

manner:[英 [ˈmænə(r)] 美 [ˈmænɚ] ]



manner 基本解释


名词方式,方法,做法; 态度,样子,举止; 礼貌,规矩; 风俗,习惯,惯例,生活方式

manner 相关词组

1. in a manner of speaking : 不妨说;

2. all manner of : 各种各类的;

3. not by any manner of means : 绝不, 决不;

4. in this manner : 如此;

5. to the manner born : 从小就习惯;

6. in like manner : 同样地;

manner 相关例句


1. We walked in a leisurely manner, looking in all the windows.



2. She has written a book on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians.


3. Mind your manners.


4. manner什么意思

4. Why are you talking in such a strange manner?


5. He had an absent-minded manner.


manner 情景对话



B:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?



A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across.


manner 网络解释

1. 方法:他是在叶尔(Hyeres)海滨,据他在那几天的日记里所描写的看(matter)与表现方法(manner)都到了化境的水花,与每一颗都晶莹透剔,又:坡特(KatherineAnnePerer)生于1894 年,为美国当代第一流文章附注:大卫 加奈特(David Garnet)英国当代小说家.


2. 礼貌:因为我认为它不仅包含礼貌(manner)而已,还包括我们做事情所依循的方式,它的范围比讨论社会行为规范的专门论著还广......不管身处在哪一种社会,人们都必须学习社会上普遍接受的相处方式.

3. 风格:与此同时,一个基本的战略常识是在国际政治中,言论和风格(manner)与实际行动一样重要,往往甚至更重要. 可以确信,明智的中国政府将来不会舍弃和平发展,至少是因为约30年来的国家实践证明,这是对中国非常有利甚至唯一有利的大战略,

manner 双语例句

1. manner的解释

1. Yangbajing China's Tibet and Yunnan Tengchong geothermal field, also in this manner in the tropics.


2. Each folder can be expanded in Explorer-like manner to view the...


3. Your pleasant manner towards life is the best evaluation towards longxing.


4. At this time she is described as being tall, graceful and pleasant, with a sweet smile and a friendly manner.


5. manner的翻译

5. Lung tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and examined under a light microscope to perform the histopathological examination. We found that RSV infection could rapidly upregulate the lung expression levels of both TLR7 and TLR3 gene in a time-dependent manner, furthermore, the response of TLR7 to RSV (1 h) was prior to that of TLR3 (4 h).

我们发现,RSV感染早期能快速上调TLR7和TLR3的基因表达水平,与正常组相比,其升高有显著性差异,并与RSV感染之间存在时间依赖关系;TLR7的反应(RSV感染1h)早于TLR3(RSV感染4 h)。

6. Based on these results and inferred to related reports from other labratories, it was possible to make some analyses and conclusions or inferrences:(1) CD〓AK with tumoricidal activity were induced and expanded in number througth costimulation of PBMC with anti-CD〓 McAb. and r IL-2; (2) CD〓AK induced and expanded in such manner did exibit more potent proliferation·ability and cytotoxicity which maintained for lonser time than those of LAK cells, thus CD〓AK was a new variety of antitumor effector cells worth to be explored; (3) CD〓AK could mediate MHC nonrestricted cytotoxicity and kill tumor target cells through inducing necrosis and apoptosis; (4) Normal mature lymphocytes of PBMC could be induced to proliferate and /or to die from apoptosis when they were costimulated by anti-CD〓McAb and rIL-2. Both proliferation and apoptosis were existing in the same cultivation system sugsesting that the presence of rIL- 2 might provide some accessary signals for apoptosis.


7. The third solution is for the acquirer to go ahead with the acquisition, but then subsequently repurchase a quantity of shares equal to the number issued in the merger. In this manner, what originally was a stock-for-stock merger can be converted, effectively, into a cash-for-stock acquisition. Repurchases of this kind are damage-repair moves. Regular readers will correctly guess that we much prefer repurchases that directly enhance the wealth of owners instead of repurchases that merely repair previous damage. Scoring touchdowns is more exhilarating than recovering one`s fumbles. But, when a fumble has occurred, recovery is important and we heartily recommend damage-repair repurchases that turn a bad stock deal into a fair cash deal.


8. He is a person with graceful manner and resolute action.


9. He has made his behavior and manner graceful and perfect


10. I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there feeling somewhat confused by the food.


11. manner是什么意思

11. Finally, you'll understand how C# uses exceptions to handle errors in a graceful, easy-to-use manner.


12. One reason might be that when we do apologize, it's accepted in a less? than? graceful manner.


13. Her big hip and graceful manner always makes my dick raise high.



14. My family`s wooden desk for the yellow, is now a corner of the door, because they do not care are placed side by side, electric heating baking has changed color, please help on how to make change back or to use other manner as the original wooden table with color.


