacity 双语例句

1. opacity的翻译

1. In newsprint used, the important question is business card printing and membership card making opacity.


2. The opacity of white mulch will determine whether or not an herbicide is necessary to control weed growth.


3. This is especially true of attempts to put the Analects into another language because of the open-endedness and opacity of the text as well as the huge differences in language and culture between China and the West.


4. opacity什么意思

4. Then, use a large, soft eraser brush at a low opacity to erase away the left and right edges of your wooden panel, fading it gradually into your wooden background.


5. Opacity is due to crazes in the resin.


6. Results:High quality VR- 3D images will be obtained by selecting 2 or 3 objects, appropriate range of attenuation value and opacity%.


7. The opacity of the adhensives is related to it's thickness positively, and Panavia 21 has the largest opacety.

粘固剂的遮色力与其厚度呈正相关,Panavia 21粘固剂具有最大的遮色力。

8. Shanxi mature vinegar old also has not precipitate, not opacity, not the characteristics of Health White Paper, the longer the storage time for good.


9. Using the Eraser tool with varying sizes and opacity fade off the top portion of each letter.


10. English idioms form an essential component part of the general vocabulary of English language and one of the most difficult areas of foreign language teaching and learning for EFL teachers and students due to its features, such as fixed structure, semantic integrity and opacity.


11. Select 2nd and 6th frame. Change the opacity of inner most radial wave layer to 100%.


12. Surface rendering algorithms use micro-surfaces to fit the objects surface, the results of which just show the outer surfaces of tissues, can not display the inner structures in deep levels; Direct Volume Rendering algorithms use voxels to construct objects, and the intact three dimensional information of human tissues can be reserved, but due to the difficulty of setting Opacity Transformer Function. which is caused by voxels masking off each other, that makes DVR rendering results usually only show the outer structures of tissues.

面绘制算法通过生成面片来拟合物体表面,绘制结果只能展现人体组织表面信息,而无法表达数据场中深层次人体组织的三维结构;直接体绘制算法通过体素单元来构造绘制对象,在数据场中完整的保留了人体组织三维信息,但是在绘制过程中难以恰当的设置阻光度传递函数(Opacity Transformer Function,OTF)解决体素点相互遮挡的问题,所以直接体绘制算法的绘制结果往往也只能展现人体组织表面的三维结构。

13. I have lowered the opacity of the layer with details in the back.


14. opacity什么意思

14. Ap- propriate amount of internal or external EGR decreased smoke opacity effectively during cold start.


15. Add another layer of fabrics, adjust the opacity of both layers, add more coverage to high lights and surfaces looked at from a sharp angle, and define the outline with brighter lines.


16. Diagnosis: Pulmonary hemorrhage resulting from Goodpasture's syndrome, presenting with ground-glass opacity.


17. Pathology Opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, causing impairment of vision or blindness.


18. The opacity of frosted glass is used in making glass windows for the toilet.



19. Crystallins are the major structural protein of the lens. Mutation in the crystallin genes can result in lens opacity.



20. Therefore, it is quite necessary to continuously monitor fouling degree on heat transfer surface during boiler operation and give advisory to initiate sootblowing under proper operational conditions. The basic requirement for optimal sootblowing is to maintain normal state of heating surface and reduce the steam consumption to practical minimum. Intelligent adjustment of the cleaning schedule according to the actual cleaning need becomes the means of achieving our primary goal, increased boiler efficiency and reduced opacity.


opacity 词典解释

1. 模糊;不透明

Opacity is the quality of being difficult to see through.


e.g. Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins...


e.g. He insisted that the mineral content of the water determined the opacity.


2. 费解;难懂;晦涩

If you refer to something's opacity, you mean that it is difficult to understand.

e.g. Its dramatic nuances were often generalised to the point of opacity.


opacity 单语例句

1. Opacity in the description of violations and penalties can be a refuge for offenders, especially for those who enjoy the backing powerful leaders.

2. Opacity of information does more harm than good to society, Zhan says.

3. The AmCham report gave a list of Shanghai's seven key disadvantages, including regulatory opacity and a limited use of sophisticated financial products.

4. Investors also blamed their losses on insider trading and opacity of fund companies.

5. When he warmed up the lenses and beamed his device, light scattering differed with the lens'changing opacity.

opacity 英英释义


1. the quality of being opaque to a degree

the degree to which something reduces the passage of light

Synonym: opaqueness

2. incomprehensibility resulting from obscurity of meaning

Synonym: opaqueness

3. the phenomenon of not permitting the passage of electromagnetic radiation