

flit:[英 [flɪt] 美 [flɪt] ]


过去式:flitted;   过去分词:flitted;   现在分词:flitting;

flit 基本解释

不及物动词轻快地掠过; 突然换位; 迁移,离开; 死亡

名词飞掠; 夜逃; 偷偷搬家; 〈非〉古怪的人

flit 相关例句


1. The clouds flitted across the sky.


2. The birds flitted from branch to branch.


3. Bees were flitting from flower to flower.


4. Fancies flitted through my mind.


flit 网络解释

1. 掠过:flirt 调情 | flit 掠过 | float 漂浮

2. 迅速飞过:flirt 轻浮的行为 | flit 迅速飞过 | flint 硬的

3. 快速移動,飛逝,掠過:flinch 因疼痛而退縮,預期會遇到不適而不自覺的繃緊肌肉 | flit 快速移動,飛逝,掠過 | flotsam 漂於海上之遇難船貨或殘骸,流動人口

4. flit:fault location by interpretive testing; 解译测试故障定位

flit 双语例句

1. 5Patients had ≥10 degrees subjective excyclotropia with double Maddox rod test and 5 patients were not cooperative with subjective tests and showed no improvement of their head flit after wearing prism to neutralize vertical deviations.


2. Watch elusive leafy sea-dragons, blue devils, and harlequin flit between towering coral walls and red, orange and white sponges.


3. flit的近义词

3. It is like going down a flight of stairs rapidly. Pay no attention to the movement of your feet, and they flit over the steps with never a sign of hesitancy or faltering. But try to watch them step by step, and you will either have to slow up or you will presently miss a step, stumble or fall.


4. flit在线翻译

4. Occasionally, when the sunset colours were reflected on the water, I would stroll along a quiet sector of the lakeside green grass aster the rain and watch the twittering birds flit among the branches of the trees.


5. They swarmed like bees that sally from some hollow cave and flit in countless throng among the spring flowers, bunched in knots and clusters; even so did the mighty multitude pour from ships and tents to the assembly, and range themselves upon the wide-watered shore, while among them ran Wildfire Rumour, messenger of Jove, urging them ever to the fore.


6. flit什么意思

6. In a quiet area just off bustling Ankeng Road in Hsintien, butterflies flit gracefully through the air.


7. They glide across the water to pick us up, then we're off again, high above the river - sparkling and aquamarine now, with stretches of white glacial silt - watching our own shadow flit across the land and tree tops.


8. Though they are uniformly young, white and Aryan, somehow they flit past the keepers of political correctness.


9. If you let it, the mind will happily wander and flit about as it chooses.


10. He turned round and saw a shadow flit by.


11. They are never content with doing only one thing at a time, and they flit from project to project purposelessly.


12. Result: Readers are unlikely to find them useful and therefore don't flit from new articles to old ones as much as I'd like.



13. They thus tend to flit from activity to activity.


14. They flit from byre to stable and ride unbroken foals


15. Shadows flit o'er her temples, As frosty winds blow her hair.



16. When I realize they go in such a hurry, I stretch out my hands to hold them back, but they also pass my hands; when I lie in bed at night, they quickly stride over my body and flit past my feet; when I open my eyes to meet the sun again, one more day is gone.



17. Do a moonlight flit to leave secretly, especially to avoid paying money that you owe


18. Shang et al. [3] report that 82.4% of the network power is consumed by the links in a 2-dimensional mesh topology with wormhole routing, 32 bit flits, 2 virtual channels and 128 flit buffers per input port.


19. When you turn, follow the room around with your vision and don't allow it to flit from one view to another.


20. People who are not used to brands flit easily from one to another.


flit 词典解释

1. 辗转;穿梭

If you flit around or flit between one place and another, you go to lots of places without staying for very long in any of them.

e.g. Laura flits about New York hailing taxis at every opportunity...


e.g. He spends his time flitting between Florence, Rome and Bologna.


2. (在不同情况间)转变,转换

If someone flits from one thing or situation to another, they move or turn their attention from one to the other very quickly.

e.g. She flits from one dance partner to another...


e.g. He's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease.


3. 飞过;掠过;闪过

If something such as a bird or a bat flits about, it flies quickly from one place to another.

e.g. ...the parrot that flits from tree to tree.


4. (表情或念头)闪现,闪过

If an expression flits across your face or an idea flits through your mind, it is there for a short time and then goes again.

e.g. He was unable to prevent a look of interest from flitting across his features...


e.g. Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind.


flit 单语例句flit什么意思

1. Poisonous scorpion and blowfish guard their territory as we swim a safe distance away, while a rainbow of color flit between them in small schools.

2. These arrangements typically involved three legal entities spread across different jurisdictions and included " flee clauses " to flit away at the first hint of investigation.

3. Let the group fitness gadflies flit from belly dancing to body sculpting to circus stunts.

flit 英英释义


1. a secret move (to avoid paying debts)

e.g. they did a moonlight flit

2. a sudden quick movement

Synonym: dart



1. move along rapidly and lightly

skim or dart

e.g. The hummingbird flitted among the branches

Synonym: flutterfleetdart