15. manner是什么意思

15. You would do well to reconsider taunting me in this manner, madam.



16. You would do well to reconsider taunting me in this manner, sir.


17. It is normal practice, therefore, to machine the undercut form into a separate bush, and mount the bush into the mould plate in a similar manner to that of a circular core insert.


18. According to the rules, a defender has to assume his position before the offensive player has left the floor, and also in such a manner as to allow the offensive player enough room to change direction without making contact.


19. I created the score board in a manner very similar to creating the buttons except that the polygon has a fixed size.


20. AVP increased NO contents, NOS activity and iNOS mRNA expressions in a concentration-dependent manner; NF-κB was activated and mobilized from cytoplasm to nucleus in AVP-induced CFs; PDTC, one of the inhibitors of NF-κB, could inhibit aforementioned increments.

结果显示,AVP浓度依赖性(0.001-0.1 μmol/L)地增加CFs的NO含量,提高NOS活性,增加iNOS mRNA表达; AVP能够活化NF-κB,使其由细胞浆转位于细胞核; NF-κB特异性抑制剂吡咯啉烷二甲基硫脲能够抑制AVP诱导的CFs NO含量增加、NOS活性提高和iNOS mRNA表达增加。

manner 词典解释

1. 做法;方式

The manner in which you do something is the way that you do it.

e.g. She smiled again in a friendly manner...


e.g. I'm a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional manner...


2. 用…的方式;以…的风格

If something is done in the manner of something else, it is done in the style of that thing.

e.g. It's a satire somewhat in the manner of Dickens...


e.g. We kissed each other's cheeks in the European manner.


3. 态度;举止

Someone's manner is the way in which they behave and talk when they are with other people, for example whether they are polite, confident, or bad-tempered.

e.g. His manner was self-assured and brusque...


e.g. Her manner offstage, like her manner on, is somewhat surly.



Forrest was normally mild-mannered, affable, and untalkative...


The British are considered ill-mannered, badly dressed and unsophisticated.


4. 有礼貌/没礼貌

If someone has good manners, they are polite and observe social customs. If someone has bad manners, they are impolite and do not observe these customs.


e.g. He dressed well and had impeccable manners...


e.g. The manners of many doctors were appalling...


5. see also: bedside manner;table manners

6. 各种各样的;形形色色的

If you refer to all manner of objects or people, you are talking about objects or people of many different kinds.

e.g. Mr Winchester is impressively knowledgeable about all manner of things.


e.g. ...her pictures of all manner of wildlife.


7. 不妨说;也可以说;从某种意义上说

You say in a manner of speaking to indicate that what you have just said is true, but not absolutely or exactly true.

e.g. An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking...


e.g. 'You said she was a poor widow lady!' — 'In a manner of speaking she is,' Alison said.


8. (指人或物非同寻常或未知的)什么样的

You use what manner of to suggest that the person or thing you are about to mention is of an unusual or unknown kind.

e.g. There was much curiosity about what manner of man he was...


e.g. What manner of place is this?


manner 单语例句

1. The government has said the council will act in a manner similar to associations for professions like medicine or law.

2. We act in strict compliance with the authorization, and exploit digital copies of the works in a reasonable and legal manner.

3. It is not about confrontation and coercion in the form of hitting, but rather about understanding and acting in a considerate manner in relation to that unity.

4. Why would you behave in a manner that we might call hasty later on?

5. Chen urged the center to play an active role in helping authorities make decisions regarding food safety in a scientific manner.

6. Pelosi said she and the US lawmakers would exchange views with China in a candid and open manner to boost bilateral ties.

7. This would allow banks to play a bigger role in product development and pricing, and promote capital account convertibility of renminbi in an orderly manner.

8. The bar in the grand hall is arranged in a carefree and lighthearted manner to enable customers to relax while drinking tea or meeting guests.

9. Consequently, it is better not to behave in too carefree a manner in public.

10. No, he must caress it in the manner suggestive of a stripper.

manner 英英释义


1. a way of acting or behaving

Synonym: personal manner

2. how something is done or how it happens

e.g. her dignified manner

his rapid manner of talking

their nomadic mode of existence

in the characteristic New York style

a lonely way of life

in an abrasive fashion

Synonym: modestylewayfashion

3. a kind

e.g. what manner of man are you?